Are Pokemon weaker if they evolve later?

The level you evolve your pokemon at has no bearing at all on the stats that the evolved pokemon will have. The main reason to evolve at different levels has to do with the moves that pokemon learn.
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Are Pokemon weaker if you wait to evolve them?

Delaying evolution does not cause a stat loss since the power-up gained by evolution is based on level and base stats, a level 100 Raichu will always be stronger than a level 80 Raichu, no matter if one was evolved at level 40 and the other one at level 20, in fact delaying your Pokémon's evolution can even be good, ...
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Is it better to evolve Pokemon early or later Pokemon GO?

Because we cannot predict a Pokémon's move set before evolving it, you should evolve a Pokémon and confirm it has the moves you want before investing your hard-earned Stardust into it. If you evolve first and get a bad/unwanted move set, you'll at least have only used Candies and no Stardust.
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Does stopping your Pokemon from evolving make it stronger?

It's possible, depending on the Pokemon. Their evolutions might have different moves that they don't normally get. But most of the time, the evolution will have the same moves, it'll just get them at a later level. Evolution is generally recommended because your Pokemon gets a big boost to its stats when it occurs.
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Do any Pokemon get worse when they evolve?

In a few strange cases, however, some Pokemon are better off not evolving. In terms of competitive viability, there are several Pokemon that are more useful before they evolve than after. This is usually due to a change in stats, a change in typing or a change in what items the Pokemon can use post-evolution.
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Is it better to evolve Pokémon late?

Evolved Pokémon often learn particular moves at later levels than unevolved Pokémon, or they might learn different moves altogether. Although evolved Pokémon's moves are generally more powerful, some Trainers may want to wait to evolve their Pokémon until it learns a certain favorite move.
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When should I stop my Pokémon from evolving?

So you can learn some moves faster by not evolving until it's learned. Three: A few Pokemon have some moves they can only learn before they evolve, even if the level they learn it is after when they would normally evolve. So if you want to know that move, you need to avoid evolving until after it's learned.
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Is there a downside to not evolving Pokemon?

While trainers are free to pass on the option to evolve their Pokémon, doing so comes with its own set of challenges. Unevolved Pokémon have to train twice as hard just to keep up with evolved Pokémon, as their stats gain fewer boosts when they level.
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Should I max CP before evolving?

If you have a Pokemon that is in the highest or second highest IV tier, it really is not that far away from perfect Max CP. So evolving a Pokemon with IV's in the first or second tier is a good idea, you don't need to wait for the perfect IV's. Never power up a Pokémon before evolving it!
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What are the benefits of not evolving Pokemon right away?

with certain pokemon, you can get moves earlier if their not evolved. for example: Growlithe normally evolves into Arcanine before it learns flamethrower. If you dont evolve Growlithe, it can learn flamethrower at a lower level than it would have if it evolved into Arcanine.
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Is it better to evolve higher CP or IV?

CP you can change by powering up the Pokemon, IVs cannot be changed, so higher IVs always have priority over high CP. The most ideal situation would be both, of course. Higher IVs will naturally give you a higher CP pokemon once it's fully evolved and powered up.
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What are the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon go?

The statistic indicates that as of July 2021, the Shiny Shadow Omanyte is considered the rarest Pokemon in the mobile game, Pokemon Go. This means that among all the different Pokemon species available in the game, the Shiny Shadow Omanyte is the hardest to find and obtain.
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Does higher CP mean better Pokemon?

A Pokémon with a higher CP will perform better than one with a lower CP. While you can use type advantages in a lot of instances to help you take down a Pokémon with a higher CP, if there's too big a difference it won't do you any good.
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Should I stop Charmander from evolving?

Evolution boosts stats, but when they evolve does not. And unevolved pokemon level up as fast as their evolutions. In Charmander's case, he learns Flamethrower so quickly that there's no reason to let him unevolved. The stats should recalculate when you evolve, so you don't "miss" stats by evolving late.
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Is it better to evolve Pokémon with higher CP or HP?

It pays to keep and evolve only the best Pokémon you find. In general, you want higher CP Pokémon to evolve over lower CP Pokémon, but just because a Pokémon has a high CP doesn't mean it's actually very good.
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Should I power up before purifying Pokémon?

You can purify a Shadow Pokémon at any point, though it's best to do so before you power it up and accidentally burn through your hard-earned Candy and Stardust. It will cost you both Candy and Stardust to purify your Pokémon, and the amount is different depending on the Pokémon.
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Do you find better Pokémon at higher levels?

This is answered in game as well, the higher your trainer Level the higher CP wild pokemon will be. It's also the reason why if you traded high LEVELED pokemon to a new trainer it's level will be reduced.
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Is it easier to level up Unevolved Pokemon?

In PRO, unevolved Pokemon require less EXP to level up. Raising unevolved Pokemon is thus much faster than raising evolved Pokemon, since the EXP curve is more steep as well. The caveat is that if you accidentally forget to evolve your Pokemon, they will not be able to evolve.
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Is it better to not evolve Pikachu?

The only reason to ever wait to evolve would be certain item-based evolutions might have moves only available before evolving. But that's not a thing anymore. That's not a good reason. It's easy enough to catch another Pikachu to do the other research tasks.
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What level should I let my Pokemon evolve?

It doesn't matter when for that. The only thing you need to be aware of is moves. If a Pokemon learns a move at a certain level, but you evolve it before it hits that level, and the evolution does NOT learn that move, then the move is lost forever, and cannot be relearned by the move relearner.
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Should I evolve Pokemon before level 30?

It honestly depends on your patience. I believe that Pokemon you can catch will max out on the CP they can give by level 30. Basically, this means that up until level 30 Pokemon you see in the wild will grow stronger every level... but the Pokemon you catch at 40 will be the same as 30-39 in terms of max potential.
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Can you Unevolve a Pokemon?

Can you un-evolve a pokemon? Can you bring it back to it's first stage? No. You can prevent it from evolving by pressing cancel when its evolving or making it hold an everstone.
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What does 3 * 4 * mean in Pokemon GO?

3* = 3 Stars. 4* = 3 Stars with a red background / 100% Pokémon.
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Should you purify Shadow Pokemon?

Shadow Pokemon works as angry Pokemon and will deal damage more faster then Normal or Purified Pokemon. The attack power of a Shadow Pokemon is boosted by 1.2x or 20%, making its fast attack hit significantly harder. So it's better to keep them unpurified.
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