Can a cleric not worship a god?

Rather than worship a god, a cleric could worship an ideal and gain the same reward. He could worship the mountains, or the sky, or the act of war, or himself. He could even worship a slain obyrith lord.
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Does a cleric have to worship a god?

Clerics are driven by their faith; that faith gives them the connection to the source of magic that they need. Sometimes the source will be a divinity, and sometimes that faith will be in a divinity, but neither is mechanically necessary. The narrative point is up to the DM. No, a cleric doesn't need to worship a god.
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Can a cleric be non religious?

Clerics of Atheism are non-believers - many of whom often wouldn't even consider themselves to be true clerics at all. Some are priests who have grown disillusioned by their religion, others are philosophers who seek to question 'what is divinity? '
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What happens if a cleric rejects their god?

Mechanically, nothing. Narratively it depends on whether the god cares about the character actively worshipping them or not. If they don't care, nothing. If they do care, they'd lose their powers.
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What happens if a cleric stops believing?

Sometimes they lose their powers temporarily. Other times nothing happens because the cleric may be a pantheonist who believes in many gods. Other times, the cleric may need to do some story line quest or lose powers.
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Clerics without Gods? - Todd Talks - With Jim Davis

Are clerics always religious?

The title mullah (a Persian variation of the Arabic maula, "master"), commonly translated "cleric" in the West and thought to be analogous to "priest" or "rabbi", is a title of address for any educated or respected figure, not even necessarily (though frequently) religious.
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Can clerics lose their power?

So yes, the rules for clerics losing their powers are the same as that for paladins - there isn't anything within the rules.
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Can a cleric worship themselves?

A Self Worship Cleric must select themselves as their deity. The Self Worship Cleric can use their Charisma modifier in place of their Wisdom modifier to determine the strength of all of their domain abilities and use it as their spellcasting score.
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Can a cleric be evil?

Can clerics be evil? It's a common misconception that classes such as clerics and Paladins - the types that get their powers from worship and oaths - are all goody two-shoes. On the contrary, clerics can walk a very dark path, as long as they have the right deity to guide them along the way.
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Can a cleric choose any deity?

Clerics get their powers from their domain, there is nothing in the Player Handbook that says a Cleric must pick a deity, only that they must pick a domain.
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Can you be a priest and not believe in god?

Non-belief among clergymen is not always perceived as a problem. Some follow the tradition of "Christian non-realism", most famously expounded in the United Kingdom by Don Cupitt in the 1980s, which holds that God is a symbol or metaphor and that religious language is not matched by a transcendent reality.
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Do clerics have to be celibate?

Vows of celibacy are generally required for monks and nuns in Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and other religions, but often not for other clergy.
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Who do clerics worship?

A cleric can worship a “cause" rather than a specific deity. A cause is usually an alignment, half of an alignment, (Good, Chaotic, etc.) or a domain, but it's description is ambiguous. Istishia, or the plight thereof, may be your cause. You could alternatively make the domain of Water your cause.
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Can a cleric cast without a holy symbol?

No. By the rules, you don't require a holy symbol to cast any V (verbal) or S (somatic) spells, and you can cast any spell with a material component, using the component listed. Most clerical and paladin spells do not have M (material) components.
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Do clerics have to worship a god pathfinder?

Characters who do not receive powers from a divine source may choose to be atheists or to have no deity at all. In Golarion, and PFS, a cleric must select a deity. For other worlds, or home games, non-deity specific clerics are the purview of the individual GM's.
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Can a cleric heal himself?

Yes, clerics can heal themselves in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). As a class feature, clerics have the ability to cast healing spells on themselves or others, depending on the spell they choose to use.
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What is a dark cleric?

Description. Clerics in Dark and Darker are devoted followers of a deity, who use their faith and divine magic to aid their allies and smite their enemies. They can heal wounds, and cleanse curses. They can also channel their deity's power to deal radiant damage to undead and other evil creatures.
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What race is a good cleric?

Roleplay-wise, the aasimar race is ideal for clerics, since they're descended from divine beings and have physical appearances and racial features to match. Aasimar naturally resist both necrotic and radiant damage, protecting a vulnerable cleric from many ranged attacks, and they have darkvision, too.
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What powers do clerics have?

Clerics are powerful healers due to the large number of healing and curative magics available to them. With divinely-granted abilities over life or death, they are also able to repel or control undead creatures.
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Can a cleric get married?

Clerical marriage is the practice of allowing Christian clergy (those who have already been ordained) to marry. This practice is distinct from allowing married persons to become clergy. Clerical marriage is admitted among Protestants, including both Anglicans and Lutherans.
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Can a cleric be female?

Being a female cleric can vary greatly depending on the religious tradition and community in which one serves. In some religious communities, women are not allowed to serve as clerics or may have limited roles. In other communities, women may hold the same roles and responsibilities as male clerics.
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Can a cleric have two gods?

However, the historical approach works well for the early and classic games, where clerics aren't dedicated to a single god, but receive their powers from their general faith— so in a Greek pantheon game, the cleric wouldn't be dedicated to Zeus, but would call upon each god as needed, or all of them.
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Can a cleric turn a Lich?

Historically, any spellcaster who was a high enough level could become a lich, even one you wouldn't normally associate with undeath, like a druid or bard.
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Are clerics stronger than Paladins?

A paladin can easily function as the party's face, able to make social skill checks with ease. While their spells are not as powerful as the cleric's, paladins' innate abilities further cement them as great leaders.
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Do clerics have spell failure?

Arcane spell failure only applies to spells cast by an arcane class. A cleric never has to worry about arcane spell failure for any cleric spell they cast. This even applies to wizard/sorcerer spells they gain from domains, they are still considered 'divine' for that cleric.
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