Can a cleric put their holy symbol on their shield?

Clerics have been able to use shields in every edition of D&D. It was generally understood that this meant the could use non magical armour and shields. It did not say anywhere that they couldn't. In 5th Edition, they can have a holy symbol on their shield and us it as a spell casting focus.
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Can a cleric holy symbol be on a shield?

To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.
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Can a cleric cast without a holy symbol?

No. By the rules, you don't require a holy symbol to cast any V (verbal) or S (somatic) spells, and you can cast any spell with a material component, using the component listed. Most clerical and paladin spells do not have M (material) components.
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Can a cleric use a shield as a focus?

Most spells also have a material component, like spell pouches or spell focus as an alternative. Paladins and clerics can mark their shield with their god to use it as a material component, and while it's in your hand it can be manipulated like a somatic component.
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Can paladin use shield as holy symbol?

Most spellcasting focuses have to be handled, but a holy symbol specifically notes that it can also be worn visibly or emblazoned on a shield. As such, if you are wearing your holy symbol visibly, you do not need a free hand for the material components of your paladin spells.
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D&D Players, What's the most creative use of the Command spell you've seen? #1

Can a paladin have no god?

All that matters is that the paladin truly believes in and sticks to whatever their oath is. Paladins and Clerics don't need gods and the magic of bards doesn't have to be musical.
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Do clerics need a free hand?

Yes they need a free hand, a buckler can be strapped to that arm though. Yes they need a hand free to cast any spells that require somantic components like any other caster.
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What can clerics wield?

All clerics are proficient with simple weapons, which include clubs, maces and slings (blunt weapons) but also includes such sharp weapons as daggers, sickles, spears and light crossbows.
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What cleric subclass does the most damage?

Clerics of the Tempest Domain notably gain the Channel Divinity ability Destructive Wrath, allowing their thunder and lightning attacks to deal their maximum possible damage.
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Can a cleric choose any deity?

Clerics get their powers from their domain, there is nothing in the Player Handbook that says a Cleric must pick a deity, only that they must pick a domain.
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Can a cleric holy symbol be a tattoo?

A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield. With this in mind: The biggest difference that might affect game balance is: an amulet or emblem can be taken/disarmed, a tattoo cannot.
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Can a cleric heal himself?

Yes, clerics can heal themselves in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). As a class feature, clerics have the ability to cast healing spells on themselves or others, depending on the spell they choose to use.
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Can there be evil clerics?

A cleric can indeed serve an evil deity.

Regardless of the deity served, the healing spells remain as a choice to prepare from the cleric spell list.
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Can a cleric cast spells with a shield and sword?

Strictly speaking, any caster can hold a shield and cast a spell, since the question phrasing doesn't require the shield user also to be wielding a one-handed weapon.
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Can a cleric use a holy avenger?

Unlike other weapons on the list, the Holy Avenger requires the attunement of the Paladin. As such, Clerics interested in using the weapon would need to multiclass as a holy knight. However, DMs may make an exception by granting Holy Avenger as a reward from the Cleric's Patron Deity.
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Can clerics not have a god?

Sometimes the source will be a divinity, and sometimes that faith will be in a divinity, but neither is mechanically necessary. The narrative point is up to the DM. No, a cleric doesn't need to worship a god.
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Is a cleric better than a warlock?

It depends on your table's short to long rest ratio. If you DM is allowing you more than 2 short rests per long rest then the warlock is getting the advantage. If you're getting 2 or fewer short rests per long rest then the cleric will get the advantage.
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What race is a good cleric?

Roleplay-wise, the aasimar race is ideal for clerics, since they're descended from divine beings and have physical appearances and racial features to match. Aasimar naturally resist both necrotic and radiant damage, protecting a vulnerable cleric from many ranged attacks, and they have darkvision, too.
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Which cleric is the best healer?

Clerics of the Peace Domain are among the best healing party members in all of D&D. A subclass that focuses on the bonds of one's party, these clerics can improve the saving throws of their allies, and even allow them to take hits for each other.
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Why can't clerics use swords?

It's just that clerics can only use “blunt weapons” because “sharp weapons” shed blood and kill while blunt weapons are nice and safe and don't take lives. It's kind of like how in movies you can hit someone with a baseball bat or a hammer and they'll still be alive nevermind if you smashed their face in.
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Can a cleric use a war hammer?

Warhammer is a Martial weapon and, unless they gain proficiency with this weapon from their domain (like Tempest or War), race (like Dwarf) or Feat, a Cleric cannot initially use a Warhammer.
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Why do clerics use maces?

Maces, being simple to make, cheap, and straightforward in application, were quite common weapons. It is popularly believed that maces were employed by the clergy in warfare to avoid shedding blood (sine effusione sanguinis).
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Is cleric beginner friendly?

As with any class that gains access to spells, there is going to be a fairly steep learning curve compared to more straightforward classes such as the Fighter or Barbarian. Depending on how much the player is willing to invest in learning the game, the Cleric is an excellent choice for someone just starting out.
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What happens if a cleric rejects their god?

Mechanically, nothing. Narratively it depends on whether the god cares about the character actively worshipping them or not. If they don't care, nothing. If they do care, they'd lose their powers.
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Do clerics need armor?

A cleric building for effectiveness never put significant focus on both Dex and Str. They either have a focus on Strength and wear heavy armour, or they have a focus on Dex, wear medium and carry a finesse weapon so they can dump strength.
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