Can Aela turn you into a werewolf again?

Contracting Lycanthropy Again To get your Beast Form back, speak to Aela the Huntress in The Circle. She will bestow her blood to you once again, allowing you to regain your werewolf powers once more. Remember, you can't have vampire blood and werewolf blood simultaneously. You have to pick one or the other.
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Can you become a werewolf a second time?

Top Voted Answer

You can become a werewolf again only if you have the Dawnguard DLC (you need to ask Aela). If you cure yourself a second time, you will *never* be able to become a werewolf again.
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How many times can you transform into a werewolf in Skyrim?

The Beast Form greater power can be used once per day to transform into a werewolf for 150 seconds.
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Can you only become a werewolf once?

Unless you have activated the Dawnguard Expansion Pack* (*Aela can give you blood once more) or downloaded a mod, it will be impossible to become a werewolf again.
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Can you marry Aela if you cure yourself?

You have to do the Companion questline, so yes. Although you can cure it later and still marry her.
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What if you transform into werewolf in front of Aela in Jorrvaskr- skyrim

How many times can Aela turn me into a werewolf?

"Aela is able to give lycanthropy again. Points expended toward the Werewolf skill tree cannot be undone or moved to other skill trees, including the Vampire Lord skill tree. She only does so once."
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Can Aela be killed in Skyrim?

Alongside Lydia, Aela is one of the most popular followers in Skyrim. And also like Lydia, Aela can permanently die if players aren't careful enough. Skyrim gives players the freedom to do pretty much whatever they want while they're out exploring, and so most of the characters one comes across can be killed.
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What is the rarest type of werewolf?

Omicron. Omicron werewolves are regarded as the most mysterious and rare werewolf type in existence, having only 7 documented in total. No-one knows how they're made, what their goal is, how they survive, or even if they count as werewolves.
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Can you become a Vampire Lord if you side with the Dawnguard?

You can become a Vampire Lord as part of the quest called Bloodline. You'll be given a choice to continue helping the Dawnguard or join with the vampiric Volkihar clan. Even if you side with the Dawnguard, you can still become a Vampire Lord later, with the help of Serana before she is cured.
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What happens if two werewolves mate?

One curious feature of the condition is that if two werewolves meet and mate at the full moon (a highly unlikely contingency which is known to have occurred only twice) the result of the mating will be wolf cubs which resemble true wolves in everything except their abnormally high intelligence.
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Can Aela be cured?

no. Aela is the one who wants to stay as a werewolf. farkas and vilkas want to be cured though.
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What is the best race for a werewolf in Skyrim?

Undoubtedly, Redguards are the most useful race to play as werewolves, and should definitely be consider for any playthrough.
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What are the disadvantages of being a werewolf in Skyrim?

  • You have to eat people's hearts to gain power. ...
  • You get a 1,000 septim bounty if a citizen sees you transform. ...
  • Followers become hostile when the PC is in werewolf form.
  • You don't get any bonuses from sleeping.
  • You can't pick locks when transformed.
  • You can't loot bodies when transformed.
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Who is in the circle in Skyrim?

The Circle consists of all the major members of The Companions guild, the ones who have beast blood. All members of the Circle are werewolves. By following them, you have the opportunity to become one as well by going through with The Companions Quests.
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Can I become a vampire if I'm a werewolf in Skyrim?

If you play on PC, there are mods for that to make this safe, but on consoles, don't try it. No, you can't be both. As a werewolf you are immune to vampirism and can't contract it, and a vampire is immediately cured of vampirism upon becoming a werewolf.
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Can you stop being a Vampire Lord in Skyrim?

Complete the game's conventional method for a cure, the “Rising at Dawn” quests. Perform a ritual with a mage named Falion to remove the vampirism. Become a werewolf by doing the Companions' faction quests to cure your vampirism and become immune to all diseases in the future.
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Is it better to join the Dawnguard or vampires?

Overall, the physical rewards (weapons, etc) are better if you choose Dawnguard. However, you cannot regularly use the powerful Vampire Lord form until after you've completed the main questline, or else the Dawnguard members will not accept you.
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Will Serana cure her vampirism?

From UESP: "If you side with the Dawnguard, you can convince Serana to cure her vampirism after completing the main questline and leaving Volkihar Cathedral. Convincing her is dependent on the conversations you have with her during the questline.
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How to get Serana to bite you?

Skyrim: How to Activate Dwarven Mechanism

So if you change your mind at the finish line, you can choose the “I want to turn me into a vampire” option. In this case, Serana will bite you and turn you into a vampire, providing you with access to many new abilities.
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What is a golden werewolf?

Gold Wolf, also known as Gold Werewolf and Were Goldwolf, is the Centurion's transformation in the final stage. It is exactly the same as the first transformation (Wolf), just change the colour which is now gold. Attacks: Golden Fire (Fireball) Golden Arrow (Flash Attack)
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Who is an Omega werewolf?

The Omega Werewolf is a rare kind of Werewolf. An Omega is a Beta that is Kicked out of the pack or leaves it of their own accord. The Omegas were well respected by Lycaon, An Elder Werewolf, As they Proved themselves Better at Surviving for Long periods of time than Normal Betas.
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What is the strongest werewolf bloodline?

The Primordials are the most powerful werewolves in existence and no werewolf can match their power, they possess some abilities that normal werewolves don't.
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Does Aela care if you steal?

If you plan on making your character join the Thieves' Guild or the Dark Brotherhood, she'll make for a great friend to tag along. If asked to steal or kill an innocent, Aela is likely to refuse, but she also won't judge the Dragonborn if witnessing them doing either one of those things.
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Is Aela a Stormcloak?

Aela is said to be the greatest archer in all of Skyrim, this becomes evident by how skilled she is in combat. Aela joined the Stormcloaks during the Skyrim Civil War. Aela took part in the Siege of Solitude. After the war, she was inducted into the Heroes of Skyrim.
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Is Aela unkillable?

12 Aela The Huntress Is A Powerful, But Temporary Companion

Indeed, the loyal Companion and passionate member of the Circle can't be killed, allowing players to take advantage of her archery and one-handed weapon skills at all times.
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