Can blocked Roblox players join you?

If a player is blocked on Roblox, can you still play with them? It depends. If the person that is blocked is blocked by you, then the chances are no. In fact I know this is true because I've blocked several people on Roblox, and cannot play any games with them.
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Can blocked players join your party?

According to information obtained on Reddit, several users report that if you have a blocked user, and you enter your friend's party, the person cannot enter without an invitation. In the event that they can enter, both of them will be silenced, that is, they will not be able to hear you and you. neither to him.
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What happens when you are blocked on Roblox?

It can be a little hard to tell, but if someone blocks you, you can't send them a friend request, they can't see your messages and you can't join them. For privacy reasons, Roblox doesn't show who blocked you, so anybody could've blocked you and you wouldn't know.
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Can a blocked Roblox user see your profile?

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How do you permanently block someone on Roblox?

Blocking another user
  1. Visit the user's profile page.
  2. Select the three dots in the upper right corner of the profile details section to open the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Block User option to block a user.
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How To Add Someone When They Blocked You on Roblox [EASY!]

How many reports does it take to get banned on Roblox?

Based from the article below, it says "There's no set number or frequency of reports that'll guarantee a suspension. If a player receives numerous reports but hasn't broken any of our rules or policies, we won't issue an enforcement action against their profile.
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Can you permanently block someone?

The best way to permanently block someone is to call your carrier and add the number to their block list. This way, it is blocked at the network level and never reaches your phone.
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Why can't i unblock someone on Roblox?

Things You Should Know

To unblock someone on Roblox, go to your "Account Settings" → "Privacy" → "Show" blocked users → "Unblock". If you can't unblock someone, you'll need to temporarily disable the Parent Account PIN. To disable the Account PIN, open the "Settings".
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How do you see people you've blocked on Roblox?

Follow these steps if you accidentally blocked a friend or just need to remove someone from your block list:
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to account settings. ...
  3. Select the Privacy tab.
  4. Show Blocked users at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Select Unblock next to the player name.
  6. Select Save.
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How do you know if someone is under 13 on Roblox?

Well, It isnt possible to get the Players Exact Age, but if you want to get a raw estimate of what the Age of a Player is, you use PolicyService:GetPolicyInfoForPlayerAsync() , this function requires you to enter a Player as an Argument, and what it will return is a table saying what is allowed for the Player, check ...
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Why can't I friend someone on Roblox?

You've reached the max friend limit. If you have 200 friends, you must unfriend at least one before friending another person. You've blocked them. You can't friend someone you've blocked until you unblock them.
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Why can't I send a friend request on Roblox?

Note: If you have already sent a Friend Request, you will not be able to send another, and their profile will state "Friend Request Pending."
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Can you be blocked and still be friends?

You aren't. That's the point of being blocked. Blocking is a way to express to someone, “I no longer wish to be contacted by you.” It's a closing of the door. It doesn't matter if you were once close.
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Can you get around being blocked?

For Android, go to Settings > Call Settings > Additional Settings > Caller ID. Then, select Hide Number. Your calls will remain anonymous and you can bypass the blocked list.
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What happens if you are in a server with someone you blocked?

Blocking someone on Discord means they won't be able to send you private messages or ping you. Once they're blocked, any servers you share with the person will hide their messages from you.
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What does pin is locked mean when you try to unblock someone on Roblox?

Interestingly enough, this is because you have a PIN on your account, which prevents you from changing the blocked users list while it's locked.
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How do you unblock a client on Roblox?

Firewall/Security Programs
  1. Find your firewall program's control panel. Often you can find this in the taskbar in the lower right hand corner of your desktop. Otherwise, it is probably in your Windows Control Panel.
  2. Find the program permissions section.
  3. Find Roblox and allow it unrestricted access to the internet.
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Is it OK to block your ex forever?

How long should I keep my ex blocked? There is no time limit for letting your ex be blocked from your personal and social connections. You can block your ex for as long as you want. You're most likely to forget that they're blocked anyway as time passes.
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When you block someone does it block all their accounts?

When you block someone from the Instagram app, it will block their account, other existing accounts they may have or any new accounts they may create. If you choose to block someone's account and other existing accounts they may have or create, this will not apply to other accounts of theirs that you already follow.
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What does * 67 do?

Enter *67 before dialing a number to hide your number from the recipient of the call. Android: Tap Phone > menu > Settings > Calls > Additional Settings > Caller ID > Hide number.
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Does Roblox take reports seriously?

Our Trust and Safety team uses these Standards to moderate content and respond to abuse reports from users. If any users are found to be violating these standards, they may be suspended or removed from the platform.
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Can Roblox ban you for false reporting?

These false reports can lead to: The account's voice chat being revoked for a period of time. The account gets a warning. The account gets banned for a day (or multiple days)
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