Can Carver survive Dragon Age 2?
If Hawke is a warrior or rogue, Carver is killed during the attack on Lothering when he charges an ogre in order to protect Leandra. However, if Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies instead while Carver survives to accompany his family to Kirkwall.Can Carver live in Dragon Age 2?
Its a canon oversight, in da2 carver lives only if you are a mage hawke; otherwise its bethany--double checked with GameSpot.Can both Carver and Bethany survive?
Top Voted Answer. If you bring your sibling along to the Deep Roads, he/she will die unless Anders is also with you, in which case you get the choice of whether or not to kill the sibling yourself to end their suffering, or to make them a Grey Warden.What happens if you take a Carver into the Deep Roads?
As Bethany's twin, Carver also contracts the Taint if he is taken into the Deep Roads without Anders in the party. Likewise, he can be shipped off to the Grey Wardens rather than be left to die.Which sibling survives da2?
Having played all three classes, Bethany survives if Hawke is a warrior or rogue, while Carver survives if Hawke is a mage. Either way, one has to die. No, unfortunately Hawke always loses one sibling at the beginning.Dragon Age 2- Friendship Guide: Carver-Family History
Is there a way to save Carver in Dragon Age 2?
Dragon Age II. If Hawke is a warrior or rogue, Carver is killed during the attack on Lothering when he charges an ogre in order to protect Leandra. However, if Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies instead while Carver survives to accompany his family to Kirkwall.Is Anders a Grey Warden?
Dragon Age II reveals that Anders becomes a Grey Warden and survives the events of Origins – Awakening regardless of the player's choices, but he deserted from the order not long afterwards.What happens if you surrender to Carver?
Firing will have Kenny hit Carver in the shoulder, but not fatally. Carver then gets up and kills Alvin. Carver will then threaten to kill Sarita, to which Kenny surrenders. If they surrender immediately, Alvin will be spared.Does Carver always join the Templars?
In the case of carver if not taken to the deeproads he joins the templars, and will only rejoin you in the end if you side with templars.Can you save your mother in Dragon Age 2?
No matter which option you choose (with Gascard's help or without), there is no way to save your mother from her unfortunate fate. Before Leandra dies, she tells Hawke that she is proud of them.What happens if Bethany becomes a Grey Warden?
If Bethany becomes a Grey Warden, she has very little contact with her family—contacting only Leandra to inform her of her survival and of her continued travels with the Wardens. She resents Hawke for coming out of the Deep Roads unscathed while she almost died and has been permanently changed.Can you save Bethany in Dragon Age 2?
If you take Bethany to the Deeproads, she'll die. If you bring her and Anders into the Deeproads, she leaves your party to become a Grey Warden. If you leave her at home, she's forced to join the Circle. Either way you lose her for most of the game.Who is the bad guy in Dragon Age 2?
Knight-Commander Meredith StannardMeredith is the Knight-Commander of the Templar Order in Kirkwall and the chief antagonist of Dragon Age II. She holds extremist views on the control of magic, and is the ruler of Kirkwall in all but name; the Viscount of Kirkwall, Marlowe Dumar, dare not oppose her.
What happened to Hawke Dragon Age 2?
Dragon Age IIA few days after the disastrous Battle of Ostagar, the Hawke family flees Lothering from the Darkspawn hordes. Although one of Hawke's siblings is killed by the Darkspawn, the group is saved by the timely intervention of the Witch of the Wilds, Flemeth.
What is the best class in Dragon Age 2?
The Mage is Dragon Age 2's best class.Unlike both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age 2 features only one origin. Players step into the shoes of Hawke, a refugee who flees the Fifth Blight as depicted in Dragon Age: Origins, and arrives in the city of Kirkwall.
How old is Hawke at the end of DA2?
During the three-year gap between Acts 1 and 2, Hawke would have 3 birthdays, placing him/her between 23 and 28 at the start of Act 2 and between 24 and 29 at the end of it, and the same goes for between Acts 2 and 3, making Hawke 28-32 by the start of Act 3 and 29-33 by the time you fight Meredith.How much older is Hawke than Bethany?
Bethany and Carver are 18. Therefore, Hawke is Hawke is 19-24. Even though Hawke is in the lower twenties, default male Hawke looks like he is in his 40s.How old is Merrill in Dragon Age 2?
Merrill looked like a young adult in the Dalish origin story of Dragon Age Origins. I'd say about 18. Then there's a one year skip to chapter one of Dragon Age 2, so about 19. Nothing official, though.Do I let Kenny shoot Carver?
If Kenny takes the shot or Clem says nothing, Carver will get hit in the shoulder, but will kill Alvin immediately in response. Yeah if you go get Kenny then Alvin is dead no saving him. If you surrender then Alvin lives to fight another day.Should I show Nick the photo or no?
If Nick saw the picture, he will apologize. If Nick didn't saw the picture, he will reply by telling Walter that he didn't do anything. The group gets attacked by walkers at the lodge.What happens if you take Carver into the Deep Roads?
Carver is a complete tool and deserves to die. Take him into the Deep Roads, and don't take Anders with you. If Anders is there, you have the option of saving Carver by making him a Warden.Why does Solas not like Grey Wardens?
Not to mention the very act of demon-binding reeks of the binding of the Elvhen servants to their Gods. Solas doesn't just hate the Wardens because they're meddling into what they do not understand. He hates them because they are a direct parallel to the events of his past.Will Fenris leave if you side with the mages?
Fenris will stay with you if you have his Friendship bonus, or if you're 100% rival. If you're neutral or working on rivalry, he leaves when you side with mages.Is Anders an abomination?
If the demon takes control over the host, the result is an abomination. Anders isn't an abomination by DEFINITION.
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