Can child Sims be vampires?

Children cannot become vampires. He will have to wait until they age up before getting someone to turn them.
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Can kids be vampires in the Sims?

If both Sims are vampires when they conceive a child, the child is guaranteed to be a vampire too. If only one parent is a vampire, it'll be a coin flip whether the child will be too. If a child is human, they cannot be turned until they hit their Teenage years.
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How do you become a minor vampire in Sims 4?

After meeting a Vampire and becoming their friend, Sims can use the social interaction "Ask to Turn," which has a little bat symbol next to it. If the vampire agrees, they will transform into their dark form and bite the Sim. Turning into a vampire takes a couple of days.
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How to make a sim have a vampire baby?

Vampiric Children

Child Sims have a 100 percent chance of being born as a vampire if both parents are vampires; if only one parent is a vampire, this chance is reduced to 50 percent. You can boost your Sims' chances of having a vampire baby by giving the lot the On A Dark Ley Line lot trait.
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Can a vampire Sim get pregnant?

Occult pregnancies

To date, the occult creature type line-up includes ghosts, aliens, vampires, mermaids, spellcasters, and Servos. Ghosts and Servos can't 'Try for Baby' to have biological children (though they can still adopt), but the rest can get pregnant and have babies just like an ordinary Sim.
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The Lore Behind Vlad Straud and Forgotten Hollow | Spilling Sims | MissPurplePlays

Can an existing Sim become a vampire?

You will need an expansion pack in order to turn your Sim into a vampire. The Supernatural expansion pack is the best for this, as you can turn your Sim into a vampire on the Create-a-Sim mode.
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How to make vampire offspring in Sims 4?

You can also have a baby Sim be born as a vampire if both parents are vampires, or a chance to become one if only one parent is. This is a better option if you wish to tackle this aspiration in an existing playthrough instead of creating a new game or household.
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Can you be a mermaid and a vampire in Sims 4?

There are no hybrid mermaids and vampires in the game out of the box. While one parent can be a vampire and the other a mermaid, sims born in game of such a union are one or the other.
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Why can't my vampire turn other Sims?

The celebrity vampire cannot turn another sim into a vampire if he / she has the Celebrity Quirk "No Touching!". Then the vampire will only bite the respective other sim but he / she won't offer their wrist to the other sim and the sim will not be turned into a vampire.
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Can vampires come into your house Sims 4?

Vampires don't break in. At night when my sims are sleeping, a vampire will show up and then just stand by the front door and will get inside the house and act like any other visitors. Vampires act like normal visitors and never break in, never bite.
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How to revive dead in Sims 4?

There are five different methods for bringing a Sim back to life, and these include:
  1. Using the Book of Life.
  2. Eating Ambrosia.
  3. Wish at the Wishing Well (Romantic Garden Stuff)
  4. Cast the Dedeathify Spell (Realm of Magic)
  5. Drink Vitality Nectar (Horse Ranch)
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What do baby vampires eat?

Renesmee, and hybrids generally, seem to prefer blood. They already have a liquid diet option available, and are born with teeth so it's not even a matter of having to wait to be able to bite.
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How do vampire Sims age?

Vampires stop aging once they hit the young adult stage. So if you want a vampire to be in the elder life stage, they either have to already be an elder when they are turned, or you need to age them up via other means.
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Can vampire sims go out in sunlight?

Vampires are protected from sunlight if user-directed to open umbrellas, but are not protected when they autonomously open umbrellas while walking outside during daytime.
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Can Sims 4 children be vampires?

Children cannot become vampires. He will have to wait until they age up before getting someone to turn them. Please only PM me when asked to do so. Questions and answers belong here so everyone can benefit from them.
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What happens if a mermaid and a vampire have a baby?

The born in game children of a vampire and a mermaid are always either a mermaid only or they are a glitchy vampire-mermaid hybrid. They are never born as vampires only (I have not tried mixing the genetics of a vampire and a mermaid in CAS so I am not sure if the bug also occurs there or not).
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Can you have hybrid babies in Sims 4?

Within the mechanics of the game hybrids (except aliens) are not intended but still happen on rare occasions. By design occult types like Vampires, Mermaids and Spellcasters are not intended to be a hybrid mix of any of these in combination. Personally I did have a Vampire give birth to an Alien by abduction.
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Can a vampire turn into a wolf Sims 4?

Just a quick reminder that, as ever, some exclusions apply. Namely, Sims who already possess a permanent occult life state (i.e. vampire, mermaid, ghost, Servo robot, spellcaster, or alien) can't become a werewolf without first renouncing their old supernatural affiliation and all its associated powers.
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Can vampire sims make other Sims vampires?

Not all vampires are able to turn other Sims: in order for your request to be successful, the vampire needs to have invested some of their Power Points into unlocking the 'Vampire Creation' power (which becomes available once they attain the rank of Minor Vampire).
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Do vampires have bloodlines Sims 4?

Vampires born of those without a bloodline will be born with a Weak Bloodline, those born of Weak Bloodline will have Strong Bloodline, and so on.
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Can a Sim stop being a vampire?

Once their Vampire Lore level is high enough by reading the Vampire encyclopedias they will get the knowledge to make a drink at the bar to cure their Vampirism. (You also have to have the right ingredients on hand like Wolfsbane, etc.)
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Can I make a gallery Sim a vampire?

You can change the sim if you use cheat codes, yes. The Mc command center mod has a very easy setting where you select the sim and can just convert them right to a vampire (there will be instructions on the website I believe). I also hate that you can't change a pre made sim into a vamp from cas!
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What happens if your Sim gets bitten by a vampire?

The vampire performs some measure of hypnosis involving "purple smoke." The Sim being targeted expresses a dazed smile, and when they are bitten show no form of pain. After this, the vampire Sim will let go of their victim and step back.
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