Can CRIT Rate be higher than crit damage?

CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG Ratio Our recommended ratio of CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG is 1:2, with CRIT DMG being double of the CRIT Rate. For example, if your CRIT Rate is 60%, your CRIT DMG should be at least 120%.
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Can you go over 100% CRIT Rate?

you can do "over crits". So if your crit chance goes over the 100% you get the chance to do the crit damage modifier again.
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What is the highest CRIT Rate possible in Genshin impact?

The Highest Crit Rate possible without food buffs so far is 127.4%. Honestly, I expected more, and I'm kind of convinced that I either forgot something or did the math wrong. Also, please note that in gameplay you can't go above 99.3% crit rate.
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Does Raiden need more CRIT Rate or crit damage?

I usually aim for at the very least a 60/120 ratio, anything lower usually means more artifact farming for them. 70 crit rate and 120+ crit damage for Raiden. The rest are pretty similar, but you can probably get more CD on them.
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Does Dr. Ratio give himself CRIT Rate?

Ratio uses his Skill, his Critical Rate increases by 2.5% and his CRIT DMG by 5%. This effect can stack up to 6 times. Inference (bonus ability Ascension 4): When the Skill is used to attack an enemy target, there is a 100% base chance to reduce the attacked target's Effect Resistance by 10% for 2 turns.
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Is 40% crit rate okay?

If you're only running 4* Artifacts, 40% isn't bad. Getting to 50%+ is recommended, but it looks like you still have plenty of opportunity to get there, and with some characters and weapons it's even easier to do giving you more room to play around with Crit Damage stacking.
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Is 50 100 a good crit ratio?

It's more of a try to get at least 50% as a start for consistency then try to be close to a 1:2 ratio but the closer your critrate gets to 100 the farther it is good to go towards more crit dmg.
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Is 200 er enough for Raiden?

The only threshold you should reach for classic Raiden is 200% ER. That's usually where she starts being able to battery herself in most teams. The only difference Hyperbloom has from other builds is that Hyperbloom will require a full EM Raiden, not even needing a 200% ER unless you'll use her burst.
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Is higher crit rate better than crit damage?

Our recommended ratio of CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG is 1:2, with CRIT DMG being double of the CRIT Rate. For example, if your CRIT Rate is 60%, your CRIT DMG should be at least 120%. Try to aim for at least 50% CRIT Rate when building characters, so everyone has a decent chance to deal CRIT hits!
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What is 100% crit damage?

You have 100% crit damage, you deal an additional 100% of your normal damage if you crit (for a total of 200% damage). Example: 1 normal attack deals 500 dmg no crit. With 100% crit dmg, now if that attack crit, it deals 1000. With 200% crit dmg, it'd be 1500.
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What is Arlecchino's CRIT Rate?

For 20s after using her Skill, Normal Attacks and Bursts Arlecchino uses gain 10% CRIT Rate and 70% CRIT DMG, triggered once every 15 seconds. Surprisingly not the strongest constellation!
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Is there a CRIT Rate cap in Genshin?

If you wanna skip the hassle of watching a 3 mins long video of Keqing hitting a Ruin Guard, the results are below. As you can see from the results, with 100%, everything crits. If the soft cap of 85% ever existed, about 23 of these hits would've been non-crits. Bottom line: the soft crit cap doesn't exist.
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What is the highest crit rate you can roll?

For crit rate the highest "possible" roll is 19.5% but since I don't have a source I'll use 15% crit rate for the highest substat roll. So Tony To's released the highest Crit Damage attainable without any 2 or 4 piece set. A little experiment what if put all the crit stats above and make a DPS chart.
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How much agility is 1% crit?

You gain Critical Strike Chance at varying points, depending on your class: Druids, Paladins, Shaman and Warriors receive 1% Critical Strike Chance for every 20 points of Agility.
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Is there a Crit Damage cap?

The cap is 100% against Players and no cap against the environment. If you're looking for a MASSIVE crit-damage style of play, look into Overpower builds. Necro, Druid, and Barbarian all have options for this.
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Is CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG better in HSR?

Crit rate is more important than Crit dmg, for the simply reason that if you dont have enough crit rate you will not apply critical hits to make use of your crit dmg. In other words, crit dmg is worthless if you dont have crit rate.
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Is ATK or CRIT DMG better?

As you can see, CRIT DMG yields the most DMG, ATK% and EM are virtually identical, while Flat ATK offers the least amount of DMG increase. As the increases are linear, we can also calculate the value of each roll in offensive stats. The results fit in with what we suspected.
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Is 200 er enough for Bennett?

3) For sub dps bennett ensure that he has at least 200% er and a crit ratio of at least 50% crit rate :100% crit damage.
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How much er does Kazuha need?

How much em and er does Kazuha need | Fandom. There's no EM threshold that you HAVE to meet, however you should still at LEAST have EM mainstats on circlet, sands, and goblet. If you cannot get to 170-180% without an ER weapon, you should switch to Favonius Sword.
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What is the 1 2 rule in Genshin?

The 1:2 ratio is the result of equivalent crit stat sources providing twice as much CDMG as CR (e.g. a lvl 20 5* circlet gives 31.1% CR vs. 62.2% CDMG). You can look at it as putting the same amount of investment into CR and CDMG.
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What should ganyu's crit rate be?

Melt Ganyu wants the same 1:2 ratio as most characters. Although don't forget to include her A1 passive, which gives +20% CR after the first CA.
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What is the crit ratio for Mona?

Apart from that, DPS Mona follows the standard ADC build. A CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Circlet should be chosen based on which best achieves the ideal 1:2 ratio.
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