Can druids turn into elementals?

Available shapes include air, earth, fire and water elemental forms. At the 20th level, the druid may assume the elder form of any of these elementals.
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Can Druids turn into elementals in 5e?

The only way druids can turn into an elemental is with Shapechange, and that requires concentration, which means no raging. But, a Circle of the Moon druid gets an ability at 10th level to use their Wildshape to transform into an elemental (takes both uses, unless you're level 20).
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What do Druids turn into?

DM Note: Learning Wild Shapes

A druid can only transform into creatures with the Beast creature type using their Wild Shape feature, and even then can only take the form of a Beast they've seen before.
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Can a druid turn into an owlbear?

Owlbears are categorized in fifth edition as monstrosities and not beasts, meaning a druid can't Wild Shape into one. That being said, the owlbear has similar stats to beasts with the same challenge rating. So, a Dungeon Master may allow a druid to turn into an owlbear without necessarily breaking game balance.
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Can Druids cast spells in elemental form?

You can't cast spells, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. Given this, your element wild shape can, effectively, speak Primordial.
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Must-Have Druid Spells for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Can druids turn into magical creatures?

In addition to its impressive spellcasting capabilities, one of the most iconic elements of the Druid class is Wild Shape. Available to all Druids as early as level two, Wild Shape allows a druid to assume the form of an animal, gaining benefits based on the animal a Druid chooses to transform into.
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Can a druid turn into a dragon?

Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a dragon with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.
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Can a druid turn into a Wendigo?

In retaliation, the spirits cursed the amulet to turn any druid that bonded with the amulet to turn into a Wendigo.
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Can a druid turn into a raptor?

Depending on your DM's world, this Combat form may or may not be an option. If velociraptors aren't an option at your table, the wolf or giant wolf spider are great alternatives. All that being said, the velociraptor yields the highest damage of all CR 1/4 forms.
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Can a moon elf be a druid?

The druids of Shiallia were always female half-elves, gold elves, moon elves, wild elves, or humans.
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Can a druid turn into a unicorn?

Veteran druids could even take the form of giant eagles. Avengers could take on additional forms, such as those of a baby wyvern, fire salamander, or even a sword spider. Some more benevolent druids could take on the form of good beasts or celestial creatures, such as blink dogs, giant owls, pegasi, and unicorns.
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Do Druids have a god?

Druids were polytheistic and had female gods and sacred figures, rather like the Greeks and Romans, but their nomadic, less civilised Druidic society gave the others a sense of superiority. This renders some of their accounts historically uncertain, as they may be tainted with exaggerated examples of Druidic practices.
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Why were Druids banned?

Prohibition and decline under Roman rule

According to Pliny the Elder, writing in the 70s CE, it was the emperor Tiberius (ruled 14–37 CE), who introduced laws banning not only druid practices, and other native soothsayers and healers, a move which Pliny applauded, believing it would end human sacrifice in Gaul.
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What can druid change into?

As a druid gains levels, this ability allows the druid to take on the form of larger and smaller animals, elementals, and plants. Each form expends one daily use of this ability, regardless of the form taken. When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the animal type.
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Can druids turn into demons?

Additionally, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a beast or demon with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3.
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Can a druid turn into a Tarrasque?

Druids take upon the form of a lesser tarrasque to cleanse the wilds to allow for nature to be reborn.
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Can a druid turn into a dire bear?

Dire Bear Form is the switch over from mail to plate classes for the other tanking classes, for druids. (Druids can tank; they just can't block, parry, or hold agro..) If you hand't already noticed, the power of this spell autimatcily increases as you level as does the mana cost.
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Can a druid turn into a giant spider?

Wild Shape: Spider is a Wild Shape form available to Druids.
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Can a centaur be a druid?

In addition, their innate Spellcasting allows them to offer a wide range of utility benefits for the entire party, making the Centaur Druid one of the most versatile options for a party.
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Can a druid be lawful evil?

A Druid must be either Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, or True Neutral. They cannot stray outside of those five alignments without losing their powers.
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Can a druid be a werewolf?

Based on the rules in the PHB, druids cannot shift into werewolfs in 5e (in 5e druids can only shift into 'beasts' and ww's are 'monstrosities', though moon druids later get the ability to wildshape into elementals - still not ww's though).
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Can you be a half elf druid?

If you are playing 5e then yes absolutely. There are no racial restrictions on being a Druid.
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Can Druids have familiars?

Strictly rules as written, Druids can get access to Find Familiar through the Magic Initiate feat. Said feat also grants access to cantrips. So giving the Druid access to the spell is bonus somewhat less powerful than a feat.
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What gods do Druids follow?

Of the gods worshiped throughout Faerûn, druids found themselves most frequently drawn to Auril, Chauntea, Eldath, Malar, Mielikki, Silvanus, Talos, and Umberlee, known to many as the First Circle, the first druids.
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What is the most powerful class in DnD?

1) In terms of sheer power, the most overpowered class in D&D 5e is (and almost always has been, in all editions) the Wizard. The spells a Wizard can command can solve just about any problem, and beat any opponent.
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