Can Ghost Pokémon be hit by physical attacks?

Ghosts are immune to Normal and Fighting moves. Physical attacks will still hit them if they're not Normal of Physical moves. A Fighting-type pokemon can still hit them, but can't use fighting type moves to do so. Fighting types are not immune to Ghost moves at all, but Normal types are.
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What damages Ghost type Pokémon?

Ghost types are weak to Dark and other Ghost type attacks. They're resistant against Bug and Poison. They're immune from Fighting and Normal (Normal is immune to Ghost, too). Ghost attacks does double damage to Psychic type Pokémon.
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What ability lets you hit Ghost Pokémon?

Scrappy enables the Pokémon with this Ability to hit Ghost-type Pokémon with damage-dealing Normal- and Fighting-type moves.
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Is Ghost type physical or special?

Accepted Answer. Normal, Rock, Steel, Poison, Flying, Fighting, Ghost, Ground, Bug are Physical Types. Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Dragon, Ice, Dark are Special Types.
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What beats Ghost Pokémon?

Normal has no effect on a Ghost, and Ghost has no effect on Normal. Every other type of attack will hit a Ghost pokemon, with Dark, and other Ghost moves being super effective. You can also use the move Foresight, Miracle Eye, or Odor Sleuth to make Normal and Fighting moves hit Ghosts.
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What Happens When You Use STRUGGLE On a GHOST Type Pokemon?

What are ghosts weak to?

Weaknesses. Salt - A Ghost cannot interact with salt. Ghosts can be repelled by salt and can't cross a line made of salt. Some hunters use rock salt rounds to dissipate natural ghost spirits, while shooting the person with it will also break a ghost's possession making it useful whenever a ghost is possessing humans.
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Is a Ghost weak to Psychic?

Ghost is strong against Psychic. Unfortunately, the only Ghost Pokemon in Gen I were all part Poison, so they were weak to Psychic. Besides Night Shade, there was only one Ghost-type attack, Lick, which was worthless. Psychic is weak to Ghost, Dark, and Bug.
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Are Ghost types immune to physical?

Ghost has never been immune to Psychic. In fact, in first gen, the only Ghost-types were WEAK to Psychic due to their secondary type. ... Ghost has never been immune to Psychic.
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Which is the strongest Ghost type?

1 Calyrex (Shadow Rider Form)

All of its stats are incredibly high; its Special Attack and Speed ratings are among the best in the game. While it may be lacking in actual Ghost-type moves, Shadow Form Calyrex has access to some of the best Grass and Psychic-type attack moves.
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What is the weakest Ghost type Pokémon?

Duskull is known as the Requiem Pokémon and first appeared in the short Camp Pikachu. Duskull resembles a Grim Reaper with its black robe and big-eyed skull mask. It can also turn invisible to sneak up on its prey more easily. With a base stat total of 295, it is the weakest of the pure Ghost-type Pokémon.
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What can't hit Ghost type Pokémon?

Ghosts are immune to Normal and Fighting moves. Physical attacks will still hit them if they're not Normal of Physical moves. A Fighting-type pokemon can still hit them, but can't use fighting type moves to do so. Fighting types are not immune to Ghost moves at all, but Normal types are.
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What attacks work on Ghost Pokémon?

If the user has the Ability Scrappy or Mind's Eye, or the target is under the effect of the moves Foresight or Odor Sleuth, Normal- and Fighting-type moves will deal ×1 damage to Ghost-type Pokémon.
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Does Ground hit Ghost?

Ghost themselves, at least from what I know, are practically able to phase through anything, including ground. Plenty of cartoons show ghosts sometimes rising from or going inside the ground. They aren't affected by eartquakes or anythingelse that has to do with ground.
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How to hit Ghost Pokémon?

Ghost-type Pokémon can be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type moves.
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What does a Ghost Pokémon not affect?

In the first generation, Ghost moves has no effect on Psychic Pokémon, however, it was later changed to be super-effective. When paired with the Dark type it was the only type combination to have no weaknesses before the Fairy type was introduced in Gen 6.
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What is the saddest Ghost-type Pokémon?

Mimikyu. The story of Mimikyu, a Ghost-Fairy type from Gen 7, is as heartbreaking as it is horrifying. For one, no one really knows what it looks like; its true form is so terrifying that anyone unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse has met a mysterious and swift end.
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What is the rarest Ghost type Pokémon?

Be it in Phony form or Antique, Sinistea is an adorable Pokemon, especially compared to most Ghost-types. Neither form affects how strong it is, only its rarity. This makes it so a square shiny Antique Sinistea is one of the rarest Pokemon in the entire game, with only a 0.000015% chance of being found in the wild.
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Who is the king of Ghost type Pokémon?

1 Aegislash

Being Steel/Ghost-type grants Aegislash an impressive amount of resistances and immunities right off the bat, but that's not what makes it so formidable. No, that would be its unique Ability Stance Change, which lets it swap between its Blade Forme and Shield Forme.
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What are the weaknesses of Ghost type?

Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to: Ghost and Dark-type attacks. Best Ghost-type Mega attacker: Mega Gengar. Best Ghost-type attackers: Lunala, Giratina, Chandelure. Best Ghost-type counters: Tyranitar, Hydreigon, Darkrai.
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Is there a Ghost Fairy Pokémon?

They're a rare species that possesses an ability, possibly psychic in nature, that taps into the fear centre of the brain causing anything that looks directly at it to instantly feel dread so intense, it can cause hallucinations and panic.
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Why is Psychic weak to ghosts?

Psychic's three main weaknesses are all based on common fears, actually! A phobia of bugs, the dark, and ghosts/the afterlife are some of the most common and known fears, so ot only makes sense they would be the things to bring down a creature whose power comes from the mind.
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Is Dark or Ghost better?

Dark types are immune to Psychic moves while Ghosts take normal damage. Ghosts is a defensive/utility typing, not an offensive one. Ghosts are still more useful for the Normal/Fight resist, specifically the ability to block Rapid Spin. In comparison, Dark is a terrible defensive typing.
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How to beat Ghost Pokemon?

Since this is your first encounter with ghosts, here's an important tip: don't use Normal or Fighting type attacks. They won't work. Instead, use whatever Psychic attacks you've got. All Ghosts are also dual Poison types, so Ground, Psychic and Bug attacks work especially well.
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Why is Gengar weak to Psychic?

Gengar was weak to Psychic back then too, since it has always been a Poison type.
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What types is Gengar weak to?

Gengar is weak to ground, psychic, dark, and ghost type attacks, with none of these being a double weakness. It also has slightly worse defense than special defense(base stat 60 versus 75), so all else equal, physical attacks will do more damage.
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