Can Hexblade curse and Hex stack?

By first stacking hex and Hexblade's Curse on a target in previous turns, the player may cast eldritch blast with their action, cast it again (since it's a cantrip, an often skipped-over D&D spells rule) with action surge, and then use quickened spell to cast it a third time in the same turn.
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Can you cast Hex and Hexblade's curse?

She may choose from the following list of hexes: Minimum Level 1 Hexes: Hexblade's Curse: You curse a creature to failure. The target of this hex takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls for 1 hour/hexblade level. The effects of this curse do not stack.
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How many times can you use Hexblade's curse?

The ability may be used once per day at level 1, twice per day at level 5, three times per day at level 9, four times per day at level 13, and five times per day at level 17, plus the character's Charisma modifier.
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Do warlock curses stack?

Warlock curses are warlock abilities that debuff the opponent. Only one curse per warlock can be active on a target at any time. Curses do not stack with those cast by another warlock. All Warlock curses are instant cast, have a 40 yd range and no cooldown.
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Can you stack curses 5e?

You touch a creature and choose whether it's affected by curse option A, B, C or D. This is what the PHB has to say about combining spell effects: The effects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don't combine, however.
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Hex is a trap in D&D 5E - Advanced guide to Hex

Can you stack curses?

correct, curses that reduce resistances are additive and do stack. Thats the huge bonus of 'can put an additional curse' on enemies because depending on what you do it can literally multiply your damage 2 fold.
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Can you stack poison spells?

Multiple Poison Spells stacked will speed up the scaling process, but will not increase the maximum damage per second, so typically it is a waste if you place many at once. While not a popular strategy, Poison Spells can be used to stack damage, making it possible to kill any Clan Castle units with enough spells.
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Does Hex stack with Hexblades curse?

Notably, Hexblade's Curse does not require the player to use their concentration on it, so the player may also use the concentration spell hex (a spell many D&D players don't use correctly) with another bonus action to add an additional 1d6 damage to each eldritch blast beam as well.
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Do Warlocks get hex?

Hex is a 1st-level enchantment spell for warlocks.

While some spells are available to more than one class, Hex is exclusively available on the warlock's spell list—and it's often considered a staple warlock spell.
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Do warlock invocations stack?

To make matters better, multiple Invocations can be used at once, stacking multiple effects to make Eldritch Blast even stronger.
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Can I cast hex as an action?

Versatility and Efficiency : Hex 5e is cast as a bonus action and can affect multiple targets over its duration without additional spell slots, making it economical and potent throughout prolonged encounters.
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Can you be a Hexblade warlock at level 1?

Hexblade's Curse

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated.
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Can I transfer Hexblade's curse?

Hexblade's Curse only works on one target and can't be moved, so save it for something which you know will take a lot of damage to bring down.
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Does Hex trigger on each Eldritch blast?

Eldritch Blast is unique among the damaging cantrips because it's the only one that makes separate attacks as it scales instead of just doing more damage, so it can benefit from the extra damage on Hex with each blast.
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Can Hexblades use 2 handed weapons?

Hexblade Warrior allows you to select a weapon without the 2-handed property and use your charisma modifier instead of strength (or dex for a 1 handed ranged weapon or finesse weapon). This doesn't give you proficiency or anything else, just that option, and only with 1 weapon that you are touch after a long rest.
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Do hexblades get a familiar?

Familiar: Beginning at 4th level, a hexblade can obtain a familiar. Doing so takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100 gp. A familiar is a magical beast that resembles a small animal and is unusually tough and intelligent. The creature serves as a companion and servant.
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Is a hex a bad spell?

A hex is a magic spell or charm that's meant to cause harm. A witch in a story, for example, might put a hex on a prince that turns him into a chicken. If you believe in magic, you might either fear hexes or aspire to learn how to put them on your enemies — to hex them.
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Can warlocks get pregnant?

Additionally, warlocks are unable to have children. Warlock pregnancy always results in stillbirth as they are crossbreeds and are thus sterile.
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Can two warlocks hex the same target?

warlocks hex the same target, the target should suffer only one ability debuff with disadvantage, but the two different warlocks could get damage bonus.
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What is the best race for a Hexblade warlock?

One of the most fitting races is the Tiefling, which gets an automatic +2 boost to CHA, +1 Intelligence, a cantrip specific to their infernal descent and access to useful spells at higher levels. Tieflings also have strong flavor as warlock characters, given their bloodline lineage to scary devils from the Nine Hells.
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Is Hexblade's curse a spell?

It is not a spell, it could be considered a magical effect at DM discretion, but it is not explicitly one and so is not by default.
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Does Hexblade curse use concentration?

Yes, in fact, you can stack Hexblade Curse with other Spell like Hex or other concentration spelll, because Hexblade Curse doesn't require concentration.
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Does poison get doubled on a crit?

On a crit, you'll get the extra roll on Damage 1, and Damage 2 will pop up as, say, 2+0 (poison).
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Can you stack rage spells?

The Rage Spell's effects do not stack, even if multiple Rage Spells are used on the same location; using two or more Rage Spells do not increase damage of the troops and heroes to a greater degree compared to using just one.
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Can you stack Eldritch Spear and spell sniper?

Yes. ES sets the range to 300 feet for you, and SS states When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack roll, the spell's range is doubled. Since the range for you is set to 300 by ES, Sniper doubles it to 600.
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