Can I charm undead?

Lots of undead - for example Zombies and Skeletons - aren't immune to the 'charmed' condition. "Charm Person" appears not to work on, say, zombies, because the spell specifies "Humanoid". But undead ARE "creatures".
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Does charm person work on skeletons?

Any creature, no restrictions, even constructs, undead, fiends, elementals, etc. Charm person = only works on humanoids.
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Which creatures are immune to charm?

Celestials, elementals, and undead all have similarly strong results, with over half of celestials being immune to charmed, exhaustion, and frightened, over half of elementals being immune to paralyzed, petrified, and poisoned, and over half of undead immune to charmed, exhaustion, and poisoned.
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Can vampires be charmed?

Yes. However, be aware that charming makes someone see you as a friendly acquaintance unless it's domination or compulsion, so it's not mind control or making them act differently. If you charm a vampire starving for blood, they may still bite you because you being someone they like < sating their bloodlust.
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Are undead immune to enchantment?

Apart from the immunities listed, some of them are immune to normal weapons or weapons up to a certain level of enchantment.
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Are undead resistant to charm?

Undead are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, phantasms, and patterns), paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
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Can you charm an undead in 5e?

Can a zombie be charmed in 5E? yes. they have a semblance of human intelligence (int score 3), and they understand languages they spoke in life so if you speak a language that they presumably knew you could charm them.
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What is a Type 1 vampire?

The Type Ones are the most powerful and are almost immortal. They can spread vampirism to others and create Type Two vampires. Kurt Barlow was a Type One. Type Twos are more common and can create other Type Twos or Type Threes.
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Who is the strongest vampire in D&D?

What is the most powerful/highest CR vampire in Dungeons and Dragons (1st-5th edition, Pathfinder, anything)? So, going through pretty much all of 5e's statblocks, the most powerful CR vampire is the CR23 Higher Vampire from the Book of Beautiful Horrors.
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Why are vampires hurt by running water?

It was thought in ancient times that the only sure-fire way to kill vampires is to submerge them in running water. People believed that spirits could not cross running water, which therefore, would temporarily separate the vampire from the bonded souls of their victims, which they must release first.
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Are ghosts immune to charm?

The ghost can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened.
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Are half elves immune to charm?

Elves and half-elves have a resistance to sleep and charm spells.
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Which animal has the strongest immune?

“Ostriches have the most powerful immune system of any land animal,” Ms. Anikeyeva said. “For some people, ostrich oil works like a miracle.
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Can charm person work on a giant?

As written Charm Person appears to affect any humanoid, including giants.
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What are undead immune to 5e?

All undead in this edition have darkvision out to sixty feet. Undead have a wide array of immunities, including being immune to: all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
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Does charm person work on trolls?

Charm person only affects humanoids. Humanoids are goblins, half-elves, humans, dwarves etc. Trolls are actually considered giant glass, giant class or dark fey, depending on your DM. To charm trolls you need Charm Monster or Mass Suggestion.
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Are D&D vampires weak to sunlight?

Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
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Who is the god of vampirism in D&D?

Overview. Kanchelsis, the Lord of Vampires, knows full well that blood is the very essence of life and magic; the two forces which sustain him.
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Is there a playable vampire race in DND?

Yes, you can if your DM is OK with it. The Vampire entry in the Monster Manual has a whole text box on Player Characters as Vampires.
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What are half vampires called?

In Balkans folklore, Dhampirs (sometimes spelled dhampyres, dhamphirs, or dhampyrs) are creatures that are the result of a union between a vampire and a human. This union was usually between male vampires and female humans, with stories of female vampires mating with male humans being rare.
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What is the rarest type of vampire?

The dirge is easily the rarest form of vampiric creature and indeed may be the least-documented undead being known to exist.
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What is a Type 3 vampire?

Type Three vampires were once humans who got infected by Type Two Vampires. They are immune to sunlight, but still can die from holy artifacts and wooden stakes, but can get killed by regular human weapons as well. It is unknown if they are mindless vampires, or if they are sentient and intelligent.
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What kills undead in D&D?

At fifth level, clerics earn the Destroy Undead feature. Destroy Undead enhances the effects of Turn Undead so that any monster below a designated challenge rating that fails its saving throw is automatically destroyed. Paladins are equally as useful against undead enemies.
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Can you heal undead in D&D?

Rules as Written (RAW), you can use normal healing spells. A couple of them do have limitations with regard to undead and/or constructs, but most such spells will work just fine, unless the DM has changed the rules about that.
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Can you polymorph into undead?

Essentially, Polymorph would only be allowed to transform myself or others into undead, and instead of the CR being equal to or lower than the creature's CR/level, making it 2/3 the CR/level, rounded down, instead.
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