Can I go back and change my ending in Elden Ring?

While you can go into an end-game save file and complete side quests including those that lead to different endings, you cannot move to get another ending on the same 'journey' - the pathway to the final boss is forever blocked once you've seen your first ending.
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Can you redo the ending in Elden Ring?

Yep, once you beat Elden Ring you'll have to do it again in New Game Plus to see the other possible endings. (Or just watch them on YouTube.) You need to choose wisely before initiating the final boss fight, ensuring that you've set yourself up for the ending you most want to achieve.
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Can you go back to edit your character Elden Ring?

You aren't stuck with the initial character you create. Elden Ring allows you to change your character's appearance at any time, but you'd be forgiven for missing this feature because you don't unlock the option until you make it a little further into the game.
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How do you reverse the bad ending Elden Ring?

Whenever you're ready to reverse the Frenzied Flame ending, you must use Miquella's Needle in the Dragonlord Placidusax arena. When you do so, you'll free yourself of the Three Fingers' branding and be able to access any other endings for which you've met the requirements.
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Can you get another ending after beating the game Elden Ring?

You can actually set up all endings befor choosing any, if you're going to get the achievments for all of em i'd recommend doing that, creating a backup and then doing them 1 after another. Escrito originalmente por Syrilian: So I have beaten the final boss and got an ending and chose to continue playing after.
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You can change your ending after beating the game in Elden Ring

What is the hardest ending to get in Elden Ring?

The most difficult ending to achieve in Elden Ring is the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending. To get this ending you need to undertake a pretty obtuse and esoteric quest, meaning you might not ever come across it over the course of your standard play.
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Does giving Ranni the ring lock you into her ending?

Once you've done Ranni's questline, this gives you the choice to trigger the secret ending, but won't trigger it automatically. After defeating the final boss of Elden Ring outlined in our Elden Ring main bosses guide, you'll see a blue summoning sign on the ground that'll allow you to bring in Ranni.
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What is the rarest ending in Elden Ring?

The Age of Stars, associated with Ranni, is the most common ending, while the Lord of the Frenzied Flame is the rarest.
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Which ending is best in Elden Ring?

What's the best Elden Ring ending? While getting any ending in Elden Ring can be considered a huge achievement, we think that the Age of the Stars ending is the best Elden Ring ending. In this ending, the Tarnished does not mend the Elden Ring, and instead summons Ranni the Witch to take Marika's place as Goddess.
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Can you undo Elden Ring ending?

Miquella's Needle subdues an accepted Frenzy Flame – exactly what you want, but you need to go to the right place to use it. To use this item, and reverse the Frenzied Flame ending, you must travel to Crumbling Farum Azula , the game's final area.
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What happens if you decline melina?

What happens if I reject Melina? You have to accept Melina's accord in Elden Ring if you want to level up and get your horse. While suspicion is wise in a FromSoftware game, you really have to say yes here. Because without her, you'll be cut off from some crucial tools.
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What is the max level in Elden Ring?

Hitting the level cap in Elden Ring is a pretty lofty goal, as it will require players to farm a total of 1,692,558,415 Runes. Although the level cap being 713 might seem a bit arbitrary at first, it is because players cannot level up any of their stats beyond 99.
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Can you edit your character again in Elden Ring?

Ye, you can change your characters appearance very early in the game as many times as you like. Stats can be redistributed after beating a certain boss, but you need a rare consumable each time you respec. You can remodulate your body yes after you defeated a specific boss. Also respect your level.
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Is there a bad ending to Elden Ring?

The Blessing of Despair is essentially the true "bad" ending to Elden Ring. That's because the summarized result of picking such an ending is that everyone in the Lands Between gets a free and mandatory curse, courtesy of the Dung Eater and his benefactor, presumably the Formless Mother.
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Does Elden Ring have a secret ending?

Kill the final boss. Do not interact with the Elden Ring! Instead, there'll be a unique blue summon sign on the ground close to it, between the Elden Ring and the Site of Grace, that reads "Summon Ranni." Triggering this and summoning Ranni the Witch will activate the final ending.
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What is the most difficult ending to get in Elden Ring?

The most cataclysmic of all the endings, and the hardest to acquire, the Lord of the Frenzied Flame, in many ways, sees Rykard's ambitions achieved. Rather than repairing the Elden Ring, or even replacing it, the Frenzied Flame instead burns it all to ash, leaving The Lands Between enwreathed in flames.
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Is Ranni the Witch evil?

Praising her character design as "gorgeously magical", she nevertheless stated that as a character, Ranni had a clear evil streak as the catalyst for the Shattering.
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What is the true ending of the Elden Ring?

The Age of Fracture - The Elden Lord Ending

This is the standard ending for Elden Ring, seeing your Tarnished take the throne and become Elden Lord after choosing to Mend the Elden Ring after the final boss battle. Getting this ending only requires you to follow the story and beat each of the Main Bosses.
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Is melina evil or good?

Unlike many characters in Elden Ring, Melina does not serve an ulterior motive and remains loyal to the player in many instances. Unfortunately, if players follow the Elden Lord ending path, Melina is doomed to die.
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What is the longest ending in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring Ranni ending: Age of the Stars

This is the longest and most involved quest in Elden Ring, so use our full guide to Ranni's quest to knock it out step by step. Here's the short version: Find Ranni in Ranni's Rise, behind Caria Manor. Find the Fingerslayer's Blade in Nokron and bring it to Ranni.
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What is the hardest thing to get in Elden Ring?

We've added another entry to our list of Elden Ring's rarest drops, so you can hunt down even more weapons to fill out your arsenal.
  • 10 Bandit's Curved Sword. Close. ...
  • 9 Inverted Hawk Towershield. ...
  • 8 Magma Blade. ...
  • 7 Rune Arcs. ...
  • 6 Dominula Celebrant Weaponry. ...
  • 5 Wandering Noble Weaponry. ...
  • 4 Aristocrat Headband. ...
  • 3 Imp Heads.
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How to marry Ranni?

Interact with Ranni's doll body to place the Dark Moon Ring on Ranni's finger. Her doll body will then disappear and Ranni, fully restored to her previous life-sized doll form, will appear and thank the player. She confirms that the player is now her consort and promises that they will meet again.
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What happens if you say yes to Ranni?

Should You Serve Ranni the Witch? Ranni will ask you to serve her once you reach her. There are no negative consequences to saying yes - only boons, such as more story questlines and unique rewards. You must complete Ranni's questline to continue Fia's Questline, which unlocks yet another unique ending as well.
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What happens if I touch a fractured Marika?

You simply need to defeat the game's final bosses, Radagon and the Elden Beast. Afterward, touch the Fractured Marika remains and select “Mend the Elden Ring” to get the Age of Fracture ending. By doing so, you will restore the Elden Ring and begin a new age as the Elden Lord.
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