Can I play Dark Souls 3 before 1?

- DS3 is a direct sequel to DS1 and you won't even understand the intro video if you've never played DS1. Of course, a lot of people simply don't care about the story, but it absolutely won't make sense without having played DS1 first. DS3 has many returning characters and areas.
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Should I play Dark Souls 1 before Dark Souls 3?

There are a lot of references to Dark Souls 1 in Dark Souls 3 so I would recommend playing 1 first. Dark Souls 1 is also the best Soulsborne game so there's that. FFX is the greatest game ever made.
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Is Dark Souls 3 connected to 1 and 2?

Seeing as how Andre the Blacksmith, who was in the first Dark Souls, appears in Dark Souls 3, yes, the Dark Souls games are all connected. More examples include finding Laddersmith Gilligan from Dark Souls 2 in DS3 as well, albeit deceased.
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Can I start with Dark Souls III?

You can start with any game, though the gameplay in 3 is probably the hardest. If you haven't played another Souls title you are in for a rough ride, but the gameplay is more refined than the other two games. This game is brutal, be prepared for that.
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Can I play Dark Souls 3 before the others?

Short Answer: Yes, you'll be fine. More defined answer: The first thing to note is that Dark Souls 2 story wise is very disjointed from the other two games. Dark Souls 1 and 3 take place in the same area whilst Dark Souls 2 is in an entirely different place and such has a a lot of dissonances with the other two games.
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Dark Souls 3: 10 Things To Know When Starting A New Game

Can I directly play Dark Souls 3 first?

- DS3 is a direct sequel to DS1 and you won't even understand the intro video if you've never played DS1. Of course, a lot of people simply don't care about the story, but it absolutely won't make sense without having played DS1 first. DS3 has many returning characters and areas.
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Do I need to play Dark Souls 1 first?

Yes and no, there really is no link. But the experience from playing one will help with two. Plus you can get one cheap and it's an amazing game . I'd recommend you to play the first game then the second and finally the third, since in dark souls 2 and 3, there are tons of references from .
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Can a beginner play Dark Souls 3?

You might be afraid of getting into the series due to its notorious difficulty, but it is possible to get into Dark Souls III — and even fall in love with it. With a little insider information and a lot of patience, anybody can become a hollowed medieval warrior and a skilled smasher of hideous monstrosities.
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Should I start with Dark Souls 1 or 3 on Reddit?

You should play DS1 first. This game is rought and there is so much quality of life features after it. If you play it after DS3 you just won't like it as much.
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Which Dark Souls game is the hardest?

  • 8 Salt And Sanctuary. ...
  • 7 Demon's Souls. ...
  • 6 Dark Souls 3. ...
  • 5 The Surge. ...
  • 4 Hollow Knight. ...
  • 3 Dark Souls. ...
  • 2 Bloodborne. Platform(s) PS4. ...
  • 1 Dark Souls 2: Scholar Of The First Sin. The least favorite Dark Souls of most fans, many players would say that Dark Souls 2 was the easiest in the series.
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Do you need to play Dark Souls in order?

Some will suggest starting with the original Dark Souls, as it marked the beginning of the franchise and gives you a broad overview of what the series offers. While Dark Souls 1 is a great place to start, from a gameplay standpoint, we'd recommend diving into Dark Souls 3 first.
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How do Dark Souls 1 and 3 connect?

Dark Souls 3 uses Dark Souls 1 as the foundation on which to tell the story of the fading First Flame in order to elucidate the themes of entropy and decay, and the inherent beauty that exists even in a dying world.
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Is it okay to skip Dark Souls 1 and 2?

Dark Souls has never been story heavy. You can skip it. I don't advise it, however. You may acclimate more slowly because of the change in interfaces and controls.
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Is Dark Souls 1 more difficult than 3?

If anything, DSIII is much harder, at least in the back half. The first game front-loads its difficulty, peaking with Ornstein & Smough at approximately the halfway point, and from there it's all downhill- none of the bosses in its latter half are anywhere near as challenging, at least once you figure out their tricks.
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Is Dark Souls 3 tough?

Most of the new players would find most of these bosses challenging. In DS3 however, almost all the new players are finding at least or more than half the bosses in the game easy and are defeating them on their first try. That's how easy DS3 bosses are.
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Is Dark Souls 3 a good start?

Dark Souls 3 can be a rather intimidating game to get into. The trilogy's final installment has some of the toughest foes the franchise has seen, meaning that new players will struggle greatly during the opening hours.
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How is Dark Souls 3 different from 1?

The most noticable thing between Dark Souls 1 and 3 is the speed at which you and enemies perform attacks. Dark Souls 1 is noticably slower paced and while not true for all enemies and weapons, generally speaking it does take longer for you and enemies to attack.
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Is Dark Souls 3 harder than Dark Souls 1 reddit?

Depends on how you define hard. I'd say DS3's enemies and bosses are harder than DS1's, but the world of DS1 is more unforgiving than the world of DS3. If that makes sense. Dark Souls 3 is harder than Dark Souls 1 just like Elden Ring is harder than Dark Souls 3.
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Why is Dark Souls 3 better than Dark Souls 1?

Dark Souls 3 has aged better and will be more timeless than its predecessor. Between its art direction, hefty combat, smarter game design decisions, and epic boss battles, the third installment is simply the better game.
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Do you have to play Dark Souls 1 and 2 to play Dark Souls 3?

DkS2 is not as closely tied to the first game as DkS3 is, but it does a lot to flesh out the world and enhance your appreciation for certain characters, and even sets up a few plot points for DkS3.
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Which class for beginners Dark Souls 3?

Thanks to their balanced stats and high starting level, Knights are an excellent choice for new players. As you gain stat points, focus on increasing your Knight's Strength to maximize the damage you deal with physical blows. You'll also want to upgrade your Endurance and Vitality so that you can equip stronger armor.
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Can you play Dark Souls 3 without a guide?

You can beat it easily without a guide, but you will miss out on a lot unless you are diligent in exploration. Yeah, people blow the difficulty out of proportion.
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What is considered the best Dark Souls game?

Bloodborne is the best souls game and no other comes close to it.
  • Bloodborne.
  • Dark souls 3.
  • Elden ring.
  • Dark souls 1.
  • Demon Souls.
  • Sekiro.
  • Dark souls 2.
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Is Dark Souls 3 set after 1?

There is no timeline or calendar, the only canon, concrete information is that Dark Souls 3 is after Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2 isn't canon.
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