Can I polymorph myself into a dragon?

You can use Polymorph on yourself, as you are a creature you can see within range. But you cannot turn yourself into a dragon, as you can only turn into Beasts using the spell.
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What can I polymorph myself into?

Polymorph changes you into a beast, so you can't change someone into another race unless you are using True Polymorph. You get all of the beast's stats and keep nothing but your personality, so those feats wouldn't help you at all.
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Can I true polymorph into an ancient dragon?

Yes you can true polymorph into an ancient brass dragon

As you say, the spell and rules are clear. An ancient brass dragon is a creature, it is not a shapechanger (and may not matter if they were), and it is of the appropriate CR for your level.
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Can you permanently true polymorph yourself?

No, you can't true polymorph into yourself. True Polymorph (PHB, p. 283): If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose.
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Can polymorph only turn you into a beast?

Polymorph can only transform into a beast of the target's CR/level or lower. Stirge and Blink Dogs are not beasts, from what I recall. True Polymorph can transform into any creature, but of course that's a 9th level spell. Anything that is a beast.
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10 Awesome Things You Can Do With Polymorph In D&D

Can you turn into a dragon with polymorph 5e?

You can turn someone into a velociraptor, but a dragon isn't a viable option.
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What is the strongest thing you can polymorph into?

The classical high end beast for polymorph is the Tyrannosaurus Rex, as it can freely move around on land, has a lot of hp, and a nasty bite. Conveniently, it also is CR8. Alternatively, especially if you need something with more intelligence that can carry out a simple plan, you can use the CR7 Giant Ape.
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Can true polymorph be reversed?

Yes, it reverts back to its original form with the hit-points it had. As the players handbook states “If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal form.
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Does True Polymorph end on death?

True Polymorph ends if the creature dies, as stated in the first paragraph. The spell ending doesn't undo the fact that the creature is dead.
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Can true polymorph make you immortal?

You can turn your whole party immortal from True Polymorph, buy turning them into Pit Fiends, or Planetars, or some other CR 20 or less creatures. You can then start regaining levels again, as monsters can gain levels as described in the DMG pg. 283.
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Can I cast polymorph on a dragon?

Let's break down what Polymorph says, shall we? The spell has no effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. It works on a dragon alright assuming it has more than 0 hit points because dragons are not shapechangers.
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Can I true polymorph into an archmage?

Also, you can not True Polymorph into an "Archmage" While the Monster Manual has an 'archmage' with CR 12, which is less than the level, that is not a valid target. The Archmage is an example NPC, not a creature.
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Can a wizard polymorph into a dragon?

If the statblock for a creature says "beast" as its type, then it is applicable for the polymorph spell to turn a creature into that form. Anything else (dragon, fiend, aberration, fey, etc.) is not allowed.
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Can I twin polymorph?

Twinning most single target spells isn't really game breaking. You could twin cast polymorph and turn players into wooly mammoths for more damage and that is allowed RAW.
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Can true polymorph change gender?

A True Polymorph spell's wording says that you can change the object or person you're casting the spell upon in to any creature you want. Specifically, the description says “the new form can be any kind you choose.” So, it would appear that if you wanted to change a human male in to a female dwarf, you could.
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Can you polymorph into a Minotaur?

Polymorph can only change the target into a creature of the Beast type, minotaurs and goliaths are not beasts so the spell can't turn someone into one.
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How permanent is true polymorph?

The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, the transformation becomes permanent.
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Can you stack true polymorph?

As you note, it's possible to cast True Polymorph twice and have both spells reach their permanent stage. Dispel will end both instances if its cast at 9th level but at lower levels you make a roll against each instance, so it's possible to dispel one instance and not the other.
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Can you polymorph a beholder?

Polymorph cannot be used, because it is limited, per the spell description, to transform you to a beast. A Beholder is an Aberration, not a beast (and words/terms matter, especially in 5e).
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Can dispel magic dispel true polymorph?

If someone casts TP on themselves, dispel magic will dispel it assuming it is cast at 9th level. If it isn't casted at 9th level a DC 19 check would have to be made to dispel it.
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Can you polymorph a mimic?

Mimics have the ability to Polymorph only themselves, but they can't become other creatures when they do. Mimics can turn themselves into normal seeming objects made of wood or stone, like treasure chests, doors, sarcophagi and walls.
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Are Changelings immune to polymorph?

The text of the polymorph spell says explicitly "The spell has no effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points." So, Changelings (either PC or NPC) are immune to polymorph now.
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Can a druid polymorph into an Owlbear?

Will druids be able to turn into an Owlbear there? It does, and no you can't, but that's only because the onednd druid doesn't actually turn into beast/monster shapes by statblock, they get their own wildshape statblocks with flexible statistics, but you can just flavour it as appearing however you want.
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Can a barbarian rage while polymorphed?

The polymorphed barbarian is no longer a barbarian, so can no longer rage. The Barbarian may no longer be a Barbarian, but the 15th level ability lists the ways in which a Rage ends, and ceasing to be a Barbarian is not one of them.
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At what level can you polymorph into a dragon?

Ancient Brass Dragons are CR 20 - so you or your target must be a 20th Level character to polymorph into one.
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