Can I take my Pokemon out of a gym?

Can you withdraw your Pokemon from a gym? No, there's no way to recall them or to even get the pokecoins that you've earned. Instead, your pokemon are stuck there for months on end.
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Can you remove your own Pokémon from a gym?

A Pokemon will stay in a gym until its “motivation" hits “0” - or until it is knocked out by a trainer of a different team. If you find an unpopular gym (with no nearby trainers), and drop the right defender into it, your defender may stay indefinitely, with regular feeding of golden berries.
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Will a Pokémon stay in a gym forever?

When a Pokémon's motivation reaches zero, it leaves the Gym and returns to its Trainer the next time it loses a battle. For Gyms controlled by your team, your goal is to keep motivation up by giving the Pokémon treats.
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Is there any benefit to leaving a Pokémon in a gym?

The longer your Pokémon is defending the Gym, the more PokéCoins you can earn.
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How long does a Pokémon stay in a gym to get 50 coins?

There's a limit, though — you can only earn 50 Coins per day. To earn the daily maximum, the Pokemon needs to be in the gym for eight hours and 20 minutes.
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Pokémon stuck in gym?

How many coins do you get for defending a gym for 7 days?

Additionally, if your Pokémon has been in a Gym for several days, they will only provide 50 coins in total when they come back to you.
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Can you get your Pokémon back from a gym?

In Pokemon GO, players cannot manually recall their Pokemon from Gyms back to their collection.
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How to get more than 50 PokeCoins a day?

Once you've reached the daily Defender bonus limit of 50 PokéCoins, you won't be able to earn any more PokéCoins by defending Gyms until the next day. If you have more than one Pokémon return from defending Gyms in a single day, the maximum bonus for the day is still limited to 50 PokéCoins.
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How long should I keep my Pokemon in a gym Pokemon GO?

After 8 hours and 20 minutes in a gym, a pokemon has accrued 50 coins and can never accrue more.
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What's the point of holding a gym in Pokemon GO?

50 free PokéCoins can be earned in a day for keeping Pokémon in Gyms. 1 will be added to the Trainers' potential defender bonus. Trainers should give Pokémon treats often to keep them on the Gym and maximize the PokéCoins they will earn.
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Can Pokemon GO Gyms disappear?

We will remove PokéStops or Gyms from Pokémon GO for a very specific and limited set of reasons: There's no longer safe pedestrian access to the location. The PokéStop or Gym obstructs or interferes with Emergency Services' ability to perform normal operations.
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How do I get rid of Pokémon gym?

Want to Make Pokémon Go Away?
  1. Under the Troubleshooting section, click on “Reporting PokeStop or Gym Issues”
  2. Click on “Request removal of PokéStop or Gym”
  3. Fill out the information in the form request (pictured below)
  4. Include a notation that the PokéStop is located on private property.
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Why is 100 PokeCoins the cheapest?

The rationale behind this is simple yet effective. By making smaller quantities of PokeCoins appear more accessible price-wise, it encourages new or casual players to dip their toes into in-app purchases without feeling overwhelmed by the cost.
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How to take over a gym in Pokemon GO?

When you defeat a rival Pokémon, it loses Motivation and CP. When its Motivation and CP get reduced to zero, and you defeat it, it gets kicked out of the Gym. If you kick all the Pokémon out of a Gym, you can take over the Gym for your team. Pokémon accumulate one Poké Coin per 10 minutes when they're in a Gym.
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How long does a Pokemon stay in a gym to get coins?

When Pokemon GO players have their Pokemon in a gym, they will earn one PokeCoin every ten minutes if it stays there. This, however, will cap at 50 Coins, meaning that players can't get large sums from one gym.
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What is the gym limit in Pokemon GO?

Key Takeaways. There is a hard limit of 20 Pokemon that can defend Gyms in Pokemon GO at one time. Players can gain benefits by battling at Gyms and defending them with their Pokemon. The limit is in place to prevent players from unfairly dominating Gyms and to limit PokeCoin earnings.
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What happens if my Pokemon stays in a gym for 2 days?

A Pokemon will stay in a gym until its “motivation" hits “0” - or until it is knocked out by a trainer of a different team. If you find an unpopular gym (with no nearby trainers), and drop the right defender into it, your defender may stay indefinitely, with regular feeding of golden berries.
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What is the 50 Pokecoin limit?

You'll earn coins based on how long your Pokemon was in the gym— 1 coin for every 10 minutes. Furthermore, you're limited to getting 50 coins per day. So if you spent more than 8 hours, 20 minutes in a gym, that's extra time that you won't get credit for (in terms of coins, at least). 50 per day, tops.
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Can you kick your own Pokemon out of a gym?

Can you withdraw your Pokemon from a gym? No, there's no way to recall them or to even get the pokecoins that you've earned. Instead, your pokemon are stuck there for months on end.
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