Can I turn my companion into a vampire Skyrim?

To turn a follower into a vampire in Skyrim, players first need to marry them. Players can't get divorced in Skyrim, and can't re-marry after their spouse dies, so if they're already married, they're going to have to start a new game if they want to turn Lydia.
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Can you make your spouse a vampire in Skyrim?

In order to complete the quest “The Gift” that is a part of the expansion Dawnguard, in Skyrim, you will need to do the gruesome task of turning your spouse into a vampire. You can turn your spouse into a vampire in Skyrim once you have gotten “The Gift” quest or through feeding on them while they sleep.
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Can you do companions as vampires?

Will I be able to complete the Companions arc without becoming a werewolf or have I screwed myself by becoming a vampire lord? You HAVE to become a werewolf. But, you can use Serana to change back into a vampire lord later, after you are done with the companions.
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How do you get a vampire companion in Skyrim?

Follow the Dawnguard Quest line. She will eventually follow you, as she is required to progress through it. Once Dawnguard Quest line is completed she becomes a full follower and can be found at either Castle Volkihar or Fort Dawnguard (depending on the faction you choose).
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Who is the best follower for a vampire in Skyrim?

1 Serana Is The Best Follower In Skyrim

As a vampire, it makes sense that she is also a strong necromancer who can raise the corpses of enemies to fight alongside her, but she also has melee weapons at her disposal.
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Skyrim ٠ What Happens if you Come to Serana as a Vampire

Can I turn my follower into a vampire?

To turn a follower into a vampire in Skyrim, players first need to marry them. Players can't get divorced in Skyrim, and can't re-marry after their spouse dies, so if they're already married, they're going to have to start a new game if they want to turn Lydia.
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Should I be a vampire or join the Dawnguard?

With that in mind, players who wish for the Dragonborn to have permanent access to Castle Volkihar should choose to side with the Vampires; those who want to align themselves with a more trustworthy faction while also gaining access to better weapons should side with the Dawnguard.
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Can you marry Serana if you cure her?

Skyrim doesn't actually allow you to marry any vampires through regular in-game actions. The only way to marry Serana or any other vampire is through the use of a mod.
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What happens to Serana if you side with Harkon?

Serana is a pure-blood Vampire and follower who accompanies you throughout the Dawnguard questline. Her father is the vampire Lord Harkon. No matter which side you choose she still helps you.
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What happens if Serana is cured?

When Serana is cured, she's no longer able to make Bloodcursed arrows. Additionally, she can't turn you into a vampire anymore, cutting you off from the ability to harness the powers of a Vampire Lord. There's no reward or obligation to cure Serana, and one could argue it goes against her character to do so.
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Can you become a hybrid in Skyrim?

Of course you can try yourself if you like. You will need to save at the Werewolf ritual of course. You also need Serana with you to finish the hybrid effect. To do the Hybrid you have to activate the Vampire Lord form just before using the prompt to drink the Werewolf blood.
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Can I turn Farkas into a vampire?

Trivia. It is not possible to turn Aela the Huntress, Farkas, or Vilkas into vampires, as they are already werewolves. However, Vilkas and Farkas can be turned if they are cured from their lycanthropy. Any other member of the Companions or anyone else is turnable.
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Can you turn into a Vampire Lord in Skyrim?

Choosing the path of Harkon grants the ability to become a Vampire Lord, although it's still possible to obtain this form if the path of the Dawnguard is chosen.
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Can companions get vampirism in Skyrim?

No. More spoiled than the stuff in the fridge. I think the only possible way this can even happen is if you married a follower, then completed the Dawnguard vampire-side sidequest to turn your spouse into a vampire (note that the werewolf followers cannot be turned unless cured).
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Are there any marriable vampires in Skyrim?

While it is possible to turn your spouse into a vampire in the Dawnguard expansion, once you yourself have become a vampire, it isn't possible to marry someone who is already a vampire, like Serana. Fortunately, this is where fan mods come in to pick up the slack and give players what they want.
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Who's the best to marry in Skyrim?

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim's 12 Best Marriage Candidates, Ranked
  • 4 Marcurio Is a Skyrim Spouse Worth Wooing Simply to Avoid Paying His Hiring Fee. ...
  • 3 Aela the Huntress Is the Perfect Werewolf Spouse. ...
  • 2 Wolf Twins Vilkas and Farkas Are Both Husband Material. ...
  • 1 Argis the Bulwark Is the Best Skyrim Husband.
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Is it better to side with Harkon or not?

If you want to do the Vampire side then you need to stay as a Vampire Lord until you finish the questline. Harkon's side is geared up for Vampire Lords, if you aren't a Vampire the benefits are nonexistant. If you don't want to be a vampire then Dawnguard is probably a better side for you, even if you are a bad guy.
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What happens if you refuse Vampire Lord?

Eventually, Lord Harkon will present you with the opportunity to become a vampire. If you accept the offer, Harkon will bite you, which causes you to pass out. If you refuse the offer to become a vampire, you will be banished from Castle Volkihar and won't be able to enter back inside.
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What happens to Serana if I join Dawnguard?

If you side with the Dawnguard, you can convince Serana to cure her vampirism after her father's death.
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Can you marry Vex in Skyrim?

Without mods, no. Console commands won't do either. In order to be marriageable, an NPC needs to have a voice type that has the married lines recorded, and Astrid doesn't.
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Can you marry Lydia in Skyrim?

Can you marry Lydia in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"? Yes you can. Get an amulet of Mara at the temple of Mara in Riften.
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Is Serana a permanent companion?

2 Serana Is The Only Vampire Follower In Skyrim

Being an integral part of the Dawnguard DLC and its main quest line, players will need to put in a considerable amount of work if they wish to recruit Serana permanently; however, her loyalty is well worth the effort.
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Is there a downside to becoming a vampire in Skyrim?

While being a vampire in Skyrim has its perks, there are drawbacks, such as weaknesses to fire and sunlight and the risk of hostility from NPCs.
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Can you still become a Vampire Lord if you join the Dawnguard?

Note that playing as a Dawnguard member does not mean you can never become a Vampire Lord.
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Is it worth it being a vampire in Skyrim?

The main benefit of being a vampire is that it gives the player strong abilities and active effects, which include Nightstalker's Footsteps. This makes the Dragonborn 25 percent harder to detect when they're sneaking, which is great for Skyrim players going the stealth archer route.
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