Can metallic dragons be evil?

In D&D's current incarnation (Fifth Edition, also known as D&D5e), two major types of dragons exist: chromatic and metallic. As a rule, chromatic dragons have an evil alignment, while metallic dragons are good. However, exceptions exist as intelligent creatures can choose their own actions and motivations.
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Can Silver Dragons be evil?

Evil silvers are rare in the extreme; those that do exist serve tyrants, guard temples of evil deities, or attempt to use evil artifacts to reshape the world. To a silver dragon, honor means more than life.
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What is the most evil type of dragon?

Chromatic dragons were a type of dragon distinguished typically by a solid, non-reflective coloring of their scales, hence the name. They were generally evil, greedy, and predatory, and usually worshiped Tiamat, whom they regarded as their queen.
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What are the ideals of a metallic dragon?

While they are generally considered to be among the forces of good, it's essential to understand that they are not without their own unique quirks and complexities. Metallic dragons are often seen as defenders of justice, champions of virtue, and protectors of the innocent.
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Are metallic dragons friendly?

They were generally good, altruistic, and righteous creatures. Despite their relatively benign nature, metallic dragons were also aggressive when threatened or challenged. They usually worshiped Bahamut, whom they regarded as their king.
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The 7 Stages Of A D&D Player

Are metallic dragons good or bad?

In D&D's current incarnation (Fifth Edition, also known as D&D5e), two major types of dragons exist: chromatic and metallic. As a rule, chromatic dragons have an evil alignment, while metallic dragons are good. However, exceptions exist as intelligent creatures can choose their own actions and motivations.
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Are Metallic dragons good or evil?

Unlike chromatic dragons which are usually evil, metallic dragons are usually good. There are five kinds of metallic dragons: brass, bronze, copper, gold, silver. These are the most gregarious of all dragons and are famous for their love of conversation.
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Are chromatic or metallic dragons evil?

Chromatic dragons are typically of evil alignment, in contrast to the metallic dragons, which are typically of good alignment. Chromatic dragons have played a large role in various D&D monster compilation books: white, black, green, blue and red dragons being the classic chromatic dragons.
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Who is the god of metallic dragons?

Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons, being considered the first of their kind.
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Do metallic and chromatic dragons hate each other?

They prefer ambush and subterfuge in a fight, and their powerful acid breath weapon could burn through even the sturdiest armor. While they could generally care less about other chromatic dragons, they possess a particularly strong hatred toward metallic dragons.
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Which dragons are Evil?

Chromatic dragons are canonically depicted as evil creatures in Dungeons & Dragons. They are known for their malevolence, greed, and selfish behaviour, unlike metallic dragons who are canonically good.
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What dragons are lawful Evil?

From the Player's Handbook: "Lawful evil (LE) creatures methodically take what they want, within the limits of a code of tradition, loyalty, or order. Devils, blue dragons, and hobgoblins are lawful evil." Think in terms of Organized Crime, as a classic "real world" example.
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Are black dragons Evil?

Black dragons, also known as skull dragons, were far and away the most vile tempered and cruel of all chromatic dragons. They were solitary creatures that lived in the swamps and marshlands all around Toril, from the Flooded Forest in Sembia to the jungles of Chult.
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Are brass dragons Evil?

Brass dragons, like all metallic dragons, tend to the good side of things. In particular, they are chaotic good by nature, being social creatures, but preferring to make their own rules rather than follow those set by others.
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Are crystal dragons Evil?

Crystal dragons were friendly, curious gem dragons. They enjoyed conversing with other creatures but sometimes came into conflict with white dragons due to shared preferences in habitats.
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Are Shadow Dragons Evil?

"Evil Dragons") are evil beings created by the overuse and built-up negative energies of the Dragon Balls over the series, and the Earth Shadow Dragons are the final villains in Dragon Ball GT. In Dragon Ball Fusions, they are considered part of the Offworlder race.
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Are metallic dragons made of metal?

No, the scales of the metallic dragons are not literally made of the material they are named after in canon.
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Is Bahamut a Demon?

Bahamut is one of the nine guardians in La-Mulana. In author Brandon Mull's YA fantasy novel Fablehaven, the demon Bahamut is imprisoned on the preserve, and freed by the witch Muriel Taggert during the events of book one.
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Who is the most powerful dragon?

Balerion was the biggest dragon in history and undeniably the most powerful — easily the strongest of any other dragon between Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Balerion's exploits against other dragons are relatively understated, however.
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What color dragons are evil?

Black Dragons Are the Cruelest and Most Depraved

Black dragons make their homes in swamps, and they are sometimes worshiped by evil Lizardfolk or Kobolds.
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What is the weakest metallic dragon?

Considered to be one of the weakest and most benign of the metallics, brass dragons are also one of the most sociable. Known for their love of conversation, they can keep a comrade talking for endless hours and are generally fluent in hundreds of languages and dialects.
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Are dragons always evil?

The dragons themselves are not inherently “evil.” Evil implies malicious intent. A dragon is a wild animal that has no higher-level agenda or intent. Dragons can be incredibly destructive, but that's inherent to their nature and is not the same as them being “evil.”
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Are green dragons evil?

Green dragons are intense dangers to anyone who manage to be in their evil gaze. While they seem to be kind and courteous to those who speak to them they are undoubtedly evil and deceptive. They enjoy trickery and deceit and plot your death with every move.
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Are metallic dragons greedy?

Metallic dragons covet treasure as do their evil chromatic kin, but they aren't driven as much by greed in their pursuit of wealth. Rather, metallic dragons are driven to investigate and collect, taking unclaimed relics and storing them in their lairs.
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Are emerald dragons evil?

While the two previously established categories of Dragons, Chromatic and Metallic, are typically evil and good respectively, Gem Dragons have the distinction of most commonly appearing as neutrally aligned creatures.
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