Can Nightblade use magic?

Nightblades tend to favor light armor over heavy armor. They are adept healers and are good at using Alteration magic, casting spells to protect themselves, and so on. They use melee based blades to further weaken their foes while they dispatch them with their powerful spells of Destruction magic.
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Is Magicka Nightblade good?

The Magicka Nightblade is a great damage dealer. It has access to strong abilities like Swallow Soul, Siphoning Attacks, Dark Shade, Twisting Path, Merciless Resolve, Sap Essence, and Death Stroke.
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What race is Magicka Nightblade?

For a Magicka Nightblade Damage Dealer DPS the best races are High Elf, Dark Elf and Khajiit. For a Stamina Nightblade Damage Dealer DPS the best races are Dark Elf, Orc and Khajiit. For a Nightblade Healer great choices are Bretons and High Elves.
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Can Magicka Nightblade Dual Wield?

Below are some of the features found using the Magicka Nightblade PvE in the Elder Scrolls Online: Class – Nightblade. Weapon One – Dual Wield. Weapon Two – Flame Staff.
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What weapon does Magicka Nightblade use?

The Magicka Nightblade in The Elder Scrolls Online primarily uses Light armor due to the passives that benefit this build. The Fire Destruction staff is the primary weapon of choice.
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The ULTIMATE Nightblade Class Guide for ESO

Is Magicka Nightblade hard?

Playing a Magicka Nightblade can be very rewarding, but is also not the easiest class to master.
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What is the best weapon type for a Nightblade?

The best weapon for a Nightblade in The Elder Scrolls Online is Dual Wield daggers. This weapon type is preferred for the increased Critical Chance that daggers obtain through the Twin Blade and Blunt passive.
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What is the best race for Nightblade?

What race is good for Nightblade? The best races for Nightblades in ESO are the Dark Elf for damage dealers, Nord for tanks, and High Elf or Breton for healers.
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What class to pair with Nightblade?

Nightblade is primarily Dual Wield melee character. You can still do caster ofc. for nightblade, you can go also for chaos - then Occultist and Rah'Zin's set is your choice. Witch Hunter (NB+Occ) and Reaper (NB+Necro) are also nice choice but need some straight hands tp play.
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What is the best race for Magblade in eso?

Altmer, Dunmer and Khajiit buff your damage and healing. Breton buffs your sustain, which indirectly buffs your damage and healing as you need to invest less into sustain. I've always had a preference for dunmer.
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What race is best for Magicka?

1. Breton. The racial skills of the Bretons reflect their affinity for the arcane, increasing their base magicka, magicka recovery, light armor, alliance point gain, spell resistance, and cost reduction of spells, allowing them to cast spells with little pause.
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What race is Khajiit?

Khajiit are one of the beast races which inhabit the continent of Tamriel, primarily their home province of Elsweyr. The Khajiit have feline appearance and sly accent common to Cathay, however their type is not specified. Most Khajiit in Skyrim speak in third person.
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What is the best all round race in eso?

The Dunmer, also known as Dark Elves, in ESO is the best overall race due to its versatility for both magicka and stamina-based builds. These passives include increased experience gain with the Dual Wield skill line and reduced damage taken from environmental lava.
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What armor should a Nightblade wear?

Nightblades in The Elder Scrolls Online are typically characterized by the use of Medium Armor in close combat and a reliance on Stamina. Though this is true for most Nightblade builds in The Elder Scrolls Online, some rely on Heavy Armor or Light Armor to serve different purposes in group content.
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What type of armor should a Magicka Nightblade use?

Magicka users want 3 light, 2 medium, and 2 heavy. Stamina users want to equip 3 medium, 2 light, and 2 heavy. This will progress your armor skill lines somewhat evenly and will help reach the maximum level.
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What is the best race for Nightblade Healer?

The races that offer the best passives for Healers are High Elf, Breton, and Argonian, though all races are capable of Healing. The Nightblade Healer build utilizes the High Elf racial passives, as they offer the best raw healing potential.
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Can a Nightblade tank?

While most people like to think that nightblades are incapable of tanking higher level content, they couldn't be more wrong. If you play on the strengths that the nightblade has, you can create a powerful nightblade tank that can take on not only vet DLC dungeons, but veteran trials as well.
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Where does Nightblade drop?

this item is also a world drop off the level 48-51 black whelps in northeastern badlands. this item is OK to farm for some $$ but also what i said is that it's a world drop soo it's really REALLY rare.
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What is the role of the Nightblade?

Think of the Nightblade as your typical rogue, stealth, assassin character from any other RPG. Your one of the hardest hitting on the battlefield, have a unique stealth mechanic and excel at all things damage.
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What is the most powerful race in eso?

Dark Elf (Dunmer) Race

Dark Elf racial passives let you play both Stamina or Magicka based setups. Dark Elves are one of the strongest races for both magicka and stamina based setups. They also get flame resistance, which can be helpful if you are a Vampire (because Vampires take extra fire damage).
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Is stamina Nightblade good?

Using Weapon Power Potions to source major damage and crit buffs. Stamina Nightblade, while stronger than the Magicka Nightblade, is still in a rough spot this patch. While you can hit high numbers on the target dummy with one, they still lack in aoe encounters, and there are many better trial options.
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What is the best race for a sorcerer in eso?

A High Elf is the preferred race for a Magicka Sorcerer, overall it provides a great buff to all your stats. As a Stamina Sorcerer you can pick races such as Dark Elf, Orc or Khajiit. As a Healer it is recommended to pick a Breton, Khajiit or High Elf. And as a tank the best races are Imperial, Argonian and Nords.
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What is the strongest blade type?

Drop-Point Blades

This creates a tip that is slightly lowered, making it easier to control and stronger than many other blade types. Due to their strength and versatility, drop-point knives are commonly used for hunting, camping, and survival situations.
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Is Nightblade a good class?

Nightblades in ESO are one of the most powerful classes in both PvE and PvP. They are excellent damage dealers (DPS) and can also be great tanks and decent healers. Relying variously on stealth, blades, and speed, ESO Nightblades thrive on conflict and misfortune, trusting in their luck and cunning to survive.
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Is Nightblade good for PvP?

The Magicka Nightblade class in The Elder Scrolls Online is a great choice for those PvP players that would like to deal a massive amount of damage, disappear from sight, and be able to survive for as long as possible.
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