Can paladins be evil in 5e?

Paladins can be any of alignment, although evil paladins are extremely rare.
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What is an evil paladin called?

If your paladins are basically holy warriors with priest like spells (in general following good gods), then your evil paladins could either have a generic name (Death Knight, Dark Knight, Anti-Paladin etc), or a name that focuses on the god they follow and get their spells from.
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How to be an evil paladin?

Utilize the Oathbreaker subclass to play an evil paladin without restrictions or losing powers. Consider twisting the wording of your character's tenets to follow them while still behaving in an evil manner.
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Is Vengeance paladin lawful and evil?

Oath of Vengeance paladins tend to toe the line between good and evil. They recognize that doing what is right and just is not always what is good. They are most commonly Lawful Neutral in alignment.
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Are Oathbreaker paladins evil?

The oathbreaker is an evil class, you use necromancy, fear and despair in your enemies. You literally cooperate with dark forces. But the problem is that you could become an oathbreaker when you only break a code (oath). Breaking an oath is an unlawful (chaotic) action but not an evil action.
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The Problem with Paladins in D&D

Can there be evil paladins?

Paladins can be any of alignment, although evil paladins are extremely rare.
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Can paladin detect evil?

At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds.
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Is there a dark paladin?

Dark paladins are the antithesis of paladins. They champion evil gods and the ideals of power, glory, wickedness and combat. Contrary to what many believe, dark paladins are not chaotic evil. They must be lawful evil in alignment.
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Are conquest paladins evil?

Those who take the Oath of Conquest aren't the nicest paladins you'll ever meet, but they are the most ruthless. Taking the Oath of Conquest means ensuring your supremacy, even if it means performing acts no other paladin would even consider.
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What is the best Oath for an evil paladin 5E?

There is nothing really that prevents any of the oath to be sworn by an evil Paladin but some oaths mights require a bit more justification that others. Vengeance, Crown and Conquest are the obvious choices for an evil character but any of the other works as well.
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Are warlocks evil paladins?

Some classes seem like they are destined for one specific alignment: Warlocks are evil, paladins are good, and bards are chaos incarnate. But that's simply not the case — any class can fall under any alignment, as long as there is a backstory that makes sense for it.
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Is there an antipaladin 5E?

A paladin variant class for edgelords and evildoers, for D&D 5th edition! Featuring three vile new subclasses!
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Can a paladin break their oath?

To break your Paladin Oath, you must betray your beliefs and violate one of the Oath's tenets from your chosen subclass. Once you break your oath, the Oathbreaker Knight will appear and temporarily prevent you from using your channel oath abilities.
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Do paladins need a god?

So, while most paladins will be following a god of good, they don't have to be. There are oaths that don't seem to even be related to gods (Crown, Glory, Watchers), others are questionable (Conquest, Vengeance) and then there's Oathbreaker (which officially isn't a PC class, but can be allowed).
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What is a black paladin?

The Black Paladins are a group that operate in Lyonessa, Avalon and Vespernia. They protect Ducaite cathedrals from any harm much like the Sightfort Paladins of Astiroth. Black Paladins wear heavy armour and are meant for guarding rather than pursuing.
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What is higher than a paladin?

Sentinel. Sentinel is a rank used by the East Coast division, ranking between star paladin and elder. Sentinels do not require specific orders and usually conduct operations at their own discretion, with the elder issuing only standing, high-level orders.
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Can you be an evil paladin?

You can totally be an evil paladin. Out of the available oaths, oathbreaker is for sure the play. So just pick any oath, then immediately break it and go oathbreaker.
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Who is the strongest paladin?

As long as a paladin believes their cause is just, they can become formidable.
  • 8 Maraad.
  • 7 Alexandros Morgraine.
  • 6 Bolvar Fordragon.
  • 5 Arthas Menethil.
  • 4 Yrel.
  • 3 Uther the Lightbringer.
  • 2 Tirion Fordring.
  • 1 Turalyon.
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What are paladins immune to?

Divine Health (Ex): At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot.
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Is there a white Paladin?

The White Paladins are an ancient and venerated Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes considered to be successors of the venerable Ultramarines. Despite conflicting records regarding their exact founding, many Imperial scholars agree that the chapter has definitely existed since the dawn of the 32nd Millennium.
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Can a Paladin be a knight?

The knights templar, better known as King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, were paladins. However, it was not necessary to be a knight to be regarded as a paladin.
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Can paladins cast darkness?

Sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards can cast Darkness.

However, other subclasses—and even playable races—can also cast Darkness, including: Night Domain clerics. Oathbreaker paladins. Circle of the Land (Swamp) druids.
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Can paladins detect demons?

Both the paladin and the ranger say that they know the location of any evil or good creature, simply because the flavor says "you detect evil and good" but I say it only shows the location of celestial, fiends, and undead within 60 feet (of which a yuan-ti pureblood is none).
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Are paladins immune to fear 5E?

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.
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Is an oath breaker paladin evil?

Oathbreakers aren't inherently evil. A good paladin is an oathbreaker. In regular D&D you can even redeem yourself and take your Oath again.
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