Can Sims get pregnant just from WooHoo?

When having regular WooHoo with another Sim, there's a small chance that it will result in pregnancy. If you want to improve those odds, command your Sim to "Try For Baby" with another Sim. If you don't see the option for "Try For Baby" with another Sim, ensure your Sim has a 40 percent romantic relationship with them.
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Can Sims get pregnant without you making them?

If your Sim “discuss expending family” with a Love interest it can happen that you have a miracle pregnancy. The game doesn't filter played sims and unplayed sims. It's the same bug/feature as the ring in the bag scenario just you don't have the call.
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Can you get random Sims pregnant?

You can definitely get a Sim pregnant who you're not married to or have in your household. My evil Sim did so just so he could drop by the woman's house and steal candy from the resulting baby for a recurring "steal candy from a baby" wish. My sim is a dead-beat dad to 3 children so far; although I actually have four.
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Can anyone get pregnant in The Sims 4?

Which Sims can get pregnant? Although by default only female Sims can become pregnant, you can change your Sim's pregnancy options under the gender selection dropdown menu in Create A Sim so that male Sims can get pregnant too.
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Can two female Sims have a baby?

In The Sims 4, by default, two female Sims cannot biologically conceive a child together. The game mechanics do not allow for same-sex couples to naturally have children together through pregnancy.
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Can your sims get pregnant with just WooHoo?

Can you have 2 wives in Sims?

If you want them to be dating you would need to add mods, as the base game doesn't allow polygamy. Mods can add multiple boyfriends/girlfriends and even marriages. Love is free.
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Can 2 men have a baby?

Technology has come a long way since the first surrogacy birth in 1985. However, it is still not possible for a gay couple to have a child using DNA from both fathers. This may change in the future, with the experimental process of IVG (in vitro gametogenesis) continuing to be studied in mice.
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Can ghost Sims get others pregnant?

Female ghosts can't have babies. Nor can a male ghost father one on a living sim. So, that is why the Try for Baby option is not there. It's just the way the game works.
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Why do I keep having boys?

Some scientists think whether you're likely to have a girl or boy is inherited through the father, although nobody has identified a gene. Others have suggested that it comes down to heritable traits that could confer an evolutionary advantage on one sex, but not the other, when it's time for offspring to reproduce.
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How many babies can you be pregnant with in sims 4?

This is a multi-step process, but players can input any number of babies they want their Sim to have at one time, up to seven. However, as a Sim's household is capped at eight, they may only be able to have as many as six babies total until one grows up and moves out of the home.
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How many sims can be pregnant at once?

Q – How many pregnant Sims can I have at one time? A – You can have one Pregnant Sim in the Pregnancy Event at a time - however you can have an unlimited number of Pregnant Sims up to your Sim count level.
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How fast do sims get pregnant?

Generally, sims will realize they are pregnant about 24 sim hours after the deed is done. Then 3 days later, around that same time, the baby will be born.
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Can sims get pregnant from WooHoo without trying for baby?

When having regular WooHoo with another Sim, there's a small chance that it will result in pregnancy. If you want to improve those odds, command your Sim to "Try For Baby" with another Sim. If you don't see the option for "Try For Baby" with another Sim, ensure your Sim has a 40 percent romantic relationship with them.
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Why can't my sims try for a baby?

Keep in mind that one of the sims needs to be able to become pregnant while the other needs to be able to get others pregnant for them to be able to try for a baby.
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How do you know if Sim is pregnant?

It might take a few game days, but the female's stomach will pop out and you'll know you're pregnant, and when it does pop out you can find out for sure by changing and when the options come up, if you see "maternity" on one of the options you know you're pregnant!
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Why did I have all girls?

Original question: “When a woman has all girls, what does that mean?” Generally that the male female sperm determinant (XX) gets to the female egg faster than the male (XY) sperm. The male partner determines the sex of the new born, or rather his sperm does. The female egg partner always has a female chromosome XX.
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Why have I only had girls?

While some people believe that a child's gender depends on the mother because she's the one that carries it, in reality, it's in the father's hands. Since sperm carries chromosomes for both genders, some spermatozoa carry X chromosomes for girls, while others carry Y chromosomes for boys.
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Why am I only having girl babies?

A baby's sex is influenced by genetics, studies have found that chromosomal defects potentially influence a child's birth gender. The effect is more obvious in men. In mammals, sperm carrying an X chromosome produce girls whereas sperm carrying a Y produce boys.
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What is a ghost baby?

So-called "ghost white babies" are rare, and those that do not die in utero or are still born, can have neurological damage, according to the National Institutes of Health. The biggest signal of fetal-maternal hemorrhage is decreased fetal activity.
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Can Sims try for baby with ghost?

There is no "Try for baby" interaction for ghost-ghost or ghost-sim couples. The only ways to get a ghost child is to create one in CAS through ghost parents or getting the "death" outcome when wishing for a child at the wishing well.” So no.
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Can you have a baby with Grim Reaper Sims 4?

remove_trait IsGrimReaper" to deactivate the reaper features. This will allow you to do normal interactions like woohoo, try for baby, be invited to places and more.
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Can you mix two sperms together?

Combining two sperm wouldn't work. There just isn't enough in a sperm to sustain an embryo early on. What about removing the DNA from an egg, and adding two sperm to that? Theoretically you'd end up with a child with the DNA of both dads, and just a bit of the donor's DNA.
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Can a woman have one baby with two fathers?

Chimerism is extremely rare. Only about 100 cases have ever been recorded. For one baby to have two fathers what would have to happen first is bipaternal twins, which is rare. It is when two eggs get fertilized by two different men's sperm and become fraternal twins.
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Is it rare to have two boys?

If you have two children, you'll have a 50% chance of having a second boy, based on the ratios above. Then if you have three children, you'll have a 25% chance of having all three boys, and a 75% chance of two girls and a boy or two boys and a girl.
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