Can the Dragonborn be a Jarl?

Though the Dragonborn is able to become a member of secret societies like the Thieves Guild or curry favor with a city's authorities to become one of its Thanes, there is no way for players to officially ascend to the powerful Jarl position in Skyrim.
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Can the Dragonborn become High King?

The only thing we know is canon is that the LDB did the main and DLC questlines, not the civil war or faction questlines. It's possible that he could be made high king, but Bethesda is unlikely to do this as it's a player character.
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Can the Dragonborn become emperor?

Many new players in TES games will think that the Dragonborn should be the Emperor because the Septim Dynasty, Reman Dynasty, and the Alessian Dynasty were all Dragonborn. Obviously this is false, but that doesn't mean the Dragonborn still can't become emperor.
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Is it possible to become Jarl in Skyrim?

No, it is impossible to become Jarl in Skyrim, unless you have a mod where you become Jarl of some town like Helgen which, to my knowledge, doesn't exist yet. Besides, becoming Jarl would become boring since Jarls arent allowed to go beyond their city's walls unless heavily guarded.
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Is the Dragonborn a god in The Elder Scrolls?

The Dragonborn is a mortal gifted the soul of a dragon. All dragons come from Akatosh, the god of time. Every dragon and their soul is a piece of Akatosh.
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Skyrim - Could the Dragonborn Become Emperor? - Elder Scrolls Lore

Can an imperial be Dragonborn?

Notable Dragonborn

Reman Cyrodiil, an Imperial Dragonborn, who would become emperor of the Reman Empire and adopt the Akaviri Dragonguard into his private bodyguard. He died peacefully in 1E 2762.
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What gods would Dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil. The worship of any member of the draconic pantheon was taboo in dragonborn culture due to their long history of enslavement by dragons on their homeworld, but only the faith of Tiamat…
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Can I marry a Jarl in Skyrim?

No, it is not possible for a player to marry Jarl Balgruuf in Skyrim, regardless of the player character's gender. While there are many characters available for marriage in Skyrim, such as Aela the Huntress or Farkas of the Companions, Jarl Balgruuf is not one of them.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Who is the true ruler of Skyrim?

High King Hoag Merkiller (1E 478–1E 480)
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Is A Dragonborn Immortal?

Being Dragonborn doesn't seem to have any effect on anyone's lifespan, in and of itself. So a Dragonborn would live as long as their race would normally live. That would be a few hundred years for elves, about a hundred years for men and Orsimer, and unknown for Khajiit, and Argonians.
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Can a Dragonborn have a child with a human?

Dragonborn biology has split so far from human biology that they're no longer biologically compatible. Half-dragons are the half-breed children of true dragons.
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Why isn t the Dragonborn Emperor?

After the events of Oblivion, no Dragonborn were left on Nirn to take the throne. Furthermore, the Amulet of Kings shattered, and the ceremonial Dragonfires that it lit during each new emperor's crowning became permanently lit. This forced the Empire to appoint a new leader without Dragonborn heritage.
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Can you marry Jarl Elisif?

Accepted Answer. Normally you can't marry Elisif the Fair, it requires a mod that is known to be a bit buggy.
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Can Dragonborn be 7 feet tall?

Dragonborn stand tall, averaging between 6 and 7 feet tall and weigh around 250 pounds. The draconblood dragonborn have a tail, while the ravenite dragonborn do not.
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Are there platinum Dragonborn?

To be fair, there are technically THREE platinum dragons. but all three are gods, and Bahamut is the only one with wings. But yeah, highly unlikely if not impossible there would be a Platinum ancestry dragonborn because that would imply Bahamut, Lendys, or Tamara had a hand in creating the dragonborn.
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What is the rarest type of Dragonborn?

Because of thousands of years of interbreeding, the scales of a dragonborn's hide were usually scarlet, gold, rust, ochre, bronze, or brown in hue, though a few dragonborn with an stronger draconic heritage had scales resembling those of true dragons, but white scaled dragonborn were said to be rare.
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Is a half dragon a Dragonborn?

Half Dragons were born from dragons and their rape victims (or rarely vice versa) and are far more muscular, strong, and tall than dragonborns (they also have wings), dragonborns are descended from dragons, and while most are more muscular than humans, and have scales and talons like dragons, they only have tails.
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Is the Dragonborn canonically a Nord?

The Nords assumed that the Dragonborn would be a Nord due to Alduin´s involvement in the prophecy and their experience with the Septim emperors, but it is in the end up to Akatosh who is Dragonborn or not.
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Can you marry Karliah?

Now you can marry her and you can achieve your goal of wanting to marry karliah. Of course, you have to finish the theives guild questline. Enjoy! *UPDATE* I've added dialogue for her for the wedding and marriage items I even added her giving you affection for when you ask for things.
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Can the Dragonborn marry Elisif?

It means she likes you as you did her a favor, with a diffrent maybe you could but Elisif can't be married (without mods or console command on a PC).
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Can you have two husbands in Skyrim?

No. It's only possible to marry one NPC through your entire gameplay, unless you play on the PC and use console commands (to divorce your current spouse in order to marry a different NPC), it might be possible to marry two NPC's with mods, but I couldn't know for sure.
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Can you be an evil dragonborn?

Dragonborn have a variety of personalities and alignments, just like any other race. Some dragonborn may be good, while others may be neutral or evil. The alignment of a dragonborn is determined by their individual personality and upbringing, rather than their race.
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What do dragons think of Dragonborn Skyrim?

Metallic dragons generally look at them as distant cousins, considering them allies and more willing to work with them. Again the level of this depends on the dragon, if the dragon believes itself superior it will look down on a chromatic dragonborn with disdain regardless of alignment, seeing it as a child of tiamat.
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Can a Dragonborn worship Bahamut?

4th edition changes. The Platinum Dragon is part of the core pantheon and chiefly sees worship from lawful good paladins and clerics. The dragonborn race reveres him as a creator god, while other races invoke him for strength and protection.
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