Can two half-elves reproduce?

They can reproduce. In Tolkien's universe half elves absolutely can reproduce. It's been hinted a few times that the differences between men and elves is more spiritual than biological. That in a biological sense they are the same species.
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Can two half-elves have a baby?

Half-elves may mate and breed, but will always produce the off-spring of the other parent (a half-elf elf pairing will produce elven children, while a half-elf human pairing will result in human children). Second generation half-elves only result if two half-elves marry.
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Are half-elves infertile?

They aren't always infertile

But there are rare but proven and documented cases of fertile hybrids existing. The reason half-elves are so popular is this.
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Can a half-elf and a half-orc mate?

Apprently half-elves and half-orcs can't crossbreed at ALL.
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Can a half-elf be half anything?

Traditionally, half-elves tend to be of mixed human and elven heritage. However, there seems to be no inherent reason restricting half-elves from embracing more diverse parentage, be it elf/orc, elf/goblin, elf/halfling, or even the exotic combination of elf/elf, like a sun elf and a sea elf.
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The Hidden Secrets of the Half-Elves - D&D

What happens when two half-elves mate?

Elves and humans have held the Armlet of Strength and half-elves are capable of interbreeding with both elves and humans and continuing to produce fertile children. Interestingly, half-elves can also breed with other half-elves and have created a fairly stable half-elf race.
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What is the lifespan of a half-elf?

Age: Half-elves mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years. Alignment: Half-elves share the chaotic bent of their elven heritage.
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How long are half-elves pregnant?

The Book of Exotic Fantasy, yes it's not a official D&D book, also says a year for half-elves, 2 years (which we know is official because Ed has said it's 2 years) for elves, and 9 months for humans.
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Is there a half dwarf half-elf?

Distinctions. Half-dwarves (also known as halfbloods) were hybrid humanoids born through the union of a dwarf and another humanoid race. Half-dwarves of dwarf-elf hybridization were sometimes more specifically called dwelves ( sing : dwelf).
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Can orcs breed with elves?

if you want a lore answer for the Forgotten Realms, orcs and elves cannot have children together. Neither Corellon Larethian or Gruumsh would permit such a soul to be created. It's actually one of the few things they agree upon.
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How long are elves pregnant?

Elves follow mammalian reproduction, with a gestation period of 8 months.
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What if a dwarf and an elf had a baby?

"While an elf & dwarf may indeed produce offspring, the curiously stubborn nature of both ancestries produces a child that is either an elf or a dwarf, though a child of either race often inherits minor physical attributes from the other parent.
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Can a half-orc and an elf have a child?

Orcs & Elves can't breed, as far as I know from older gamers. However, if the half-orc is more human than orc, I can see an ugly half-elf resulting. [Edit= changed "mate" to "breed," as orcs and elves can, quite unfortunately to the elf, mate.]
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Why did the elves stop having babies?

After their time of children, the desire to procreate soon ceases. They turn their powers of body and mind to other tasks and arts. Nonetheless, they cherish the days of bearing and raising children as the happiest times of their lives.
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Why is it hard for elves to have babies?

Unlike other races of Middle-earth, casual intercourse was not enough to conceive a child because, for Elves, it was a far more conscious effort that required, as Tolkien put it, a "share and strength of their being, in mind and in body." Furthermore, marriage and parenthood are not forced upon Elven people.
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Do half elves count as elves?

After the conclusion of the War of Wrath, Manwë determined that the surviving Half-elves would have their choice of fates: to be counted among Elves, and granted eternal life in the Undying Lands; or to be counted among mortals, and granted the ineffable Gift of Ilúvatar.
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Can a half-elf be a Tiefling?

Tiefling is a Heritage. You choose one Ancestry and then get only one Heritage. So without house rules, a half-elf tiefling is not possible. So, we can do an ELVEN tiefling or a HUMAN tiefling, but not a HALF-ELVEN tiefling.
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Which elf fell in love with a dwarf?

During the dwarves' imprisonment, Tauriel forms a romantic bond with Kíli.
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What is a human half-elf called?

Half-elves (also called Cha'Tel'Quessir in Elven) were humanoids born through the union of an elf and a human. Whether a half-elf was raised by their human parent or their elven parent, they often felt isolated and alone.
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Can Half-Elves have human ears?

Description: Half-elves stand taller than humans but shorter than elves. They inherit the lean build and comely features of their elven lineage, but their skin color is normally dictated by their human side. While half-elves retain the pointed ears of elves, theirs are more rounded and less pronounced.
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Can elves have twins?

Twins are people in a family who are born at the same time. Twins have appeared many times doing the history of Arda and probably occur in all speaking races; however, many such examples have been amongst the Elves.
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How long is a fairy pregnant?

Fairy pregnancy is much like seahorse pregnancy since the male fairies are the ones that give birth. It only lasts for 3 months, which may have to do with the fact that Fairies heal fast.
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What color eyes do Half-Elves have?

While half-elves retain the pointed ears of elves, theirs are more rounded and less pronounced. Their eyes tend to be human-like in shape, but feature an exotic range of colors from amber or violet to emerald green and deep blue. This pattern changes for half-elves of drow descent, however.
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Do two Half-Elves make a full elf?

It's not pure elf, and there is no quarter-elf, so it is still a half elf. If two half-elves make a baby, then there's actually a 1/4 chance of pure-human and 1/4 chance of pure-elf, as well as 1/2 chance of half elf.
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What is a female elf called?

Female elves are called elves. They might also be referred to as she-elves, elf maids, or “the pointy eared bint what shot me”.
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