Can Ulfric become High King?

If you complete the Civil War questline by siding with the Stormcloaks, then Ulfric will become the High King with Elisif just following along, but if you side with the Imperials in the war, then I don't believe you ever see a new High King. technically you don't see one even with the stormcloak quest line.
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Does Ulfric Stormcloak ever become High King?

With the support of Galmar stone fist as well as all of windhelm and half of SKyrim, whose allegiance to the nord warrior was brought by the Markarth incident, Ulfric declared himself the ''True'' High King of Skyrim.
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Is it possible to become the High King of Skyrim?

There is no real way without mods. according to lore, the dragonborn should be powerful enough to fight anyone who disagrees with him; ie the stormcloaks and the imperials, but as far as the game is concerned there is no way to do it without mods.
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Would Ulfric be a good king?

Combined with some of Ulfric's personality and character flaws, not to mention how he is potentially vulnerable to Thalmor manipulation, it's easy to reach the conclusion that while Ulfric could make for a decent High King, there is also a very good chance that his rule might make things worse or result in more ...
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How old was high king torygg when Ulfric killed him?

How old was Torygg when Ulfric killed him? Some people (like the Stromcloak commanders) are talking about Torygg accepting the White-Gold Concordat. That would put his age at about 50 years minimum.
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What happens if you don't KILL Parturnax in Skyrim? The Ending is Correct

Who was the High King that Ulfric killed?

Ulfric Stormcloak's biggest mistake was murdering the High King Torygg, who was well-respected by his people and likely would have supported him.
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What happens if I let Ulfric live?

If Dragonborn decides not to kill him - General Tullius would strike the final blow and Ulfric is dead. You could, however, never finish the civil war - and then we dont know what happens until the next game is out - when Bethesda would choose a canon ending of the civil war.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak brainwashed?

From the contents of the Thalmor Dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak, it appears the Jarl of Windhelm may have once been willingly working alongside the Thalmor but abandoned allegiance rather quickly. Instead, manipulation tactics and brainwashing turned Ulfric Stormcloak into the Thalmor's unwitting attack dog.
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Is Ulfric a Thalmor Pawn?

no he's not. they captured him (after being betrayed to them by the empire btw). then they tortured the crap otu of him for awhile. they then found out he'd become jarl of eastmarch if he got out, and that he'd probably start a civil war because he hates the thalmor so much, and by extension the empire.
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Can you marry Jarl Elisif?

No. He is not in the “marriageable” faction. He is available as a follower, provided you complete his little quest, but you're not setting up housekeeping with him unless you either resort to console commands to add him to the faction or install a mod which will do it for you.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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What level is too high in Skyrim?

Skyrim doesn't have a level cap technically,Your level increased through increasing your skills,each of them maxing out at 100. In the Original game,that meant that the level cap was 81,simply because at that point you would have maxed out all the skills.
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Is Ulfric helping the Thalmor?

Although Ulfric despises the Thalmor, in many ways it could be said that his behavior and actions are helping the Thalmors achieve what they want in Skyrim. If the province became independent from the Empire, it would be easier for the Aldmeri Dominion to conquer it.
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Is Ulfric good or bad?

He is the leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion who seeks to free Skyrim from the Empire of Cyrodiil. He becomes the main antagonist of the Civil War quest-line if the player joins the Imperial Legion to keep Skyrim under the Empire's control or its deuteragonist if the player joins the Stormcloaks instead.
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What happens if you give the jagged crown to Ulfric?

If the Dragonborn chooses to betray the Imperials by giving the crown to Ulfric instead, Legate Rikke may show up at the Palace of Kings while the Dragonborn is in the middle of the conversation with Ulfric.
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Can the Stormcloaks beat the Thalmor?

Depends what you mean by defeat, if you're wondering if the Stormcloaks could defend Skyrim against an invasion by the Thalmor and kick their inquisitors out then the answer is a simple yes.
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Are Stormcloaks or Imperials better?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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Who replaces Ulfric as Jarl?

Ulfric is replaced by Brunwulf Free-Winter (Tullius didn't even know his name, but he's gullible which is all that matters) But Brunwulf is also responsible for spreading false propaganda against Ulfric.
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Why is Ulfric Stormcloak bad?

According to the in-game book The Bear of Markarth, Ulfric also executed every Nord who did not aid him in retaking Markarth, including farmers, shopkeepers, the elderly, and even children. This book quotes Ulfric as saying “You are with us, or you are against Skyrim” as he killed his fellow Nords.
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Do the Thalmor want Ulfric to win?

They don't even want either side to win/lose, because they want the civil war to go on as long as possible. Ulfric Stormcloak is one of their old informants (read the dossier on him). So, they're in it just to see Skyrim become weakened to the point that it falls.
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What happens to Skyrim if Ulfric wins?

A Stormcloak victory in the civil war leads to Ulfric becoming High King of Skyrim and declaring the country's independence. This leaves the Tamrielic Empire with only the Cyrodiil and High Rock territories, alongside several smaller provinces.
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Who becomes Jarl after Ulfric dies?

After completing the quest "Reunification of Skyrim," Brunwulf Free-Winter will become Jarl of Windhelm, whereupon he will give the Dragonborn the option to become a Thane of Eastmarch.
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What shout did Ulfric use?

In summary: Ulfric himself says he studied at High Hrothgar for years to learn the ONE shout (fus... roh dah!), and that his shout merely stunned/staggered the High King so that his blade could pierce his heart.
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Who becomes Jarl of Windhelm if Ulfric dies?

After Ulfric is dead, Tullius and Rikke will head outside. Follow them out and watch as Tullius gives a speech to the assembled Imperial soldiers, thanking them for their service. After the completion of this quest, the Imperials will install a new Jarl, Brunwulf Free-Winter.
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