Can warlocks be immortal?

They cannot tire from using magic, nor do they age. The are deemed immortal from an age they choose. An immortal witch or warlock can age to the point where they wish to stop, most seem to be late 20s. They are all immune to (most) vampire abilties, with some exceptions.
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How long can warlocks live?

Warlocks are immortal beings. At one point in their lives, they stop aging—which point exactly will depend on their demon parent.
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What age do warlocks stop aging?

It depends on their warlock parent. Some warlocks stop aging as teenagers, some in their early twenties (Magnus, Tessa), some in their late twenties (Malcolm) some later (Ragnor, Caterina.) The only rule is that they all, at some point, do stop aging.
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Does a warlock have to be evil?

Warlocks have an overall poor reputation, a result of their dealings with otherworldly and often malevolent creatures. However, not all warlocks are evil by nature and may use such deadly gifts for more benign purposes.
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How old can warlocks be?

Immortality: Warlocks are granted immortality, again by their demon heritage. They do not physically age. They'd only stop aging in a certain time and retain that appearance for as long as they love. Accelerated healing: Warlocks heal faster than humans due to the demon blood they have.
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This BROKEN Warlock Build Makes You IMMORTAL! | Destiny 2 Season of Defiance

Are warlocks immortal?

In TRSOM (TEC book 1) Magnus mentions that warlocks are immortal, but not invulnerable (unable to be hurt).
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Are warlocks born or made?

Warlocks in this edition received their abilities through the influence of some supernatural being such as a demon or fey. They are either born with these powers or receive them through a fell pact, which turns their soul into a dark font of eldritch powers.
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What is warlock weakness?

This is particularly relevant to Warlock because it's not possible to restrict his Psionic abilities by using a Flashbang Grenade. However, the Chosen are not immune to poison, fire, or acid and afflicting burning to the Warlock will prevent him from using his Psionic attacks.
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Can a human become a warlock?

Becoming a Warlock

One can be born as a warlock if at least one parent is a warlock. Witches can kill other witches and steal their powers, which betrays the Wiccan Rede and causes them to lose their soul, turning them into warlocks.
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What happens when a warlock dies?

Warlocks make a pact with an otherworldly being for power. This pact can come in a variety of forms but comes in three general forms: Soul Pact: The Warlock's soul is given over to the patron upon death. This makes it increasingly difficult to bring the Warlock back from the dead.
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Do warlocks need to sleep?

You no longer need to Sleep & can't be forced to Sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a Long Rest, you can spend all 8 hours performing light activity, such as reading your Book of Shadows & keeping watch.
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Do warlocks keep their power?

The power bestowed upon to the warlock is a pact and a pact cannot be revoked. They retain that power even if the patron dies.
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Can warlocks have children?

warlocks can't have children. Tessa, however, is the only exception. she is a special kind of warlock: part demon, part shadowhunter (her mother being a lost/stolen shadowhunter with no runes). her children were born with their father's shadowhunter blood as dominant, so they ARE shadowhunters.
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How do warlocks reproduce?

Therefore, most modern warlocks are the offspring of a human and a Eidolon demon disguised as the human's loved one or object of sexual desire. Warlocks are unable to have children. Warlock pregnancy always results in a stillborn child as they are crossbreeds and thus, sterile.
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What is a female warlock called?

Witch is the female equivalent of warlock.
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Can warlocks heal others?

Warlock can Split his soul in benefit of others, with him being the epicenter of this spell, he can send out soul fragments, healing AoE since the targets are in range, can heal up to 6 targets.
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Can warlocks be evil?

Warlocks had an overall poor reputation, a result of their dealings with otherworldly and often malevolent outsiders. However, not all warlocks were evil, and many used their deadly gifts for benign purposes, but even so, they were regarded with skepticism.
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Is warlock a God?

After investigation by the Watch and Thanos, it was revealed that when Warlock had ascended into godhood via the Infinity Gauntlet, he had expelled the good and evil aspects of his being to become a totally logical being, and by doing so, he had recreated his evil persona, the Magus.
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Are warlocks demons?

Warlocks, also known as Lilith's Children, are an immortal race of Downworlder offsprings of demons and humans, typically mundanes.
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What is the most powerful type of warlock?

The Genie is the most powerful entity in the Warlock subclasses and a major character build in Dungeons & Dragons in general.
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Where do warlocks get their power?

A warlock is an arcane spellcaster who gains power through pacts with powerful entities, most commonly devils, elder evils of the Far Realm, fey, or demons. These pacts allow warlocks to channel powerful abilities of arcane might that would otherwise be closed to them.
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What are warlocks known for?

Warlocks are most commonly associated with witchcraft or the occult, but they have also been known to be powerful healers and protectors in certain cultures. In ancient times, warlocks were seen as wise men who could use their knowledge of the natural world to provide advice to members of their communities.
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What type of magic do warlocks use?

Warlocks master a unique form of dark magic known as invocations. These ancient and forgotten secrets change the warlock's being, empowering them with innate and superhuman abilities. Eldritch invocations are as numerous and unique as the individual warlocks who use them.
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What race are warlocks usually?

Half-Elves can take many different variants, but either the base or Drow are the best race choices for a D&D 5e Warlock.
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Who is the mother of all warlocks?

Lilith is a Greater Demon who is credited as the "mother of all warlocks" and the "first of all demons." Lilith is known by many names, including Lady of Edom, Ita, Kali, Batna, Talto, Satrina, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea, and Partash.
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