Can warlocks change spells every level?

Yes when you level up you can replace one current spell you have for a new one. This is on top of the possible new spell you can learn when you reach certain levels. In the Warlock class. If your DM allows Unearthed Arcana, you can swap one spell per long rest.
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How often can a warlock change spells?

You learn a new warlock spell every time you gain a level from 2 through 9, as well as at level 19. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level.
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Are all warlock spell slots the same level?

The Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your warlock spells of 1st through 5th level. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level.
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Can warlocks unlearn spells?

As a warlock, when you gain a level, in addition to learning a new spell (that you are high enough to use), you can remove a spell you know and replace it with another from your available list (includes the expanded spell list for your patron).
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Do warlocks cast all spells at max level?

Warlocks are ALSO the only class where every one of their spell slots "upgrades" every few levels to keep their spells always casting at the maximum level. Those utility spells? You can still use them with a higher spell slot, then take a short rest.
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Can warlocks only learn up to 5th level spells?

Despite warlock spell slots capping at 5th level, they have an extensive list of spells for 6th to 9th level. Going by the slot level cap, the only way I can see for a warlock to have spells 6th level and up are through the Mystic Arcanum feat.
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How do spells work for warlocks?

Warlocks do not cast spells, but instead use spell-like abilities called "invocations", which represent the tapping of the power granted to the warlock. The most important of these abilities is the "eldritch blast" which is the warlock's main offensive ability, firing a blast of magical energy at the target.
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Can warlocks change their prepared spells?

These classes can change prepared spells anytime when not in combat. All other classes and subclasses who can learn spells are only able to replace a spell when leveling up. This includes Bards, Eldritch Knight Fighters, Rangers, Arcane Trickster Rogues, Sorcerers, and Warlocks.
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Can warlocks cast spells without focus?

No. No spell caster NEEDS an arcane focus. But then you need a component pouch and a free hand to cast spells with material components.
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Can warlocks cast two spells?

The only way to do this, that I know of, is the use of the warlocks twinning. You can also cast some spells, like shield, as a reaction. as dm i will allow only socerers and very high magic users to double cast, if the spells are of same nature and low level. high level spells requirement prevent double casting.
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Is warlock a full caster?

Warlocks are now half casters, but what they're replacing was really a pseudo full caster; okay so 5e warlock maxed out at four 5th-level slots, but if you could fit in two or three short rests that's actually a huge amount of high level spell casting (12-16 5th-level spells).
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Can warlocks cast ritual spells?

Warlock characters can choose from several different subclasses, but Pact of the Tome is the only one with different ritual casting options. Pact of the Chain warlocks get Find Familiar (a ritual spell) as part of their class abilities. However, that's the only spell they can cast as a ritual.
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What is the max level spell slot?

Spell Level

Every spell has a level from 0 to 9.
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Can warlock Eldritch blast twice?

Can you cast Eldritch Blast twice in the same turn using the sorcerer's Quickened Spell Metamagic option in D&D 5E? Yes. If you've somehow acquired it through, for example, a multiclass. The rules say you can only cast on levelled spell per turn.
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Why do warlocks get so few spells?

As mentioned, you have few spell slots because warlocks recharge their spells on a short rest while every other caster restores theirs on a long rest. They need to spread their spells out over an entire day (Generally 3 encounters) while Warlock will use all their spells every single encounter.
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How many spells does a level 20 warlock have?

A 20th level warlock has 4 spell slots per short rest. At 2 short rests per day you're casting 12 spells, all at 5th level, plus one spell each of levels 6, 7, 8, and 9. That's a total output of 90 spell levels worth of spells.
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Can warlocks see through darkness spell?

This is an Eldritch Invocation that allows warlocks to see through magical darkness. Truesight. Truesight is a sensory ability that allows creatures to see in normal and magical darkness, detect invisible creatures and illusions, and perceive the original form of shapeshifters.
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How many times can Warlocks cast spells?

At level 17, a 5e Warlock has 4 5th level spell slots that recharge every short rest, which they can use with a choice of 14 known spells, as well as a 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th level spell they can cast once per long rest from the Mystic Arcanum class feature.
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Can warlocks cast invisibility?

Warlocks, on the other hand, have several options. Archfey warlocks can use Misty Escape at level 6, and learn Greater Invisibility at 7th level. Genie warlocks of the Djinni also learn Greater Invisibility at 7th level, as do Undead warlocks. Lastly, Armorer artificers learn Greater Invisibility at level 13.
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Can warlocks get the wish spell?

Wish is a 9th-level conjuration spell available to wizards, sorcerers, and bards. Arcana domain clerics and warlocks with a Genie patron can also learn it. Cast Wish to duplicate any spell of 8th level or lower, bypassing any requirements of the original spell (including material components).
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Can warlocks cast lower level spells?

Warlocks work a little different. They don't have many spell slots, but they are always the highest level you can cast.
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Can warlocks learn any healing spells?

But you might be surprised to find out that the celestial warlock subclass has access to one of the most potent healing abilities in the game. Healing Light gives you a number of d6 equal to one plus your warlock level which you can expend as a bonus action to restore hit points to an ally within sixty feet.
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When can warlocks change spells?

Yes when you level up you can replace one current spell you have for a new one. This is on top of the possible new spell you can learn when you reach certain levels. In the Warlock class. If your DM allows Unearthed Arcana, you can swap one spell per long rest.
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What is a female Warlock called?

Witch is the female equivalent of warlock.
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How many spells can a Warlock have prepared?

Two. They can have more prepared, and there's spells that they can cast through invocations, but the warlock will not be able to cast more than two spells per short rest until they get their special 6th level spell slot feature at lvl11.
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