Can you be a mage and keep Bethany?

It seems this is a party balance mechanic for game start, if you're a physical damage character you lose the mage, if you are a magic damage character you lose the hitter. No, you cannot keep Bethany in your party. She will always leave. However, you can determine her fate.
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Is there a way to save Bethany?

You'll lose Bethany after Act 1 no matter what you do, if you don't take her to the Deep Roads she gets taken by the Circle, if you take her she either dies or, if you have Anders with you, gets made into a Grey Warden, the Grey Warden seems to be the best choice since that's the only way she'll end up rejoining you ...
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Can both Carver and Bethany survive?

Top Voted Answer. If you bring your sibling along to the Deep Roads, he/she will die unless Anders is also with you, in which case you get the choice of whether or not to kill the sibling yourself to end their suffering, or to make them a Grey Warden.
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What happens if you leave Bethany behind?

If left behind during the Deep Roads Expedition, Bethany will be cast off into the Circle. If she joins the Deep Roads Expedition, she will manifest the symptoms of the Taint, the results of which are grave. Unless Anders is present in the party, there is nothing you can do to help her.
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What happens if Bethany becomes a Grey Warden?

If Bethany becomes a Grey Warden, she has very little contact with her family—contacting only Leandra to inform her of her survival and of her continued travels with the Wardens. She resents Hawke for coming out of the Deep Roads unscathed while she almost died and has been permanently changed.
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Dragon Age 2: Bethany Being Taken To The Circle

Is it better for Bethany to join the Circle or Grey Wardens?

If Nathaniel is still with the wardens, that will let you do a side quest that has Bethany in it. Plus if you make Bethany a Grey Warden, you get to have her with you during the deep roads instead of leaving her home. Bethany is happier in the Circle though, and she's miserable as a Grey Warden.
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Can Grey Wardens have babies?

David Gaider wrote: A Grey Warden can have a child... just not with another Grey Warden. So in the case of Alistair being married to a female PC the only possible result is no heir (unless Alistair has a child with someone other than his wife, I suppose).
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What happens to Bethany if you side with the Templars?

Bethany - Circle Mage

If Hawke sided with the templars, she will be inside the Gallows with Orsino. Once he uses blood magic, she will help Hawke fight him. After the battle is over, Hawke has the option of letting her join the party or allowing Meredith to kill her.
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Should I make Carver a Grey Warden or Templar?

If you want to attempt going friendship path with him, you should make him a Warden. If you enjoy the sibling rivalry aspect, make him a templar.
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Can you romance Bethany in Dragon Age 2?

She would be your SISTER in the game. So logic will follow that she is not a romancable character. Oh for the love of beans, your family fled to Kirkwall, not the Ozarks! "You know, just once I would like to go one week without encountering an insane mage.
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Why does Carver hate Hawke?

Rivalry. Carver despises being inferior to his sibling, so verbal put-downs (direct/aggressive dialogue choices) will make him dislike Hawke. Reckless and criminal behavior, as well as consorting with Kirkwall's seedier elements, will also grate his nerves.
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What happens if I don't take Carver to the Deep Roads?

Likewise, he can be shipped off to the Grey Wardens rather than be left to die. If you depart for the Deep Roads without Carver, he voluntarily joins the Templars in defiance.
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Does Carver always join the Templars?

In the case of carver if not taken to the deeproads he joins the templars, and will only rejoin you in the end if you side with templars.
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How do I get Bethany back from the circle?

You get her back if you side with the Circle. Bethany to Wardens - Take her with you on the Deep Roads with Anders. Take her to the Wardens. You will get her back during the final-battle-series.
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Can you save Leandra?

Word on the Bioware forums (straight from David Gaider's mouth, even) is that Leandra is impossible to save.
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Is there a way to save Carver Dragon Age 2?

If Carver comes with Hawke to the Deep Roads, he contracts the Taint. If Anders was also brought along to the expedition, the mage reveals that a group of Grey Wardens are nearby. Should Hawke choose to find the Wardens, Carver is saved, at the cost of leaving his family to undertake the Joining.
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Can a qunari be a Grey Warden?

No Qunari or Kossith has ever joined the Grey Wardens' ranks. This is probably due to the fact that they live quite strictly on their island home of Seheron, and the only people to leave are sanctioned by their government. These people, like the Arishok, typically operate under specific orders.
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Can a hardened Alistair stay a Grey Warden?

Sure, just don't have Alistair duel Loghain in the Trial by Combat, or he'll kill him outright and the Landsmeet will declare Alistair king without any of your input. So, yeah, execute Loghain yourself (or with another companion), and a hardened Alistair can remain a Grey Warden with you. =)
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Are Grey Wardens stronger?

Grey Wardens are supposed to be generally stronger than most people because the taint that is in them actually makes them stronger. Because demon-power makes humans stronger, and the darkspawn taint is like a demonic taint within the person.
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Should I turn Emile in or let him go?

Either option gains a point towards Mage Hunter. So long as Emile survives, his father will send you a letter with a reward. If you are siding with the Templars, be sure to tell Emile to turn himself in. Then when reporting the Knight-Commander Meredith and she asks if Emile is a threat, say No.
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Who is the most powerful Templar in Assassin's Creed?

Assassin's Creed: The 10 Most Dangerous Templars In The Franchise, According To Lore
  1. 1 Rodrigo Borgia.
  2. 2 Daniel Cross.
  3. 3 Lucy Stillman.
  4. 4 Al Mualim.
  5. 5 Taharqa - 'The Scarab'
  6. 6 Haytham Kenway.
  7. 7 Cesare Borgia.
  8. 8 Shahkulu.
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Can you recruit Dorian if you side with the Templars?

You can recruit Dorian to your party in two ways, depending on what decisions you make. If side with the Templars in Champions of the Just, Dorian will arrive at Haven where you can recruit him. If you side with the Mages during In Hushed Whispers, he will instead be found in Redcliffe Village's Chantry.
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Why does Solas not like Grey Wardens?

People who have influence. Not to mention the very act of demon-binding reeks of the binding of the Elvhen servants to their Gods. Solas doesn't just hate the Wardens because they're meddling into what they do not understand. He hates them because they are a direct parallel to the events of his past.
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What happens if Morrigan doesn't have a child?

Morrigan has no child, Inquisitor use WoS - what happens? Since M didn't use WoS, she can't be bounded to Flem. Since she has no child, she's not threatened by Flem, and no soul is taken.
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Why do the Grey Wardens drink blood?

However, the Grey Warden mage Avernus speculated that applications of energy and blood magic could unlock these powers, and endeavored to replicate the effects alchemically, developing an Alchemical Concoction that can unlock powerful abilities in those who drink it.
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