Can you be both Ravenclaw and Slytherin?

As far as I know, you can be in both houses. But these two houses are pretty close, like my friends all thought I was a Ravenclaw, though I'm a Slytherin. Ravenclaw can be on the book-smart side while Slytherin is more on the street-smart side.
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What is a Ravenclaw and Slytherin mix called?

So... Slytherin x Ravenclaw would be the order, so I'm a Slytherclaw. If I were someone else (male) and were a Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw hybrid, Hufflepuff x Ravenclaw = Huffleclaw. The opposite would be Ravenpuff.
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Is it possible to be in two Hogwarts houses?

A Gryffindor can be very nice. So that's why some people like to say they are “Slytherclaw” for Slytherin and Ravenclaw. But if you're asking if Hogwarts students can be sorted into multiple houses by the Sorting Hat then the answer is no.
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Can you be a mix of Harry Potter houses?

These are the questions the Sorting Hat goes through when deciding your house. You can be a mix of all the houses. Hermione may have been a Gryffindor, but she was very nearly put into Ravenclaw, and she was as hard working as a Hufflepuff yet as cunning as a Slytherin.
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Are Slytherins and Ravenclaws similar?

Slytherins and Ravenclaws - Slytherins hate rules and Ravenclaws are ingenious. Together they can take over the world or create amazing spells. Or they can hate eachother with a fury and rage.
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How a REAL Ravenclaw would play Hogwarts Legacy

Which is smarter Slytherin or Ravenclaw?

Hufflepuff values kindness and hard work, Gryffindor values bravery and boldness, Slytherin values ambition and cunning, and Ravenclaw values wit and wisdom. So it's no big surprise that Ravenclaw house has the reputation of being the smartest house in the world of Harry Potter.
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Which is more evil Slytherin or Ravenclaw?

A "pure" ravenclaw wants ultimate knowledge and doesn't care about anyone else. A "pure" Slytherin is more concerned with power and the lust for it. A Slytherin might be the more dangerous on the path, while it is more difficult when you're at the top...
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Can you go to Azkaban as a Hufflepuff?

Only Hufflepuff Students Can Go To Azkaban In Hogwarts Legacy. To get into Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy, players must join Hufflepuff at the start of their playthrough, as the prison can only be accessed through Hufflepuff's House exclusive quest.
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Can you enter Ravenclaw common room as Slytherin?

The Ravenclaw Common Room is accessible by players of any house, but only Ravenclaw students start with the area unlocked. It is located in Ravenclaw Tower and it is protected by a door without a doorknob or keyhole, but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.
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Can you be a Ravenpuff?

Ravenpuff: You are predominately a wise Ravenclaw, and would likely be placed there but also have Hufflepuff qualities. You might be a Hatstall, depending on the proportion. My belief is that you could easily talk the Hat into putting you into one or the other, as you would fit into both.
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Can you be half blood in Slytherin?

Slytherins isn't just for pure bloods at all - if it was there'd only be a few in each year. Slytherin is for the cunning and ambitious- so that is anyone who has these traits: including pure bloods, half bloods and muggle born.
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Can siblings be in different Hogwarts houses?

Even half-bloods, depending on who their parents are, can be related to other wizards at Hogwarts. But being siblings or cousins doesn't guarantee the same house. In Harry's year, the Patil twins were in two different houses. But none of Harry's year in Gryffindor are related to each other.
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Has a Hogwarts student ever changed houses?

In the Wizarding World, has a Hogwarts student ever had to be resorted into another House? According to the Sorting Hat itself it has 'never yet been wrong'. To be fair I don't know how you would determine whether someone had been sorted incorrectly but it certainly implies that no student has ever moved houses.
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Was Hagrid a Ravenclaw?

Hagrid was sorted in to Gryffindor when he was invited to attend Hogwarts. He remained a student of that house until he was expelled.
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What house is the opposite of Ravenclaw?

In planning, there are two dichotomies among the four Houses: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff/Slytherin. Ravenclaws are the opposite of Gryffindors when making plans; they will figure out every little detail.
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What is the rarest hybrid house in Harry Potter?

Slytherpuff: (Rareish)

This is one of the most rare house combonations, mixing two seamingly opposite houses. With slytherpuffs prepare for loads of sarcasm and offensive jokes, but appologies are never too far behind. Slytherpuffs are absolute people magnets, never a dull moment when they're around.
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Can you go to Azkaban as a Ravenclaw?

Which House can Visit Azkaban? Interestingly, the Hogwarts House that must be chosen to visit Azkaban is Hufflepuff.
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What is the Ravenclaw password?

In the first Harry Potter book, there was no specific password mentioned to get into the Ravenclaw Tower. The passwords to access common rooms were mostly focused on Gryffindor and Slytherin houses in the first book.
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Can a Gryffindor date a Ravenclaw?

A Ravenclaw pairing could result in a highly stimulating relationship, where both constantly challenge each other. Or it could result in two people who overanalyze everything and burn each other out. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw could make a great power couple, one bringing the brains and one bringing the bravery.
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Why is Luna Lovegood not a Hufflepuff?

In true Ravenclaw fashion, Luna is an independent thinker and is never afraid to correct others. Despite being overlooked and often mocked by her peers, she never once doubts herself. She has the strength to believe in herself and her own wisdom – a trait which makes Luna Lovegood a true Ravenclaw.
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Can you get kicked out of Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy?

Totally possible. Might make the game a bit short, unless it's part of the story.
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Which house gets Azkaban?

In Hogwarts Legacy, to get to Azkaban you'll need to finish a side quest that's only open to Hufflepuffs – and not Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
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What is the weakest Hogwarts house?

Hufflepuff is often considered the worst house at Hogwarts because it hasn't contributed as much to magic as other houses, except for a few exceptions like Newt Scamander. Hufflepuffs are known for their hard work but it rarely leads to major magical discoveries.
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Which house hates Slytherin?

It's not really a thing, because it's different for everyone. But I guess you could say that Slytherin is the most hated, because most of the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws strongly dislike them.
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What is the meanest Hogwarts house?

Gryffindor is often thought of as the best house, as it's the focus of Harry's time at Hogwarts. Hufflepuff is stereotyped as a house for pushovers, and Ravenclaw for bookworms. Finally, Slytherin is thought of as the 'evil' house.
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