Can you be friendly with cannibals The Forest?

It will not be possible to build mutually beneficial relations. Cannibal AI adapts to the player. If you actively feud with Cannibals and ravage their villages, kill their relatives, they will more actively seek battles with you. If not, they will be a little less aggressive, but still quite hostile.
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How to be friends with the cannibals in the forest?

It is also possible to "tame" the cannibals (Have them not attack you/be more docile). This is done by taking something with decent block and blocking their attacks, until they eventually show signs of neutrality towards the player.
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How to make peace with cannibals in the forest?

Making peace is indeed possible. Peace is achieved via extermination. Exterminate the cannibals, and you shall have peace.
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How do you not anger cannibals in the forest?

Red paint, burning Effigies and Fires, hand-thrown Flares and fighting back against cannibals during an attack can force neutrality and passive behavior between the player and mutants of every kind, except Creepy Mutants.
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Can you scare cannibals in the forest?

According to the sons of the forest Wikipedia, there are two types of fear they can endure. The first being player-influence fear which is determined by actions performed by the player. The main way to scare cannibals is by using firearms during battle, as these gunshots can scare away weaker foes.
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Can the cannibals climb in the forest?

When the cannibals start stalking you through the island, you'll need a good base to keep yourself safe. As you may have noticed, the cannibals in Sons of the Forest are quite good at climbing, so they'll leap over walls with no trouble at all.
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Can any of the cannibals swim in the forest?

Cannibals and most mutants cannot swim, though occasionally they can enter the water and not die. They can, however, walk a little distance into the water, although they will avoid further than waist deep. The animals that can swim are fish, sharks, turtles and crocodiles.
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Why do cannibals kneel in the forest?

It's not a glitch, sometimes cannibals will kneel. I think the explanation for this is that the cannibal tribes see you as a "god" of sorts because of whatever actions you've been doing lately and so the kneeling cannibal is basically like a sacrificial offering of sorts.
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How to fight Cannibal the Forest?

So here is how to deal with them:
  1. Kill it with fire! Apparently cannibals like to bath in oil, since they light up like a christmas tree and die as soon as they so much as even touch a fire. ...
  2. Melee! Given most peoples experience with cannibals, going into melee seems counterintuitive. ...
  3. Outplay them!
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What is the best weapon against cannibalism in the forest?

The best weapons for defeating cannibals in Sons of the Forest are the ranged weapons found around the island: the slingshot, the shotgun, and the pistol.
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Can you pacify the cannibals in the forest?

For example, if you spare one of the Cannibals and give him time to recover, after a while the same Cannibals will attack you again. However, should you opt not to attack, no matter how aggressive they are, they will eventually back down. This means they only understand attacking and not attacking.
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How to control cannibals in the forest?

The artifact ball is used to alter the way the cannibals work. It may be held in the hand or stuck in the ground. It will have its own HUD icon for you to be able to locate it.
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How do you defend against cannibals in Sons of the Forest?

Perhaps the best way to ensure that a hard-built base is kept safe from cannibal takeover is to make it, or at least large parts of it, completely inaccessible to them. The easiest way to do this it to build near cliffs or lakes, since cannibals can't swim or climb that far.
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How do you attract more cannibals in the forest?

Though all fires attract cannibals and mutants during the night, the bonfire is by a very wide margin the best at attracting them, causing droves to approach from a large distance around. Only light a bonfire if you want a fight, as nights are considerably more dangerous while one is lit.
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Can you play the forest without cannibals?

Thankfully, Peaceful mode removes all hostile humans from the game, while leaving you with the rest of the survival mechanics.
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How do you trap cannibals in the forest?

The Noose Trap is a trap that catches cannibals by their feet and hangs them upside down. This trap is the only one that is guaranteed to catch a cannibal that trips it, but it also leaves the cannibal alive. While animals can trip this trap, they are not caught by it.
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How do you make cannibals less aggressive in The Forest?

Fight the cannibals until they are on the ground begging, or bleeding out. Then let them run, do this enough to the tribals that attack you and eventually they will either start to show up less or not attack and just watch you...
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How do you skin cannibals in The Forest?

Kill creepy mutants and skin them, you can't skin cannibals. When you kill a creepy mutant, you walk up to it and hold 'E'. You can only butcher cannibals for their limbs and burn them for their bones.
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What to do with cannibal bodies in The Forest?

Bodies can be used as bait for starving cannibals in order to lure enemies away from a player's base or into traps. When the body is put on a fire, after a short period of time it will collapse and drop 6 bones and a skull. Up to 3 Corpses can be placed in the Log Sled.
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What does painting yourself red in The Forest mean?

Red paint – added more buckets to world and in caves. These can now be worn by players to scare off enemies, or have enemies pray to you.
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Can you hide from the cannibals in The Forest?

It is considerably easier to hide if the player crouches behind an unmovable object, such as a boulder or tree. In v0. 08 Stealth was greatly expanded upon; decreasing both vision range and cones of view of the cannibals.
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What happens if you don't eat in The Forest?

Starvation. Starvation occurs when the player's hunger bar is empty. The player will continue to take damage until they eat something. If starvation is left untreated, it will kill the player.
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Can cannibals climb cliffs The Forest?

3 Cliff Edges

One simple way of cutting off one side from fear of cannibals is to build close to a cliff edge. While some cannibals can climb rocks and trees, there are several mountainous areas on the island that will be impassable for even the strongest mutants.
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Can cannibals climb platforms The Forest?

It is possible for cannibals to glitch through a defensive wall and climb platforms if they are placed close to a defensive wall. This can still occur even when a platform is over three meters from the defensive wall.
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Do cannibals come out at night The Forest?

Because cannibals will be attracted to lights at night, it is advised not to use the Bonfire if the player does not wish to not draw unwanted attention.
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