Can you become Thane of Markarth?

To become a Thane of Markarth, the Dragonborn needs to kill groups of Forsworn for the Jarl and his steward. They then must retrieve Hrolfdir's Shield (this quest is only given when at level 20 or higher). The Dragonborn must then help five citizens of Markarth and own Vlindrel Hall to become a Thane.
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Why won't it let me become Thane of Markarth?

The option to become Thane will only become avaliable from Ulfric after you have liberated Falkreath. If you joined the imperials, you can only become thane when you've completed the imperial's Civil War quest line. The objectives you need to complete here are as simple as is Morthal.
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Can you become a Thane of all holds in Skyrim?

It is possible to become a thane of every hold regardless of which side in the Civil War is chosen (although it is impossible to become Thane of Eastmarch if no side is chosen). Each jarl has their own requirements for the title and may bestow the honor on multiple people.
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Can you become Thane if Maven is Jarl?

If Maven becomes the Jarl of Riften, the Last Dragonborn loses the ability to become Thane as she says that they are trying to steal her throne, unless the Dragonborn has high level of alliance with her.
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Can you become Thane of Riften?

Those who wish to become a Thane of a major city must do various tasks before bestowing the title. Most holds require you to help three citizens, but Riften is not a normal hold. Riften requires you to help 5 citizens and complete a questline, making it one of the longest quests to become a Thane in the game.
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Skyrim. Become Thane Of The Reach (Markarth)

What happens if I give Riften to the Imperials?

Phase 3: You must give up either Riften or Dawnstar to the Imperials. Giving up Riften pleases the Imperials, giving up Dawnstar pleases the Stormcloaks. Phase 4: Imperials want compensation for a battle at Karthwasten. Giving it to them pleases the Imperials, denying it pleases the Stormcloaks.
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Can you lose your Thane title in Skyrim?

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the title of Thane may be lost if power over the Hold of which the Dragonborn is Thane is transferred to the opposite side of the ongoing Civil War. It can be attained again, however, by completing the normal tasks needed to become Thane once more, this time for the newly instated Jarl.
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Can you become Thane of Falkreath?

Like many other Thane quests, becoming Thane of Falkreath requires you to help 3 people of the area. Many of these are random radiant quests, but not all. A Daedra's Best Friend and Ill Met By Moonlight can both count towards this goal.
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What happens to Maven if Stormcloaks win?

If the Dragonborn sided with the Stormcloaks, and gave Riften to the Empire in "Season Unending," then retakes it for the Stormcloaks later, Maven, Hemming, and Maul will not be exiled; they will simply resume their daily routine like before the Legion took over Riften.
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Can you become Thane twice?

When the Jarl changes, you lose the title and have to speak to the new ruler to reacquire it. You lose your status as Thane if the Jarl gets removed. So you have to be granted the position again in every hold where that happens (if you're a Thane in multiple holds).
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Can you become Thane in Dawnstar?

Players can now speak to Jarl Skald and ask to become Thane. He will be thankful for the Dragonborn finally stopping the nightmares. The player needs to be at least Level 22 to receive the Jarl's task to slay a giant. This is a simple radiant quest that will take place at one of three possible locations.
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How many times can you use the Thane excuse in Skyrim?

You can declare thaneship to get out of a bounty of up to 3000 gold one time. If you accidentally steal something or get caught picking locks or murder someone, you can use the thane card once and never again, so long as your bounty does not exceed 3000 when the guard comes to arrest you.
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Can you become Thane of solitude?

Buy property from Folik for 25,000. Speak to Elif about becoming a Thane, you must assist 5 people. I assisted 5 people in Solitude by "investing in their business" at 5 different shops.
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Can you still become Thane after civil war?

In Skyrim you can become Thane of every hold. The only exception is Eastmarch in which you can get the thanedom after the civil war is over.
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What level should I be to be Thane of Markarth?

For markarth you need to be at least level ,20 and do a bunch of the looking for work misc quests. Although from him and the steward it should just be killing forsworn. Once you've done enough it should become available.
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Can you stop the killing in Markarth?

Yes. All about timing. But the same as the man in solitude, it doesn't change anything so there is really no point aside from feeling good about yourself.
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Why is Maven obsessed with Mare?

In King's Cage, Mare finds out that his obsession for her is because his mother screwed up his mind and instead of removing his love for Mare, turning to into obsession for her.
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Does Maven actually love Mare?

Maven is in love with Mare, heroine of this series. The reader discovers that Maven was once deeply in love with a boy named Thomas, their love affair resulted in Thomas's death.
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Will I lose my house in Whiterun if I join the Stormcloaks?

Anyway, as for your Whiterun house. . you won't lose it, but the front door DOES become locked when the attack starts. . .so make sure you didn't leave the house key inside the house or you'll never get back inside. No, you still keep your house regardless of which side you take.
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Can you become Jarl in Skyrim?

Though the Dragonborn is able to become a member of secret societies like the Thieves Guild or curry favor with a city's authorities to become one of its Thanes, there is no way for players to officially ascend to the powerful Jarl position in Skyrim.
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Should you spare Sinding?

Do not kill Sinding. Help him kill the Hunters, exit the cave, Hircine will greet you, quickly exit the conversation if Sinding has exited the grotto with you, kill and skin Sinding and another spirit of Hircine will greet you rewarding you with the Savior's Hide.
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Is Hert a vampire in Skyrim?

She lives a quiet life working at the Half-Moon Mill with her husband Hern. While living a seemingly normal life, the Dragonborn will find out that Hert and her husband are both vampires who feed off of travelers who pass by their mill, this way they can feed and remain in the sunlight.
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Do I own the abandoned house Skyrim?

After completion of the first part of "The House of Horrors," the house can be used as a free alternative home without ever completing the quest (leaving it open, or failing it intentionally). However, the Dragonborn cannot have a spouse live in this house, as it is technically unowned.
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Which house is the best in Skyrim?

15 Best Houses In Skyrim, Ranked
  • 5 Legacy of the Dragonborn Brings A Museum to the House. ...
  • 4 Heljarchen Farm is Perfect for a Quaint Life. ...
  • 3 The Scarlett Allows the Dragonborn to Live on the Sea. ...
  • 2 Rayek's End Makes Tombs a Cozy Home. ...
  • 1 Lakeview Manor has the Perfect Scenary for a House.
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Can you become Thane of Dawnstar?

The Pale (Capital: Dawnstar)

The Dragonborn must be level 22 to obtain the quest to kill a giant, which then leads to the offer to become a Thane (after completing the three minor quests). Give a drink to Karl, one of the miners. Sell iron ore to Beitild (unless already killed during Contract: Kill Beitild).
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