Can you become Thane of Riften without Wujeeta?

One of the large buildings on the docks is the Riften Fishery, and one of the workers there is an Argonian called Wujeeta. Notably, Wujeeta isn't an "essential" NPC. If she dies before players can begin this quest, it becomes impossible to become a Thane of Riften without cheating.
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Can you become Thane of Riften if Maven is Jarl?

If Maven becomes the Jarl of Riften, the Last Dragonborn loses the ability to become Thane as she says that they are trying to steal her throne, unless the Dragonborn has high level of alliance with her.
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What do you need to be Thane of Riften?

Those who wish to become a Thane of a major city must do various tasks before bestowing the title. Most holds require you to help three citizens, but Riften is not a normal hold. Riften requires you to help 5 citizens and complete a questline, making it one of the longest quests to become a Thane in the game.
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How do you become Thane of Riften after Imperial quest?

If you joined the imperials, you can only become thane when you've completed the imperial's Civil War quest line. The objectives you need to complete here are as simple as is Morthal. Obtain the Helm for the Jarl, and then help out five people in his Hold, and purchase a piece of property for 15000.
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How to get into Riften for free?

It is, however, possible to get into the city without using the main gate, by using the entrance of Black-Briar Meadery on the docks, then going through the meadery into Riften.
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Why You Should NOT Join The Blades

What happens if I give Riften to the Imperials?

Phase 3: You must give up either Riften or Dawnstar to the Imperials. Giving up Riften pleases the Imperials, giving up Dawnstar pleases the Stormcloaks. Phase 4: Imperials want compensation for a battle at Karthwasten. Giving it to them pleases the Imperials, denying it pleases the Stormcloaks.
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Should I give up Riften or Winterhold?

Should I give the Empire Riften or Winterhold in exchange for Markarth? There is no consequence whatever you choose. It doesn't matter you are gonna take everything from those Imperial milk drinkers anyway. TC hasn't picked a side, they've stayed neutral and are in peace negotiations for the Main Quest.
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Can you lose your title as Thane Skyrim?

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the title of Thane may be lost if power over the Hold of which the Dragonborn is Thane is transferred to the opposite side of the ongoing Civil War. It can be attained again, however, by completing the normal tasks needed to become Thane once more, this time for the newly instated Jarl.
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Who becomes Jarl of Riften if Imperials win?

Civil War. Maven becomes Jarl if the Imperial Legion gains control of Riften. She will appoint Hemming as her steward and Maul as her housecarl.
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Are Stormcloaks or Imperials better?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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How many times can you become a Thane in Skyrim?

In Skyrim you can become Thane of every hold.
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What house can you own in Riften?

Honeyside is a moderate-sized house in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that is located in the city of Riften. Any citizen who desires to become Thane of the Rift must purchase property within its realm, and Honeyside is the only property available for purchase by the Dragonborn.
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Can you own a home in Riften?

Once you've won her favor, she'll make you Thane, which allows you to purchase a house for 8,000 gold coins.
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Can I marry a Jarl in Skyrim?

No, it is not possible for a player to marry Jarl Balgruuf in Skyrim, regardless of the player character's gender. While there are many characters available for marriage in Skyrim, such as Aela the Huntress or Farkas of the Companions, Jarl Balgruuf is not one of them.
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Is Maven Black Briar killable?

She has an “Essential Tag” which keeps her immortal & unkillable. All you'll ever be able to do is beat the crap out of her, but she'll never die. If you want her to die, you'll have to cheat via Command Console, and remove her Essential Tag, THEN you can kill her.
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Who becomes the Jarl of Riften if you side with the Stormcloaks?

Siding with the Stormcloaks results in Vignar Grey-Mane becoming the new Jarl of Whiterun, Laila Law-Giver reclaiming her position as the Jarl of Riften, and Skald the Elder retaking his role as Jarl of Dawnstar.
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What happens if you save Ralof but join the Imperials?

The only thing that changes is the outcome of the civil war between the Empire and the Stormcloaks - namely, that Ulfric is ultimately killed by either you (the Dragonborn), or by General Tullius/Legate Rikke - the choice is yours.
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Who replaces Ulfric as Jarl?

Brunwulf Free-Winter is a Nord former soldier who lives on the east side of Windhelm and wears scaled horn armor. He is also Ulfric's replacement as Jarl if the Imperial Legion occupies Eastmarch.
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Can you clean up Riften?

Certain parts of Riften are clean-able, but the Thieves Guild and Black Briars are here to stay.
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Can you become Thane twice?

You can become the Thane again, I did it for whiterun when I did the stormcloaks side, and it worked fine, was easy since I had the help 5 people down, and a house.
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Can you be multiple Thanes in Skyrim?

It's possible to be the thane of every hold simultaneously. Just help enough people in every hold(5+ for holds with larger cities requiring loading screens, 3+ for holds whose largest city or town does not require a loading screen) and do certain tasks for the jarl/steward to be eligible to purchase a house.
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How many times can you use the Thane excuse?

You can declare thaneship to get out of a bounty of up to 3000 gold one time. If you accidentally steal something or get caught picking locks or murder someone, you can use the thane card once and never again, so long as your bounty does not exceed 3000 when the guard comes to arrest you.
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Should I give Tullius Riften or Dawnstar?

Give Riften to Tallius if you're siding with him, give him Dawnstar if you're Stormcloak. Nothing really affects gameplay or story, it's just a personal preference.
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Should I give Ulfric Dawnstar or Riften?

Ulfric will take Markath (major hold). When Tulius asks for Riften or Dawnstar/Winterhold (either one of this, normally it is Dawnstar) in return, don't give him Riften (major hold), give him Dawnstar/Winterhold (minor hold). Tulius will ask Ulfric for massacre compensation, don't agree with him.
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Who should I give Markarth to?

Markarth will be given to the Stormcloaks (scripted when neutral) Riften can be given to the Imperials. Once negotiations are concluded, the Dragonborn can join the Imperials or Stormcloaks. Depending on who governs Riften and the Dragonborn's allegiance, the War Hero achievement can be obtained or missed.
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