Can you break ancient debris with fortune?

The Fortune enchantment does not work on ancient debris, just like iron and gold ore. It also doesn't drop any experience. An easy and efficient way to look for ancient debris is by digging a very long two-block high, one block wide tunnel at y=12 to y=15. Then place TNT blocks at 4 block intervals along with it.
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Does fortune work on ancient debris?

Details. Get additional netherite scraps by using a fortune pickaxe on ancient debris. For balance, you don't get xp from mining ancient debris, and netherite is slightly more expensive (five scraps instead of four).
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Does Fortune 3 work on ancient debris in 2024?

It's worth noting that the Fortune enchantment does not work on ancient debris, just like iron and gold ore.
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What can you break ancient debris with?

Breaking. Ancient debris drops itself if mined by a diamond or netherite pickaxe. If mined by any other tool, it drops nothing.
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Does fortune increase netherite drops?

Fortune affects every single ore except netherite since it is not an ore.
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What would 10,000 endermans build over time?

Does a fortune 3 hoe give you more crops?

The fortune enchantment works on the seeds, but not the crop.
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How rare is netherite?

Players can have a 42.1% chance of finding one Netherite Ingot inside a treasure chest at the Bastion Remnant on Java and Bedrock.
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How many netherite for full set?

Once smelted into Netherite Scrap, it is used to craft Netherite Ingots, the highest tier of material, which can be used in a Smithing Table to upgrade diamond tools and armor. 36 blocks of Ancient Debris must be mined to upgrade a full set of gear (as it requires 9 Netherite Ingots).
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Is ancient debris worth it?

Ancient debris is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, due to it being a source of netherite scraps and thus netherite ingots. It is found in the Nether most commonly at Y=15, although mining at lower levels is safer due to lower risk of mining into a lava ocean.
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Is it better to use silk touch or fortune on nether gold?

The average number of nuggets from Fortune III is 8.8, which is less than an ingot; therefore it is slightly more efficient to mine nether gold ore with Silk Touch and smelt it into gold ingots. Nether gold ore also drops 0–1 when broken.
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Can I upgrade Fortune 2 to Fortune 3?

The Fortune Enchantment can be combined up to level 3 using an Anvil. Higher levels cannot be combined from previous levels and must be obtained separately.
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Should I mine netherite with silk touch?

If you mine the Nether gold ore with Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe and smelt it, you will get one whole ingot which is the most efficient way to mine it. You can also use the Fortune enchantment although it is slightly less efficient than Silk Touch on average.
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Is Netherite rarer than diamonds?

Since we are comparing a 1 in 1200 chance for diamonds to a 1 in 25000 chance for ancient debris (and subsequently Netherite), players can conclude that Netherite is officially rarer than diamond by a large margin.
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Is it better to mine quartz with fortune or silk touch?

Mining. Nether quartz ore mined using a pickaxe drops one unit of Nether quartz. If the pickaxe is enchanted with Fortune, it may drop an extra unit per level of Fortune, up to a maximum of four with Fortune III. If the pickaxe is enchanted with Silk Touch, the ore drops itself.
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Does TNT destroy ancient debris?

Using TNT To Find Ancient Debris. Using TNT is the most efficient way to mine ancient debris. Unlike every other block in the Nether, ancient debris is blast resistant. This means that the block will not be destroyed when TNT explodes near it.
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Can the Wither destroy netherite?

Blue wither skulls break all breakable blocks (including obsidian, ancient debris, and blocks of netherite), but cannot break unbreakable blocks like bedrock, end portal frames and reinforced deepslate.
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Is a netherite sword worth it?

The value of a Netherite sword is obvious. It is the sword that deals the most damage, has the highest durability, and is fire and lava-proof, making it an absolute necessity for players venturing through the fiery pits of the Nether or otherwise traveling into molten locations for dangerous fights.
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Is Netherite better than diamond pickaxe durability?

Netherite items are more powerful and durable than diamond, and in dropped-item form are resistant to burning by fire and lava. Netherite blocks are also unbreakable by the strongest explosions from normal gameplay, with the exception of blue wither skulls.
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Can piglins give you ancient debris?

These structures are packed with piglins and hoglins, who won't be too happy to see you. But if you can survive their onslaught, then you'll likely head home with a good amount of ancient debris in your inventory.
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What is the best thing to use Netherite on?

They are primarily used to upgrade diamond gear and craft lodestones.
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Does fortune work on glowstone?

Breaking. If glowstone is broken using a tool with Silk Touch, the block drops itself. If a tool with Fortune is used, it has a higher chance of dropping a large amount of glowstone dust—but never more than 4. When a glowstone block is broken using any other tool, it drops 2–4 glowstone dust.
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Can you use fortune on sugar cane?

But yes, farming fortune works on the top and middle pieces of sugar cane.
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