Can you bring Sims back from the Netherworld?

While you lose all the character data, you can add the sim back into the game with no skills, no aspirations, no purchase traits etc. so all you get is their appearance, initial traits and name.
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What happens when you leave the sugar skull offering in Sims 4?

If you are successful at leaving an offering, a Day of the Dead celebrator will begin roaming the neighborhood. You can click on them and choose Ask for Sugar Skull. You will receive a random Sugar Skull from them.
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Can I bring someone back from The dead in Sims 4?

Find the book in your inventory and choose Capture Epic Saga, which will bring up a menu of Sims you can choose. Choose the Sim you want to keep alive, and when that Sim perishes, their ghost can read the Book of Life that is bound to them, bringing them back to life.
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Is there a way to bring back a ghost Sims 4?

Getting Rid of Ghosts

Ghosts can be easily banished to the netherworld with one interaction on their urn or tombstone. You can also bring ghosts back to life! If a Sim has a high enough gardening and cooking skill they can make a tasty plate of Ambrosia to bring ghosts back from the dead.
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Is there a way to bring a Sim back to life?

To fully resurrect the Sim, they will need to read their own Book of Life. The easiest way to do so is to add the ghost Sim to your household (either by increasing your friendship or by using cheats). With the Sim in your household, simply place the Book of Life down and have the ghost read it.
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How To Make And Resurrect Sims With Ambrosia | The Sims 4 Guide

Can a ghost Sim become human again?

Ambrosia is a level 10 cooking recipe, it requires life fruit and deathfish (unpurchasable, you must grow/fish your own) to make. This will reverse death and bring a ghost back to life. In regards to stopping aging, simply go to the game options and turn off aging, very simple to do.
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Can you bring a Sim back from the Netherworld?

While you lose all the character data, you can add the sim back into the game with no skills, no aspirations, no purchase traits etc. so all you get is their appearance, initial traits and name. If the sim was a Maxis premade, you can start a new game and go to manage households and save the sim to your library.
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What happens if a ghost Sim returns to Netherworld?

If he returns to the netherworld, does it permanately revert him to his original state? Or is it easier to bring him back to playable form, just incase i change my mind later. Heyo. It send him back into his grave, so he is then treated the same as any other ghost.
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What does releasing spirit to netherworld do?

In The Sims 4, ghosts return and the Netherworld is mentioned again with the ability of other Sims being able to release the ghost into the Netherworld, removing the Sim from the game.
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How to revive a dead Sim cheat?

You can revive a Sim as soon as it dies with the move object cheat:
  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + C to enter cheat mode. ...
  2. Type move_object on.
  3. Click the Grim Reaper and press the Delete key.
  4. Click the dead Sim and press the Delete key.
  5. The Sim's icon should now have a crosshair on it.
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How do you reset a dead Sim?

ResetSim method:

Type resetSim Firstname Lastname into the cheat bar and click Enter. Make sure you enter the name of the Sim you want to reset. For example: If you want to reset Gobias Koffi, type: resetSim Gobias Koffi, and press Enter.
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How to summon dead Sim in Sims 4?

If you have Realm of Magic, you can both call forth your ghost and resurrect them with certain spells. The one to call them forth from the grave is called Necrocall. The one that will return a ghost to a regular living Sim is called Dedeathify. Using this spell, you don't need Ambrosia or the Book of Life.
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How to turn a ghost Sim into a human cheat?

Like any family members, Simmers can now control their Ghosts. These Ghosts get their Energy from possessing other Sims. Simmers can remove the Ghost Traits and bring the Sim back to life by entering traits. remove_trait ghost_X in the cheat console.
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How to get ghost to eat Ambrosia in Sims 4?

Ghosts don't eat ambrosia lying around; they need to be in your household. That said, I had a child go to the fridge to get leftovers and eat my darned Ambrosia, so... your Sims will!
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Can you throw a funeral in Sims 4?

You can actually have funerals in The Sims 4. This trick requires you to have the City Living pack, because that pack has a podium. Firstly, put the dead Sims urn into your inventory, secondly, place a podium down, and thirdly, put the SIM with the Tombstone in their inventory.
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What happens if parent dies in Sims 4?

If there are no sims teen or older in the household, the remaining kids get "rescued" by the social worker.
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How long do Sims live after being brought back to life?

For instance, I play with Aging On, so I've resurrected Elder sims with the death flower, after they die of old age. They will usually die from old age again about 24 hours later. If you're playing with Aging On, and resurrecting by giving Grim a death flower, they will keep dying of old age.
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Can you have a baby with a ghost on Sims 4?

Female ghosts can't have babies. Nor can a male ghost father one on a living sim. So, that is why the Try for Baby option is not there. It's just the way the game works.
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What happens if you give the Grim Reaper a death flower Sims 4?

The Death Flower Gives Sims a Second Chance at Life

However, begging the Grim Reaper alone is akin to gambling since the results vary, and the Death Flower is a magical complement to platitudes.
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How to bring dead Sim back to life?

In Sims 4, bringing a Sim back to life can simply be done by having another Sim beg the Grim Reaper to spare their life. When the Grim Reaper appears upon the death of a Sim, select the option to plead on the Grim Reaper. There are slight variations to this interaction depending on the Sim's mood when pleading.
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What happens when you leave a sugar skull offering in Sims 4?

To bring these “celebrators” into your neighborhood, use the “Leave Sugar Skull Offering” interaction on a nearby tombstone/urn at night. Successfully completing the offering will spawn an NPC Celebrator who can gift you a Sugar Skull. Repeat this interaction until you collect all 9 Sugar Skulls.
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How long does Netherworld last?

Once you enter, you go through at your own pace so the length of the experience varies from group to group. The main haunt, PRIMORDIAL, is the longest. To walk through both haunts might take 45 minutes, plus time in line.
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Will my dead Sim become a ghost?

Look, it may not be as fancy as you'd like it to be, but we're 100% sure that the best way to become a Ghost Sim or get a Ghost Sim into your house is to just straight up die. Once your Sim has died, use another Sim to pick up your gravestone and take it back home.
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