Can you chat in GTA 5 Online?

Answer: Voice Chat is disabled by default for all GTA Online players. You can enable it by following the steps below: Open the Pause Menu. Select the Settings tab.
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How do you type in GTA Online?

Typing in GTA Online is pretty straightforward! Just press 'T' if you're on PC to bring up the chat window, and start typing your message. Hit 'Enter' when you're done to send it. For console players, it's a bit different since there's no direct way to type.
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How do you talk to girls on GTA Online?

Find someone in the club to whom you want to talk and walk up to her. When you're close enough, she will ask if you want a private dance. Accept the dance. When prompted, press the key or button that appears on-screen to accept a private dance from the woman.
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How do you flirt in GTA 5 Online?

In the online version of GTA 5, you can flirt with a stripper by talking to them using your mic and touching them. This is how you fill up the like meter. Once that like meter is full, you can get her number and potentially bring them back to your place...for milk and cookies obviously.
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Can you talk in GTA Online?

Answer: Voice Chat is disabled by default for all GTA Online players. You can enable it by following the steps below: Open the Pause Menu. Select the Settings tab.
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$100,000,000 Per Minute GTA 5 ATM Money Glitch! (PS4/XBOX/PC)

Can you call other players in GTA Online?

Calling friends and players on the same server blocks any noise from other players and limits your conversation to you and the person you call. Once again you can call your friends whether they are playing online or the main game.
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How to pick up girls in GTA 5?

/How To Pick Up Girls On GTA V? 1) Go to the Vanilla Unicorn strip club. Unlike GTA IV, the only way to find a "girlfriend" in GTA V is by interacting with non-player stripper characters in Vanilla Unicorn.
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Can you talk to NPCs in GTA 5 online?

To chat with NPCs in GTA 5, just approach them and press right on the D-pad if you're on console, or the 'E' key on PC. This will initiate a brief interaction. Keep in mind, not all NPCs will have long conversations with you - some might just throw a random line or two, but hey, it's Los Santos, expect anything!
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How to respond to texts in GTA 5?

Press X. If you can respond to a text, you'll read their response on screen. Some are funny, some are not.
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What is the money cheat in GTA 5?

There's no money cheat code in GTA 5.

The developers from Rockstar like players to have some fun with cheating, but they have not provided a way to make a ton of free cash, which is not in the least bit surprising. This applies to both single-player and multiplayer, with no GTA money cheat available for either.
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How do I call a person in GTA 5?

To dial a number in GTA V you need to bring out your cell phone (press up on the directional pad on the console versions, or “T” or “Backspace” on the PC version), go to your contacts list and then press X on the Xbox, Square on the Playstation or “Spacebar” on the PC.
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How to text in GTA Online?

How to chat in GTA 5 online - Quora. if its only for players associated to CEO/VIP or Motorcycle Club member- Press Y (only members can read it). you can also send msgs via social club, if friend is in different session or anyone. Just pause - Online tab- Players- select any player- send message.
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How to talk to a girl in GTA 5?

Follow these steps to get one-

- Select Go home, then meet her outside the nightclub. - Hang out at her house so you can get her phone number. - Call the number and ask to speak with her again.
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Does the GTA Online character ever talk?

The only quirk of the protagonists in GTA Online is that they're silent, which isn't much of a thing to be annoyed about. By comparison, some players could find certain traits of other GTA protagonists to be annoying.
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Can you kiss a girl in GTA?

Press the L1 / LB / TAB button when prompted and a short cutscene will play where CJ presents them the gift. Once out of the cinematic, press L1 / LB / TAB again to kiss your girlfriend.
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