Can you dual wield and use green flame blade?

Sorcerers can pay 2 sorcery points to quicken green flame blade, granting them a pseudo-Extra Attack. Dual-wield the cantrip by taking the Attack action normally, then quickening green flame blade as a bonus action!
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Can you green flame blade on dual wield?

You cannot use two-weapon fighting with green-flame blade at all, as the bonus action off-hand attack requires you to take the Attack action first, but like I say, casting the cantrip uses a different action.
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Can flame blade be used for two-weapon fighting?

If the user casts two flame blades for dual-wielding, and then equips a two-handed weapon, such as a greatsword, the flame blade in the user's main hand will dissipate, but the flame blade in the off-hand will not.
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Does green flame blade work with multiple attacks?

You are not using an attack action, you are casting a spell. Green Flame Blade for instance uses an entire action to cast, so technically you don't even get to do your additional swings if you use it RAW. You are casting a spell that requires you to swing your weapon as part of the spell.
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Can you use green flame blade and thirsting blade?

Nope. Thirsting Blade requires taking the Attack action. Casting a spell uses the Cast A Spell action.
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CANTRIP #14: Green-Flame Blade (5E)

Can you use green flame blade with thunder gauntlets?

So the weapon is your armour, and the value should be at least 1 sp for any armour you can normally get; i.e- Plate has a value of 1,500 gp, and the rule explicitly enables you to use your armour's gauntlets as weapons when using the feature, so it satisfies the requirements of Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade and ...
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Does green flame blade work with a reach weapon?

The Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade spells both have a range of 5'. This makes those spells far less effective for characters using them with reach (either using a reach weapon or as a Bugbear with extended reach, or both!).
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Can you use twinned spell on green flame blade?

Green flame Blade can't be twinned

As clarified in the PHB errata: To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell's current level. Green flame blade is able to target two creatures; the one you attack and one next two it.
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Can you smite on top of green flame blade?

Both booming blade and green flame blade require you to make a melee attack with a weapon as part of the spell. Both Divine Smite and most Smite spells are applicable on a melee weapon attack.
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Is green flame blade any good?

While potent, green flame blade still only delivers one melee attack per casting. As characters gain Extra Attack or scale damage like a warlock's Eldritch Blast, this cantrip loses relative power. Other issues also demand awareness: Being melee range exposes squishy casters to danger.
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Can Flame Blade be a monk weapon?

The Monk's Flameblade is one of the curved greatsword Weapons in Elden Ring, dropped by Fire Monks. Curved Greatswords are large but deceptively mobile weapons that allow for those who focus on Dexterity to also harness Strength attack with slower and stronger attacks at the cost of speed.
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Does dual wielding give you two weapon fighting?

In D&D 5e, “dual-wielding” (or two-weapon fighting) is a combat mechanic allowing your PC to attack with two light weapons—one in their main hand and one in their off-hand. Then, the Dual Wielder feat can improve your PC's offensive and defensive capabilities while two-weapon fighting.
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Does green Flame Blade work with pact of the blade?

Blade Pact Weapon

If you adapt a magic weapon into your pact weapon, it should also have sufficient value to qualify. D&D Principal Rules Designer Jeremy Crawford confirms: Green-Flame Blade continues to work with Pact of the Blade. Booming Blade continues to work with Pact of the Blade.
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What is green flame blade cantrip?

Green-Flame Blade does what it says it does. ... On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal effects, and you can cause green fire to leap from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it.
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Can you cast shillelagh and green flame blade?

Do your prebattle ritual of casting Shillelagh on your quarterstaff and cast Searing Smite and Hexblades curse on your target. On your turn, you will attack with your staff, using Green-Flame Blade and/or Booming Blade and activate your Searing Smite.
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What is the bonus action for the flame blade?

If you let go of the blade, it disappears, but you can evoke the blade again as a bonus action. You can use your action to make a melee spell attack with the fiery blade. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 fire damage. The flaming blade sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
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Can you use green flame blade with an unarmed strike?

The booming blade and green-flame blade spells specify that they are used with a weapon, so an unarmed strike isn't eligible.
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What level is green flame blade?

This spell first appeared in the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide (2008), p. 27, under the spelling Greenflame Blade. It is a 1st-level swordmage at-will attack power, dealing fire damage to a target and all a smaller amount of fire damage to adjacent enemies.
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How many times can you use divine smite in a turn?

Divine Smite cannot be triggered by ranged attacks. Does not consume the spell slot on a miss. Divine Smite (reaction). This allows you to use Divine Smite on any melee weapon attack and multiple times per turn, even while dual-wielding.
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What modifier does green flame blade use?

For example, if you use a longsword with green-flame blade, you use your Strength modifier for the weapon's attack and damage rolls.
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Can fireball be twinned?

Fireball doesn't target a creature at all. It explodes at a point you choose within range. It is not eligible for twinning. The wording of twin spell and fireball make them incompatible across the board.
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Is chaos bolt eligible for twinned spell?

When we look at Chaos Bolt you see that it starts off as only targeting one creature, but under certain circumstances you can target another creature. This means the spell isn't “incapable of targeting more than one” just that it's “improbable that it will target more than one.” So no, you cannot twin Chaos bolt.
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Does green flame blade do damage to the first target?

Green-flame blade and booming blade. The target suffers the normal effects of getting hit with whatever weapon you try to hit them with. Each only starts dealing extra damage to the first target at 5th level.
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How long does a green flame blade last?

Green flame blade doesn't have a duration of 1 round. It is Instantaneous. The spell has you make one attack, which gets extra damage.
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Does green flame blade set things on fire?

This spell's damage increases when you reach certain levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target on a hit, and the fire damage to the second creature increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
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