Can you evolve Magikarp with a waterfall?

make it swim up the waterfall. and if you climb up to the top the Magikarp will turn into a fully evolved Gyarados.
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Can you evolve Magikarp by climbing a waterfall?

Did you know in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, there's a secret evolution method for Magikarp? All you have to do is use the let's Go feature, make it swim up the waterfall, and if you climb up to the top, Magikarp will turn into a fully evolved Gyarados.
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What is the secret way to evolve Magikarp?

Candy or Rare Candy, which instantly boosts your Pokémon's experience points and level. Keep giving your Magikarp enough candies until it reaches level 20. Feeding Magikarp a candy that turns it from Level 19 to Level 20 will immediately trigger the evolution.
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Does a water stone evolve Magikarp?

Can Magikarp evolve with a water stone? No, Magikarp only evolves (into Gyarados) when leveled up to at Level 20 or higher while not holding an Ever Stone. The only Pokémon that evolve when given a Water Stone are: Eevee into Vaporeon.
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Who can evolve with water stone?

The full list of Pokemon that evolve with a Water Stone includes:
  • Poliwhirl.
  • Shellder.
  • Staryu.
  • Eevee.
  • Lombre.
  • Panpour.
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Pokémon Episode Magikarp evolves into Gyarados

How to make zombie Magikarp?

To obtain this version of Magikarp, it will need to be struck by lightning or fished out of Lava. If the Roasted Magikarp is evolved, the resulting Gyarados will have a special texture called Zombie Gyarados. Shiny Magikarp is unable to have this skin nor evolve into Zombie Gyarados.
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What fish evolves into Gyarados?

Look no further than the powerfully pathetic Fish Pokémon Magikarp. Though it is said to be the world's weakest Pokémon, Magikarp can fill its effort gauge through brave contributions in battle to evolve into the mighty Gyarados—no Exp. Points required!
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Can a level 20 Magikarp still evolve?

What Level does my Magikarp need to be to evolve into a Gyarados? Your Magikarp needs to be a Level 20 for it to evolve into a Gyarados.
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Should I stop Magikarp from evolving?

Always take the chance to evolve Magikarp. If Magikarp doesn't evolve, its maximum level will increase by one, making the weak Pokémon just a little less weak. But make no mistake—it's Magikarp, so it'll still be weak.
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How do you get a golden Magikarp?

How to find Shiny Pokémon such as Shiny Magikarp and Red Gyarados Pokémon Go. Shinies are found by simply trying to catch Pokémon and seeing if they display as an alternate colour in the battle and post-battle screens. They won't appear as a different colour in the field, so you have to attempt to catch them first.
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Why won't my Magikarp evolve?

Accepted Answer. If you mean that when leveling up the evolution won't trigger, then it's because in this game you need to trigger the evolutions yourself from the menu. So head into your bag and move your cursor over to Magikarp. There should be an evolve option.
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What is the rarest fish in magikarp jump?

Gold Magikarp is the rarest type of Magikarp you can fish in Magikarp Jump.
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What level will Magikarp evolve?

Eventually, Magikarp evolves into Gyarados at level 20. Another option is to simply feed Magikarp an abundance of Exp. Candies, if there happens to be one lying around—or even Rare Candies to make the process lightning fast. Otherwise, Magikarp may be of some use in battle once it learns Tackle at level 15.
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What is 100% IV Magikarp?

Magikarp 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go

The CP values that correspond to perfect 15/15/15 values are as follows: Level 30 (wild CP maximum) - 235 CP. Level 35 (weather boosted CP maximum) - 255 CP.
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Why is Magikarp 400 candies?

The 400s – Four Pokémon families actually require 400 candies to evolve. They are Magikarp, Swablu, Wailmer and Meltan. For the first two, the reason for this is probably just because their evolved forms, Gyarados and Alteria, are quite sought after Pokémon.
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How to quickly evolve a Magikarp?

Collect 400 Magikarp Candies

The key to evolving Magikarp lies in collecting Magikarp Candies. You'll need a whopping 400 of them to kickstart the evolution process.
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Can a normal Magikarp evolve into red gyarados?

You're likely going to have to grind out a lot of Magikarp catching in order to find a shiny one, but that's a good thing - you're also going to need 400 Magikarp Candy to evolve that bad boy into a Red Gyarados. The easiest way to find a Shiny Gold Magikarp is to use The Silph Road's amazing Pokemon Go Nest Atlas.
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How to stop Magikarp from evolving Magikarp jump?

If you check your items bag, you'll see an Everstone permanently there. This item is held by Pokemon to prevent them from evolving, which explains why Magikarp never evolves even after it reaches level 20, when it would usually become Gyarados.
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Can a level 29 Magikarp still evolve?

Top Voted Answer

It evolves at level 20. If you just caught your Magikarp, it'll evolve on the next level. Check if it's holding an Everstone or not, that item prevents Evolution.
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Can a level 100 Eevee evolve?

It is possible, yes. Once you've met the friendship requirements, using a Rare Candy on a lv 100 pokemon will make it evolve (same goes for any other pokemon that require them to level up in order to trigger evolution).
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What level does Magikarp evolve into Charizard?

Now beat your opponent with your strongest Pokemon and Magikarp will automatically gain experience. Once it's reached level 20, you can evolve it to Gyarados and kick major butt.
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