Can you finish Ghost of Tsushima in one day?

Just the main story - Playing through the main story from beginning to end while engaging in minimal side content will take you around 20 hours. Main story plus side quests - Completing the main story and all of the side quests will take you around 30 hours.
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How fast can you beat Ghost of Tsushima?

When focusing on the main objectives, Ghost of Tsushima is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 62 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How long does it take to complete The Ghost of Tsushima?

As a general baseline though, you're looking at 50-60 hours to 100% complete Ghost of Tsushima and earn the platinum trophy. If you only want to beat the main story however, expect to spend much less time with the game. You're probably looking at 20-25 hours if you only do story missions.
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Can you 100% Ghost of Tsushima in one playthrough?

It's entirely possible to earn all of the Trophies in Ghost of Tsushima in a single playthrough. None of the game's Trophies are missable, and there are no Trophies tied to difficulty.
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How many hours does it take to 100% Ghost of Tsushima?

100% completion - Completing absolutely everything that the game has to offer — which includes finding every collectable — will take you around 60 hours.
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Ghost of Tsushima TIPS & TRICKS - All Things You Can Do After You Finished The Game!

What is the hardest thing to get in Ghost of Tsushima?

Here are the 7 best-hidden secrets in Ghost Of Tsushima for players to seek out, as well as how to collect them.
  • 7 Twilight Oni Sword Kit.
  • 6 Demonic Archer's Mask.
  • 5 Wolf Of Tsushima Mask.
  • 4 Dirge Of The Fallen Forge Trophy.
  • 3 Deadly Rival's Attire.
  • 2 Charm Of Heavenly Rebuke.
  • 1 Ghost Transcendent Dye.
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Is there a Ghost of Tsushima 2?

Ghost of Tsushima 2 does not have an official release date yet. But many think it might come out in 2024 or 2025. The first game took six years to make. If the sequel follows a similar timeline it could arrive soon.
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Is Ghost of Tsushima difficult?

Ghost of Tsushima has moments when it can be hard but there are different tiers of difficulty which can be adjusted to suit your preferred playing style or ability.
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Which act is the longest in Ghost of Tsushima?

It's a big, dense story with a lot of landscape and secrets to discover. The first act of Ghost of Tsushima is the game's longest, running a solid 10 to 20 hours depending on whether you opt to clean up all its side content.
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What is the shortest act in Ghost of Tsushima?

The third Act is the shortest, while the first two are pretty similar in length. As for how much freedom you have to complete things as you wish, the game starts with about an hour-long prologue that's completely linear.
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Which armor is the best in Ghost of Tsushima?

Ghost Of Tsushima: All Of The Unlockable Armor Sets Ranked From Worst To Best
  • 8 Sakai Clan Armor. ...
  • 7 Tadayori's Armor. ...
  • 6 Archery Master's Attire. ...
  • 5 Ghost Armor. ...
  • 4 Kensei Armor. ...
  • 3 Samurai Clan Armor. ...
  • 2 Sarugami Armor. ...
  • 1 Gosaku's Armor.
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Does Ghost of Tsushima have multiple endings?

All endings in Ghost of Tsushima explained

The credits roll, but while this ending involves taking a life, the prospect of this being the worse of the two endings in Ghost of Tsushima is still dependent on perspective and how players view this moral choice.
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Is there a trophy for beating Ghost of Tsushima on the hardest difficulty?

Difficulty level is a gameplay mechanism in Ghost of Tsushima. It affects the degree of challenge in the game. It is freely adjustable throughout the game, and there are no Trophies bound to a certain game difficulty.
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Which is harder, Ghost of Tsushima or Elden Ring?

Even then, I'd say Elden Ring is harder than baseline Hard in GoT. It didn't take me more than hour to take down any of the hardest fights in Ghost of Tsushima, including the Iki Island DLC content - whereas I was stuck for *days* on Malenia the first go around.
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Which game is harder, Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro?

Ghost of Tsushima is harder than Sekiro, if you set GOT difficulty to max and do not use any upgrades. Sekiro you can cheese most of boss fights in game. Enemy patterns become predictable.
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Is Ghost of Tsushima harder than Demon Souls?

I would recommend ghost first. It'll be a much easier compared yo demon souls and will let you adapt better from your previous gaming experience. The story and combat mechanics are also really good. While demon souls is great in is own right, I would go with ghost of Tsushima first.
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Are Yuna and Jin in love?

For most of the game, it seems like Jin and Yuna teeter between being friends, and becoming more. There are moments where they look like they like one another, and there's even a missed kissing opportunity. However, she and Jin becoming a thing seems unlikely.
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Is Jin Sakai based on a real person?

The protagonist, Jin Sakai, is a fictional character created by Sucker Punch and is not a real historical figure, nor is the main antagonist and Mongol invader, Khotun Khan. The leader of the Mongol Empire in Ghost of Tsushima, Khotun Khan, is a fictional family member of the historical ruling Mongol line of khans.
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Why is Jin Sakai called Ghost?

After the battle, Taka remarks that he's never seen any samurai fight the way Jin has before. Yuna crafts a tale to explain Jin's superhuman abilities, boasting to onlookers that Jin is not human, but a vengeful ghost - a story that sticks and results in Jin becoming known as the legendary Ghost of Tsushima.
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What's the hardest boss in Ghost of Tsushima?

  1. 1 Lord Shimura. The final boss of the game and appears during the epilogue.
  2. 2 Khotun Khan. The final boss of the main campaign. ...
  3. 3 The Eagle. The final boss of the main campaign of the Iki Island DLC. ...
  4. 4 Lady Masako. ...
  5. 5 General Bartu. ...
  6. 6 General Temuge. ...
  7. 7 Sao. ...
  8. 8 Owan, The Exiled Monk. ...
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What's the strongest class in Ghost of Tsushima?

What's the best class in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends?
  • Samurai: If you're just starting out, there's no denying the Samurai is the best all-around class in the game. ...
  • Ronin: The Ronin seems like a solid pick as your second class unlock.
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What is the secret armor in Ghost of Tsushima?

Yharnam Vestments Bring Bloodborne to Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima gives this excellent soul-like adventure an homage to one of its new armor sets. The Yharnam Vestments secret armor can only be acquired by finding the Blood-Stained Shrine on the southwestern coast of Iki Island.
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