Can you have 2 housecarls in Skyrim?

Yeah, you can get multiple housecarls. One for each hold you become thane in. And yeah, they only stay in that thane's house (or Dragonsreach in whiterun if you haven't bought the house).
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How many housecarls can you have at once in Skyrim?

Re: Multiple housecarls- I know that you are allowed one housecarl for each Hold when you become the Thane of that Hold.
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How do you get another housecarl in Skyrim?

Once your housecarl dies, they are dead. you have to become thane of another hold and buy a house in order to obtain another housecarl. but they will ONLY be a guard to the house in the hold you obtained them.
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Who is the most powerful housecarl in Skyrim?

1 Valdimar

In Morthal you can find Valdimar, the strongest housecarl.
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How do I get more housecarls in Skyrim?

Becoming the Thane of a Hold will grant a personal housecarl. In the base game, all available housecarls are Nord warriors, as is Gregor, the housecarl for the Pale, who is added by The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire.
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6 Secret Choices You Didn't Know You Had In Skyrim

Can you get another housecarl if Lydia dies?

To answer your question TC, if they die they don't get replaced. You get one for each house though.
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Who is the best housecarl to marry in Skyrim?

Iona is one of the best Housecarls in the game due to her slightly higher health pool compared to a few other Housecarls. She's a Nord and will be appointed as the loyal servant of the Dragonborn once they become the Thane of Riften no less.
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Can Lydia become a blade?

Lydia, like most followers, has the option of being recruited into The Blades by being brought to Delphine at Sky Haven Temple after the quest Alduin's Wall is completed. She can still be recruited as a follower, but her default Steel apparel will be replaced with a full set of Blades Armor and a Blades sword.
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Is Lydia the best wife in Skyrim?

5 Lydia Is a Devoted Skyrim Wife

While Nord housecarl Lydia may not be the most original marriage choice, she is still one of the most steadfast and familiar companions in the game. Depending on how the player tends to their tasks early on, Lydia may become the player's first housecarl and free travel companion.
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Who is the best immortal follower in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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Can I turn my housecarl into a vampire?

It's possible for the Dragonborn to turn some NPC followers, including Lydia, into a vampire in Skyrim, but it has its upsides and downsides. If players want to turn one of their followers like the housecarl Lydia into a vampire in Skyrim, they should be aware of a few of the process' pros and cons.
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Can you have a housecarl and a steward in Skyrim?

Or can I have a housecarl AND a steward? Also, if I assign a steward, can I fire him/her and rehire them or someone else in the future? Yes, you can have both.
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Can housecarls be killed?

Housecarls can only die if you hit them when they are down. Once they take a knee, enemies will not attack them any longer. So, basically they die only if you kill them. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
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Can you have two husbands in Skyrim?

No. It's only possible to marry one NPC through your entire gameplay, unless you play on the PC and use console commands (to divorce your current spouse in order to marry a different NPC), it might be possible to marry two NPC's with mods, but I couldn't know for sure.
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Do housecarls level with you?

Top Voted Answer. They do indeed grow; they may not progress in the same way your Dragonborn does, but they do indeed improve.
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Is it possible to have two companions in Skyrim?

However, certain quests or quest lines can make it so you have more than one follower, at least temporarily. It's possible to get several of these quests going simultaneously, and as long as you don't complete them, you can have multiple followers.
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Who is better Lydia or Serana?

They're both equally terrible for stealth builds, as both will attack the enemy whenever they feel like it. Lydia can get killed doing this; Serana can't (the game deems her essential), but I would advise you to pick up the tome of Necromantic Healing in Dimhallow Crypt so that you can heal her in the future.
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Can you marry Karliah?

Now you can marry her and you can achieve your goal of wanting to marry karliah. Of course, you have to finish the theives guild questline. Enjoy! *UPDATE* I've added dialogue for her for the wedding and marriage items I even added her giving you affection for when you ask for things.
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Is Ysolda a good wife?

Overall, Ysolda is one of the most intelligent and hard-working wives the Dragonborn could hope for in all of Skyrim.
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What kills Lydia Skyrim?

Same as any other companion: she can only get killed by three things: your own attacks, an enemy with DoT damage inflicting poison or something on her when she hits 1 HP, or accidentally getting plastered by an attack meant for you.
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What happens if Lydia dies?

If Lydia died in Skyrim, however, the problem becomes more difficult for players to resolve. There are no spells that can effectively bring an NPC back from the dead. The Raise Zombie spell will only temporarily bring Lydia back, and she'll turn into a pile of ashes afterward.
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What happens if you turn Lydia into a vampire?

Turning your spouse into a vampire while they sleep will make it impossible to complete “The Gift” quest. Your spouse will turn aggressive on you and you will be required to kill them and then marry another in order to complete the quest.
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Can you marry a Jarl in Skyrim?

No, it is not possible for a player to marry Jarl Balgruuf in Skyrim, regardless of the player character's gender. While there are many characters available for marriage in Skyrim, such as Aela the Huntress or Farkas of the Companions, Jarl Balgruuf is not one of them.
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Who is the easiest wife to marry in Skyrim?

Assuming you've done no quests, the easiest would probably be Ysolda, if you have a mammoth tusk or know where to get one, or Uthgerd, as you simply have to beat her in a brawl. If you find brawling difficult or too time-consuming, you could lower the difficulty level first. Both of these women are found in Whiterun.
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Can you marry Vex in Skyrim?

Without mods, no. Console commands won't do either. In order to be marriageable, an NPC needs to have a voice type that has the married lines recorded, and Astrid doesn't.
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