Can you join Darkmoon Covenant after killing Gwyndolin?

Since Gwyndolin is the convenant leader, you won't be able to rejoin the covenant until NG+. According to the wiki, leaving or betraying the covenant also leads to the count of your Souvenir of Reprisal offerings being halved, so you would also probably lose a rank in the covenant if you rejoin in a later playthrough.
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Can you join Blade of the Darkmoon after killing Gwyndolin?

if you enter the fog gate to fight him, then homeward out right away or something? Yes, if you homeward out or die you can rejoin, but you'll have to talk to Oswald in the bell tower to absolve your sins first. You cannot join if Gwyndolin is dead.
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What happens if you kill Gwyndolin?

Killing Gwyndolin will place a permanent sin upon you, and you can be constantly invaded by Blade of the Dark Moon members (when human and online). The fire keeper at the first bonfire in Anor Londo will become hostile after you have defeated Gwyndolin.
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Can you fight Gwyndolin after joining Covenant?

Attacking Gwyndolin will betray the covenant. To rejoin, you'll have to request absolution and make him non-hostile, or join again in the next NG cycle. Betraying Blade of the Darkmoon will make Darkmoon Blade unusable, and halve your offerings of Souvenirs of Reprisal.
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Why can't i join Yorshka Covenant?

A Gesture IS needed. You need the "Darkmoon Loyalty" gesture to show that you want to be in the covanent. as you talk to Company Captain Yorshka you will be prompted to use it. Continue through your game, and make sure you find the Dreamchaser's Ashes in the Farron area.
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Dark Souls:Remastered | Where To Find Darkmoon Seance Ring & Join The Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant

Is Yorshka a crossbreed?

Yorshka is the younger sister of Dark Sun Gwyndolin, with whom she shares only her mother, as her brother is Gwyn's last born, but she demonstrates the draconic traits of a crossbreed in a more definite way than her brother.
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Can I join more than one covenant Dark Souls?

There are many different Covenants in Dark Souls, and the one which you join can have various different effects on your game experience. You can only join one Covenant at a time - joining another will overwrite the current Covenant you are a member of.
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What happens if I kneel to Gwyndolin?

You can kneel here and join the Darkmoon Covenant which nets you a Blue Eye Orb and the Darkmoon Blade Covenant ring. The Orb lets you invade guilty player's worlds, and the Ring allows you to be summoned by Gwyndolin, no point really since you're about to kill him.
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Can you fight Gwyndolin without killing Gwynevere?

Yes, you can fight Gwyndolin without killing Gwynevere. You just have to step through the fog door where you join the covenant.
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What do you get for beating Gwyndolin?

Rewards For Beating Dark Sun Gwyndolin

After killing Dark Sun Gwyndolin, he'll drop 40,000 souls and the Soul of Gwyndolin. This can be consumed for an extra 16,000 souls, sold to Frampt for 20,000 souls, or turned into the Darkmoon Bow or Tin Darkmoon Catalyst at the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo.
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Is there a point to killing Gwynevere?

Nope, no real difference in the ending. Only things that killing Amazing Chest change are: * Anor Londo becomes dark (and largely deserted, only Silver Knights and Painting Guardians will remain). * Darkmoon Knightess will become hostile, and move to near the rotating tower.
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Why is Gwyndolin so feminine?

Gwyndolin was the youngest of his sons, and because he possessed inherent abilities associated with the moon (which was considered a feminine trait), he was raised as a daughter.
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Why does Aldrich eat Gwyndolin?

Dark Souls III

With Sulyvahn as an escort, Aldrich was able to reach the old Anor Londo and slowly consumed the last god that resided there, Gwyndolin, who gave himself to Aldrich to save his sister Yorshka. Aldrich assimilated Gwyndolin to him and is able to use his magical abilities.
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Is Sirris a Blade of the Darkmoon?

A member of the Blade of the Darkmoon, Sirris crosses paths with the player numerous times as she hunts down members of Rosaria's Fingers. Her true quest is to confront her grandfather, Hodrick, and end his madness.
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Is Dark Sun Gwyndolin optional?

Dark Sun Gwyndolin is an optional boss you can fight in Anor Londo in Dark Souls. If you're looking for more help, our Dark Souls walkthrough and guide can help with all other areas of the game, including the dreaded Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smough bosses.
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Is Gwyndolin a girl?

It is shown in the game that gwyndolin was born male and his parents chose to raise him as a daughter, therefore his case is not the same as a person becoming trans due to their own relationship with their body and gender identity.
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Why did Gwynevere leave?

Why Did Gwynevere Leave? After speaking with Dark Moon Gwyndolin, it becomes clear that many of the gods abandoned the world after Gwyn marched on the First Flame. Gwynevere was one of them, which is one reason why Gwyndolin uses her image in Anor Londo.
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Is Aldrich a Gwyndolin?

Aldrich is the sludge. The "human" that you're seeing is Gwyndolin. Gwyndolin is Lord Gwyns SON. Aldrich is the devourer of Gods, before you enter the fog gate LISTEN.
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Why does Gwyndolin have snake legs?

He Has Snakes For Feet

How this came to be is unknown. Some fans claim it's the result of a connection between the Dark Sun and his co-conspirator, the Primordial Serpent Kingseeker Frampt.
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Is Gwyndolin weak to Lightning?

Lightning Damage is said to be effective against Dragons and those that are heavily clad. However, there are exceptions, such as Silver Knights and those that inflict it themselves. Notably, it is ineffective against Gwyn, Lord of Cinder or Dragon Slayer Ornstein.
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Can you rejoin covenants in Dark Souls?

You can always rejoin covenents later in the game. You should know however that you will lose half of your rank each time you leave one though. You won't be able to join a covenant if you kill or otherwise chase off the NPC that lets you in, but otherwise yes, you can quit a covenant and rejoin it later.
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Do you lose progress if you switch covenants Dark Souls?

When you leave a covenant, you lose all Covenant specific benefits of the Covenant you are leaving. Anything you have unlocked on the previous Covenant will not convert to the new one. This includes Renown, covenant abilities, appearances, soulbinds, mounts, titles, and sanctum upgrades.
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Does leaving covenant reset rank Dark Souls 1?

You will lose rank and item donations. So if you swap covenants you go from rank 1 to 0.
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Is Priscilla Gwyn's daughter?

But wait, she's a crossbreed, so Gwyn couldn't be the father. It doesn't particularly matter which dragon it was, although it was most likely Seath before his insanity went rampant, Velka cheated on Gwyn and got pregnant with the Crossbreed Priscilla.
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What gender is Anri Dark Souls 3?

If the player is playing a male character, Anri will be female, but if the player is playing a female character, Anri will be male. It's also worth noting that in Japan, Anri is a unigender name and works for both the male or female version!
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