Can you keep playing ME3 after ending?

This is basically kicking you back to an auto-save, as any experience you gained during the final few fights seems to be reverted. Since you're brought back before beginning the above-mentioned missions, you're free to play them over to explore the different endings.
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Can you continue playing Mass Effect 3 after ending?

Once you engage and end the final combat of the game, the end of the scripted story unfold and then the end credit of the game come. And then it's the end of the game. There is no point of being able to continue to play the game after that. Since there is no more event, no more monster, no more quest or encounter.
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What happens after Mass Effect 3 ending?

The “Destroy” ending allows Shepard to eradicate the Reapers along with all other synthetic life, allies included. The “Control” ending turns Shepard into the new, non-organic Reaper overmind, which will direct the Reapers to repair and defend the galaxy.
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Can you keep playing Mass Effect after you beat it?

No, the game ends and saves your profile. The only use this currently has is to make a New Game+ (go to New Game then Use An Existing Profile) which allows you to start a new game with your high-level character and all his gear.
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What to do after completing Mass Effect 3?

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: 13 Things To Do After You Beat The Game
  1. 6 Go Catch Side Quests That Timed Out.
  2. 7 Check Out Other Romances. ...
  3. 8 Try Out Mods. ...
  4. 9 Befriend Different Companions. ...
  5. 10 Read The Books, Comics, and Graphic Novels. ...
  6. 11 Hunt Achievements. ...
  7. 12 Attempt An Insanity Run. ...
  8. 13 Go Back And Finish Side Quests... ...
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Mass Effect 3 - How to Get the Best Ending without Multiplayer

Can you do Citadel DLC after ending?

At the end of the game, there is an Auto-Save made that is right before one assaults Cerberus HQ. You may return to it, and then play The Citadel DLC. Afterwards, whether you continue to repeat the Cerberus assault is up to you.
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Which Mass Effect 3 ending is Paragon?

Mass Effect 3's control ending is effectively the trilogy's Paragon ending. If the player chooses to have Shepard assume control of the Reapers the harvest is stopped, the Mass Relay system is rebuilt by the now-benevolent Reapers, and all synthetic life survives.
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How many endings does Mass Effect 3 have?

There are five possible endings to Mass Effect 3. If Shepard amassed enough Military Strength, they can choose the fate of the entire galaxy. There are several possible outcomes at the end of Shepard's saga in Mass Effect 3, and the different options are only available if certain conditions are met.
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Should I play all 3 Mass Effect games?

Definitely the recommended order is to play the trilogy in the noatural order. The Mass Effect trilogy is different from others in the sense that it is built as a coherent story. Decisions and events occurring in the first game will be carried over to the rest of the games.
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How long to beat Mass Effect 3 with all DLC?

If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 50½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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Which ending of Mass Effect 3 is canon?

What Is The Canon Ending? At this time, there isn't a confirmed canon ending for ME3. But several teasers for the next entry in the series suggest that Shepard destroying all synthetic life is the true conclusion to the game.
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Does Mass Effect 3 ending affect Andromeda?

the ending you chose, out of any of the four, will have no effect on the events of Andromeda. the Andromeda Initiative left before the Reapers invaded, a year before i believe. They are going to the Andromeda Galaxy, and it will take 600 years to get there.
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Can EDI survive the destroy ending?

Edi survives in two of the three endings of Mass Effect 3. However, all the Mass Effect 4 teasers so far seem to imply that Mass Effect 3's Destroy ending, the one in which Edi supposedly dies, will be the canon conclusion of the trilogy and starting place of the next game.
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Does romance carry over to Mass Effect 3?

For example, Garrus can only be Romanced and Locked In during Mass Effect 2, and this is carried over into Mass Effect 3, meaning you don't have to do this all over again to get his Romance Scene in the third game.
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How many years between me2 and me3?

Mass Effect 3 begins in 2186, six months after the events of Mass Effect 2.
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Which ending saves Shepard Mass Effect 3?

Mass Effect 3 ending - Destruction (Red)

At a lower level of Total Military Strength this will also destroy everything else, though if you're prepared enough then it's possible to save Earth, the Normandy crew, and Shepard. This is the only ending choice where Shepard can survive.
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Why did Mass Effect 3 fail?

Unfortunately, the three endings presented to you at the end of the trilogy render most (or all) of your choices irrelevant. Most pervasively, of course, the destruction of the mass relays renders the entire theme of “bringing the galaxy together” irrelevant. But the problems pervade at every level of the game.
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What happens if you play Mass Effect 3 without playing 1 and 2?

If you skip to Mass Effect 3, all the squad survive, but you haven't particularly earned it. When you're meeting them at the end of the world, there's no real emotion there. The game is kinder to skippers than Mass Effect is, but most of 3's tearjerkers won't land if it's your first foray into Mass Effect's universe.
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Can I skip Mass Effect 3 credits?

As a note, you don't need to actually wait through the credits. Pressing escape and then skipping them will still yield the scene.
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What's the best ME3 ending?

The best ending considered for Mass Effect 3 is when Commander Shepard and his entire Normandy squad survive along with planet Earth. However, to achieve this ending, you will need to meet the same requirements as the original. The process involves getting as many War Assets as possible.
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What is the point of no return in ME3?

The "Point of No return" in Mass Effect 3 refers to the last save point before you can no longer complete Side Missions, shop or improve your Effective Military Strength before the game's end. All Side Missions close after starting Priority: Cerberus Headquarters.
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Can Shepard survive synthesis?

Accepted Answer. Shepard only survives if you choose the destroy ending. Synthesis turns them into new DNA/CNA, and control destroys their body but their consciousness takes control of the Reapers. They become a Reaper, basically.
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Is Shepard a renegade or paragon?

These games offer many options for customizing Shepard's appearance, personality, combat style, code of ethics, and more. One way to express this is the Paragon/Renegade scale that measures overall morality. Shepard can either be a heroic, diplomatic Paragon or a bold, brash, and daring Renegade.
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Can you save Thane Mass Effect 3?

Can you save Thane Krios in Mass Effect 3? - Quora. Sorry but unfortunately no. There is no way to save Thane in ME3, his death is part of a scripted event to help show the emotional impact that on Sheppard. At least that's how it felt.
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Is Paragon or Renegade Shepard canon?

there is no cannon only the way you play it. Bioware has stated repeatedly that there is no canon. That's why Shepard doesn't show up in any of the novels or the incoming comic, and why they avoid talking about events that can be decided by the player in these products.
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