Can you loot Alduin?

There is a brief moment where the option to loot Alduin's body appears before he disintegrates, although he cannot actually be looted. It is possible, if Kahvozein's Fang is equipped in the right hand, to harvest Dragon Heartscales. When Alduin dies, a whirling vortex appears above Sovngarde.
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Do you get anything from killing Alduin?

Shor's Blessing. Once Alduin has been defeated, speaking to Tsun will cause him to explain that he can return the Dragonborn back to Nirn. Once they accept this offer, Tsun will grant the Dragonborn the Call of Valor shout, which can summon an ancient Nord hero to aid in battle.
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Does Alduin not drop anything?

It is impossible to loot Alduin, even though the option presents itself while his body dissipates. However, it is possible to harvest dragon heartscales from him. Alduin's soul is not absorbed. You can later discuss the ramifications of this with Arngeir unless you have antagonized him by killing Paarthurnax.
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What do you get after killing Alduin?

Once Alduin is dead, talk to Tsun and he will teach you a new Shout and send you on your merry way back to the living world. You should end up at the Throat of the World with many dragons surrounding you.
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Can you tame Alduin in Skyrim?

Certain named Dragons cannot be tamed (Alduin, Sahloknir, Paarthurnax, Durnehviir, and the Skeletal Dragon in Labyrinthian). Odahviing can be tamed and ridden by traveling to the Throat of the World where he circles the summit.
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"Dragonborn When They Discovered They Can't Loot Alduin..."

Is there anything to loot from Alduin?

There is a brief moment where the option to loot Alduin's body appears before he disintegrates, although he cannot actually be looted. It is possible, if Kahvozein's Fang is equipped in the right hand, to harvest Dragon Heartscales.
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Can you defeat Alduin as a vampire?

It was near impossible beating him with the reduced resources and no regeneration.
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Is defeating Alduin the end?

The Dragonborn ultimately ends up defeating Alduin, but because Alduin is immortal (in a way that the other dragons are not) he will return at a time deemed by his father Akatosh and actually destroy all of existence in that universe.
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What level should you be to defeat Alduin?

If you fight him at levels 30-50, then just use the same strategy as against other dragons. As for Alduin's attacks, he has four of them: Fire Breath - The dragon breathes fire at you, causing huge damage and inflicting lingering damage.
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Do dragons keep spawning after killing Alduin?

Just wanted to know - do I still encounter dragons after finishing the main quest? yes, which is stupid if you think about it. With Alduin dead, there's nothing to keep reviving them.
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What does Alduin say to you in helgen?

Accepted Answer. Alduin just says the Meteor shower shout. When at the wall, he shout the fire breath shout. There is a bit about "Hin sil fen nahkip bahloki."("Your soul will feed (my) hunger.") but not any foreknowledge that you're the dragonborn.
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What are Alduin's last words?

So the last words Alduin say after defeating him are “Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan” and after researching what it means it actually translates into “I am eternal! I cannot end!” So does that possibly mean we didn't actually defeat him and maybe we will see him in a later game in the future?
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Who would win, smaug or Alduin?

Alduin is immortal and has to be weakened and killed in two different planes of reality, smaug and other LotR dragons get killed by swords and arrows. alduin is essentially a god, while smaug is just a member of a species created as a weapon by a god. both are pretty old, but smaug didn't age as well as alduin.
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Are there any hidden things in Sovngarde?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The only things I know of that are unique to Sovngarde are the Roasted Ox Head and Roasted Ox Leg, neither of which are food; just Misc items. Nothing for equipment but if you do other questlines first you'll find the spirits of some NPCs there. "I just came out of a PIE, you swooning harpy!
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Is the game over after defeating Alduin?

sorta) but really, the game never really ends, as I've heard the dragons never even go away, they just get more powerful. Some new kinds even end up showing up. There's no continuation of the main quest after killing Alduin. But I highly suggest going through, playing all the DLC's and side quests.
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Is Alduin good or bad?

He is the eldest son of the main god in the series, Akatosh, the god of time, and his evil counterpart.
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Is Alduin the hardest boss?

By all accounts, the frightening Alduin should be the baddest boss of them all, but by the time the player reaches Sovngarde, the threat is somewhat lessened.
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Why is Alduin so weak in Skyrim?

One of the most interesting theories offered as to why Alduin might be so underwhelmingly weak at the end of the game is the fact that since he's denying his fate as the World-Eater and planning on taking over the province instead, he has given up his powers and abilities.
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Can you defeat Alduin without Dragonrend?

Although Paarthurnax will spar with Alduin in the air, Alduin cannot be damaged until you ground him with Dragonrend. A single tap of the shout button will do a single-charge version of the shout that can still effectively stun Alduin after he is already grounded.
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What is the final quest in Skyrim?

Skyrim's main quest line consists of seventeen required quests and three optional quests. During these quests, you discover your heritage as the Dovahkiin, learn why dragons have returned to the world, and find a way to respond to the dragon threat. Dragonslayer is the last main quest.
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How many times do I fight Alduin?

Well if you're talking about how many times you can fight alduin it's 2, like the previous answer said.
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Is Alduin the final boss in Skyrim?

Skyrim Final Boss fight - Alduin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A clip of the final boss fight in the game (main story) against Alduin.
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Can you undo being a vampire in Skyrim?

Perform a ritual with a mage named Falion to remove the vampirism. Become a werewolf by doing the Companions' faction quests to cure your vampirism and become immune to all diseases in the future.
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Is it bad to turn into a vampire in Skyrim?

Vampirism in Skyrim comes with both visual and gameplay changes, including new abilities and powers. While being a vampire in Skyrim has its perks, there are drawbacks, such as weaknesses to fire and sunlight and the risk of hostility from NPCs.
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What is the hardest vampire in Skyrim?

Harkon is, unsurprisingly, the hardest vampire in Skyrim.
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