Can you make a pillager ride a Ravager?

Ravagers will only naturally appear ridden by an illager. However, another mob can be allowed to ride a ravager using the /ride command.
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Can pillagers ride Ravagers?

In Bedrock Edition, one of the ravagers is ridden by a pillager instead of a vindicator on the seventh wave.
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Can you tame Ravagers in Minecraft?

As of Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales, ravagers can not be tamed through any vanilla methods. They are an entirely hostile mob, never friendly towards anyone but their fellow illagers.
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Can you keep a ravager in Minecraft?

Unfortunately, Ravagers cannot be tamed in vanilla Minecraft, which includes Minecraft PE. This means you cannot befriend or ride them like horses or wolves. They remain hostile mobs that attack players and villagers on sight.
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Is the ravager an Illager?

A ravager (Formerly known as an illager beast) is a hostile mob that joins pillagers in raids. They are one of the strongest and most dangerous mobs in the game.
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Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Ravager!

Is the witch an illager?

A witch is neither an illager nor a villager. Witches do not use housing, the equipment in their swamp huts and cannot open doors. Witches are peaceful toward villagers and wandering traders when not participating in raids, although their potions can hit one by accident.
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Can you still tame a pillager?

To tame the pillager, you need to break its crossbow. Since a crossbow has a durability of 326, you need the pillager to use its crossbow 326 times to break it! So add 5 shields to your hotbar (we added 6, just in case) and possibly some food.
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Is there a baby Ravager in Minecraft?

The second way is to breed them on creative mode, so you don't get attacked. Ravager babies are a lot faster than their adult counterparts but have only 50HP. Nothing can ride the baby Ravager, neither can the player, because of its small size.
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What is the weakness of a Ravager?

Additionally, Ravagers employ a defensive electric attack against enemies within a specific radius. However, like Sawtooths, they are vulnerable to weapons that utilize fire.
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Can you breed Ravagers?

Well, Ravagers are mammals so they give birth to live young. So once you have made them mate. Go over to female you will see a gestation time. Be there when the timer is up.
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Is Death Ravager tameable?

6 this beautiful little ravager is tameable again! Just farm the Ravager Cage Key to the cage from nearby Ravager Specimen, open it up and you are good to go! It's worth noting that this is the only ravager currently in-game with this colour scheme, so that alone makes him a worthy addition to any hunter's stables.
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Can you befriend Pillagers?

Unlike melee Illager, these Pillagers can be manipulated to drop their crossbow and embrace friendship! Taming a Pillager is a straightforward yet difficult task. The Pillager simply needs to expend all of its available ammunition to become a friendly unit.
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Can you turn a pillager into a villager?

Using a Confusion potion and a Golden apple you can change a Pillager into a Villager.
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Do Pillagers steal your stuff?

During a raid Pillagers will try to loot chests or any other storage items like barrels and shulker boxes. This would be a feature that would occur on normal difficulty and higher. You would be able to kill the Pillager for any items they looted.
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Is there a Titan Ravager in Minecraft?

The medium-sized Titan Ravager is a mob in Minecraft that helped the stick figures fight King Orange in Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3.
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Is the Ravager a cow?

Pillagers are a hostile illager that roam around next to dark towers as their home. The ravagers are the animals they have with them and are essentially bulls with giant horns and will charge at you.
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Are Ravagers afraid of rabbits?

However, if the player gets to them first, it is possible to tame them, using a rabbit's foot. One, this reconnects Ravagers to rabbits (as originally, they were supposed to be scared of rabbits) and two, it makes taming them quite difficult, which is good. Upon being tamed, players can saddle and ride them.
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What do Pillagers hate?

These pillagers are allied in the Illager Forces, which apparently sided with the zombies and skeletons with their hatred of the villagers, but it is never specifically stated that they work for Herobrine.
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How do you make a pillager harmless?

shield to block the crossbow shots from the pillager. the crossbow will eventually break. the pillager will now be passive. and will no longer attack you.
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Is the Arch-Illager a good guy?

The Arch-Illager, known by his birth name as Archie, is the first main antagonist of Minecraft Dungeons. He is the founder and leader of the illager empire in the game, and is a proxy for the Orb of Dominance to carry out its goals.
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What is the illager with the AXE called?

A vindicator is an illager equipped with an iron axe. Vindicators appear in woodland mansions and participate in raids. It sprints towards its targets to attack them with its axe.
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What does the illager icon mean?

The Bad Omen effect is a negative status effect. The only way to obtain it in vanilla survival is to kill a raid captain illager. A raid captain illager is an illager (Pillager, Vindicator or Evoker) that has the Ominous Banner (banner with an illager face-shaped pattern) on its head.
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