Can you mine Netherite with iron?

Blocks of netherite can be mined only with a diamond or netherite pickaxe. If a netherite block is mined with anything else, it drops nothing. ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.
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Can you mine netherite with an iron pick?

In order to obtain netherite in Minecraft, you must first acquire four gold ingots. You will require an iron pickaxe in order to mine gold ore.
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Can you break ancient debris with iron?

Breaking. Ancient debris drops itself if mined by a diamond or netherite pickaxe. If mined by any other tool, it drops nothing.
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What can Netherite be mined with?

Netherite can only be mined with a Diamond Pickaxe or a Netherite Pickaxe.
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Can you destroy Netherite with iron?

Do not be lied to like me, you need a diamond pickaxe. If you google it the first thing to come up says you can do it with a iron pick, IT IS A LYE. You need a diamond pickaxe.
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can you mine minecraft netherite with iron pickaxe

What breaks netherite?

Although generally indestructible, netherite in item form can be destroyed if it comes in contact with a cactus, just like any other item. Much like the obsidian ore, netherite can still be broken by blue wither skulls, dropping the item.
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How rare is netherite?

Players can have a 42.1% chance of finding one Netherite Ingot inside a treasure chest at the Bastion Remnant on Java and Bedrock.
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Is a netherite sword worth it?

The value of a Netherite sword is obvious. It is the sword that deals the most damage, has the highest durability, and is fire and lava-proof, making it an absolute necessity for players venturing through the fiery pits of the Nether or otherwise traveling into molten locations for dangerous fights.
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Is netherite faster than diamond?

Ultimately, the actual finishing times for each pickaxe are: 1st – Netherite in 33.83 seconds (33.5 seconds expected time) 2nd – Diamond in 40.67 seconds (40.2 seconds expected time)
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Can piglins give you ancient debris?

These structures are packed with piglins and hoglins, who won't be too happy to see you. But if you can survive their onslaught, then you'll likely head home with a good amount of ancient debris in your inventory.
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How much netherite scrap for full set?

4 anciet debri, per 1 netherite ingot. You have 4 pieces of armor, there are 5 tools. You need 9 ingots, which is 36 ancient debri and 36 gold.
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Is ancient debris worth it?

Ancient debris is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, due to it being a source of netherite scraps and thus netherite ingots. It is found in the Nether most commonly at Y=15, although mining at lower levels is safer due to lower risk of mining into a lava ocean.
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Is netherite real in real life?

In real life, Netherite does not exist. It is purely a creation of the game developers to add depth and complexity to the gameplay experience. The name "Netherite" likely derives from its association with the Nether dimension in Minecraft, where it is found deep underground.
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What is the most efficient way to mine Netherite?

Strip mining is the most basic way of obtaining Netherite, and the best level to find it is at the coordinate Y = 12. Players should leave two blocks in between lanes and then just mine in a straight line, creating a strip. Players must remain vigilant about the lava pockets they might run into while mining.
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How much netherite for a full beacon?

To make a block of netherite, you will need nine ingots, which means you need to find 36 ancient debris. There are different levels of beacons depending on how many layers you build. A full beacon requires 244 blocks; if made out of netherite, this will be 2,196 netherite ingots.
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Is netherite blast proof?

Blocks of netherite have a blast resistance of 1,200, the same as obsidian, crying obsidian, ancient debris, respawn anchor, and enchanting tables.
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Can you swim in lava with Netherite armor?

Netherite armor

Because it is made of netherite, this armor gives additional temporary fire resistance and fire protection. In fact, with Fire Protection IV or Protection IV, you can stand/swim in lava with no damage. The durability does not go down either.
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What is stronger, obsidian or diamonds?

Answer and Explanation:

The hardest mineral on the scale, diamond, is given a hardness rating of 10. Since obsidian is rated at 5-6 on Moh's Hardness Scale, it is not stronger than a diamond; it's softer than a diamond. The diamond is one of the hardest natural substances known to scientists.
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What is the most useful Netherite item?

Netherite swords

Netherite swords are invaluable as they deal significantly more damage than diamond swords, especially in Minecraft Bedrock. The Bedrock version offers a base attack damage of 9, and to make this, combine a Netherite ingot and a diamond sword in a Smithing Table.
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Can netherite armor be blown up?

Netherite and other blast-resistant materials can be blown up when in item form.
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How much netherite scrap do I need for a full set?

Once smelted into Netherite Scrap, it is used to craft Netherite Ingots, the highest tier of material, which can be used in a Smithing Table to upgrade diamond tools and armor. 36 blocks of Ancient Debris must be mined to upgrade a full set of gear (as it requires 9 Netherite Ingots).
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Does fortune help ancient debris?

Details. Get additional netherite scraps by using a fortune pickaxe on ancient debris. For balance, you don't get xp from mining ancient debris, and netherite is slightly more expensive (five scraps instead of four). Explosions have no effect.
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