Can you own Hjerim?

You can now buy Hjerim without having taken a side in the war at all. The only requirement is completing the quest Blood on the Ice. It does not matter who you choose as the murderer. Once someone is chosen and you are thanked, the house is buyable.
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Can I still buy Hjerim without joining the Stormcloaks?

In order to purchase Hjerim, you must have either completed the Rescue From Fort Neugrad quest if you've joined the Stormcloaks, or completed the entire Civil War questline if you've joined the Imperial Legion.
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Can you live in Hjerim in Skyrim?

Hjerim is a purchasable home in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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Can you buy property in Windhelm?

Hjerim is the house that that player can purchase in Windhelm. It features prominently in the quest Blood on the Ice. The "Cleanup" addition removes the stone altar, bloody chest, and blood and bones on the floor that are found there during the quest.
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Can you buy Hjerim as an imperial?

Hjerim can be purchased having sided with either the Imperial Legion or Stormcloaks. Once allied with the Stormcloaks, the Rescue from Fort Neugrad quest must be completed before Jorleif will make the house available for sale.
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SKYRIM How To Buy House In WIndhelm Commentary + Tutorial

How do I own Hjerim?

You can now buy Hjerim without having taken a side in the war at all. The only requirement is completing the quest Blood on the Ice. It does not matter who you choose as the murderer. Once someone is chosen and you are thanked, the house is buyable.
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Are Stormcloaks or imperials better?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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Why won't it let me buy the house in Windhelm?

To get the house in WIndhelm you either have to complete the Legion side of the Civil War quest chain or complete the Fort Neugrad mission on the Stormcloak side of the Civil War quest chain. The price of the house is fairly steep at 12,000 septims but it is the best house in the game so it's worth it.
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Can you become Thane of Windhelm?

Become Thane of Windhelm

The option to become Thane will only become avaliable from Ulfric after you have liberated Falkreath. If you joined the imperials, you can only become thane when you've completed the imperial's Civil War quest line. The objectives you need to complete here are as simple as is Morthal.
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Can you buy Hjerim without doing Blood on the Ice?

USEP says you can buy Hjerim without doing the blood on the ice quest by completing the civil war quest. If you don't have the quest already started entering the house will trigger it.
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Is Wuunferth actually the butcher?

Talking to Wuunferth, located in his cell in the Bloodworks of the Palace of the Kings, will make it clear that he is not the killer: The killer has struck again. "Oh, isn't that a shame.
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Is Bloodchill Manor yours?

Bloodchill Manor is one of the Creations that is included in Skryim Anniversary Edition, and it gives players the opportunity to take possession of a gothic home.
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What is the biggest house in Skyrim you can own?

Proudspire Manor (Skyrim) | Elder Scrolls | Fandom.
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Can you still go to solitude if you join the Stormcloaks?

Skyrim doesn't have the same faction reputation system that the Fallout games have, so you can join the Stormcloaks and march into Solitude in full Stormcloak regalia with no consequences whatsoever.
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How to get a free house in Windhelm?

To get the house, visit Windhelm 2-3 times. A funeral should show up at the graveyard, and if you go over to the funeral, a guard should talk to you and give you the "Blood on the Ice" quest. Complete it and you get the house. NOTE: The quest will only work for low level characters.
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Can you still become Thane of solitude as a Stormcloak?

If you chose Stormcloaks, you can be Thane right away, but if you chose Imperials, you have to finish the Civil War questline up to the point of deposing Ulfric, and putting in a new Jarl, before you can become Thane.
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Can you lose your Thane title in Skyrim?

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the title of Thane may be lost if power over the Hold of which the Dragonborn is Thane is transferred to the opposite side of the ongoing Civil War. It can be attained again, however, by completing the normal tasks needed to become Thane once more, this time for the newly instated Jarl.
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Can you become a Jarl in Skyrim?

Adding more to the fun experiences a player can have in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, a fan of the action RPG has recently created a mod that allows the Dragonborn to be a legitimate Jarl in the game. Being one of the highest seats of power in Skyrim, Jarls command big cities and strongholds across Tamriel.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

A lot of the Dragonborn's abilites and Ulfric's does seem to line up, and yet he isn't the Dragonborn. And this is because Ulfric is quite simply wasn't chosen. This may have been due to his imprisonment by the Thalmor in the Great War, but the Greybeards did not call him to High Hrothgar.
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Can you get the house in Windhelm if you side with the Imperials?

You can get the house in the rival city after completing the civil war storyline and helping one faction take over the other city. Thus it's possible to get the house by joining the imperials and defeating the stormcloaks.
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Which house is the best in Skyrim?

The Best Player Houses In Skyrim
  • 8 Honeyside.
  • 7 Castle Volkihar.
  • 6 Windstad Manor.
  • 5 Dawnstar Sanctuary.
  • 4 Heljarchen Hall.
  • 3 Proudspire Manor.
  • 2 Lakeview Manor.
  • 1 Arch-Mage's Quarters.
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What is the cheapest house in Skyrim?


Located in Whiterun, right next to Warmaiden's and near the main gate, is Breezehome. The house has two storeys, but is very small. However, Breezehome is the cheapest of all purchasable houses in the game and makes for an excellent starter home.
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Should I join Stormcloaks or Imperials as High Elf?

It's going to depend on the character really. A hot-headed one who just wants to spill dominion blood will be pro-stormcloak. Whilst one that wants to see the Dominion defeated would be pro-empire.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak evil?

As it is revealed during the quest "The Forsworn Conspiracy" and the book "The Bear of Markarth", Ulfric committed horrible atrocities when retaking the city, particularly against captured reachmen fighters, and as we have no in game quest, document or event that contradicts the claims of this book, its content should ...
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What happens to Whiterun if I join the Stormcloaks?

Whiterun will not have any changes, except that it will now be counted as a Stormcloak city. Fast traveling to Windhelm after entering Whiterun will cause the same thing to happen, except Ulfric will not call the Dragonborn a coward.
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