Can you platinum God of War Ragnarok after beating the game?

In order to get the Platinum Trophy in God of War Ragnarok, simply collect all of the other Trophies listed on this page. You can get them all in a single playthrough, and you can continue playing once you've finished the main storyline.
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Can you platinum God of War after beating the game?

Number of Playthroughs Needed to Platinum: All trophies can be gained in a single playthrough, though several can only be gained after the story ends and Post Game exploration is unlocked.
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Can you continue playing God of War Ragnarok after beating it?

Absolutely. There's a hidden quest in Niflheim that allows you to rescue the REAL Tyr. You can fight Gna, the new Valkyrie queen, in Muspelheim. You will get new realm seeds from Ratatoskr post game, which will allow you to go to some new areas, including visiting Angrboda and Fenrir in Jotunheim.
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Can you platinum God of War Ragnarok in one playthrough?

As you can see above, to earn the God of War Ragnarök Platinum trophy, you need to collect all other trophies in the game. As none of the trophies seem to require multiple playthroughs of the game, you should be able to unlock the Platinum first try.
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Is there anything to do in God of War Ragnarok after Platinum?

I was wondering what to do after finishing the game, so here is a list: Use you Mystical Heirloom relic to wake the troll statues in Vanaheim (Naotun's Garden), Alfheim (Forbidden Sands northwest) and Midgard (Derelict Outpost) for some hidden miniboss fights.
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Can you platinum God of War Ragnarok after beating the game?

What to do after beating God of War Ragnarok 100%?

God Of War Ragnarok: 13 Things To Do After The Main Story
  1. Surviving Fimbulwinter The Upper Wildwoods Walkthrough The Lower Wildwoods Walkthrough.
  2. The Quest for Tyr Aurvangar Wetlands Walkthrough The Forge Walkthrough Jarnsmida Pitmines Walkthrough.
  3. Old Friends Old Friends Walkthrough.
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Are there missable trophies in God of War Ragnarok?

God of War Ragnarok has no missable Trophies.
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Can you max out all armour in God of War Ragnarok?

All armor can be upgraded to a max Power Level 9, and can only be upgraded at the shop.
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How long does it take to 100% Gow Ragnarok?

Just story: If you power through just the main story, God of War Ragnarok will take 25-30 hours. Standard playthrough: Completing the main story while dabbling in a few extras and more along the way takes about 30-35 hours. 100% completion: Doing everything in the game will take around 55-60 hours+
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Is there a secret ending in God of War Ragnarok?

God of War Ragnarok secret endings and post-credits scenes

While the story 'ending' releases you back into the world to chase endgame stuff and finish up loose ends, there's another secret God of War Ragnarok ending that will roll the final full credits and play the Blood on the Snow God of War Ragnarok ending theme.
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How to get Kratos to level 10?

The Level Cap in New Game + has been increased to Level 10. To reach this, you must upgrade your Armor, Weapon, Weapon Attachment or Shield to Level 9, then convert them at a Dwarven Shop. There are actually four levels to reach: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and finally 10.
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Can you go to Asgard after beating God of War Ragnarok?

To make matters worse, players won't be able to access this area even after the game's main storyline concludes. This is primarily because Asgard is destroyed at the end of the game. Following its destruction, fragments of Asgard can be found in other realms.
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Can you 100% God of War after beating the story?

This is an important question in terms of free exploration of the world and the desire to complete the game in 100%. God of War allows you to keep playing after you finish the main storyline. What is more, you unlock a few additional challenges.
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What is the hardest God of War game to platinum?

With the lowest platinum completion rate of any God of War game, God of War Ascension brought in the numbers, but it also brought in the challenge, making itself known as one of the hardest God of War games. This was proved in the platinum trophy, in which only 27% of players ever completed the game on Hard Difficulty.
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What is the best armor in God of War Ragnarok?

These are the best God of War Ragnarok armor sets, depending on build and priorities: Best overall/late game armor - Berserker Armor. Best early-game armor - Nidavellir Armor. Best mid-game armor - Lunda's Armor.
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What is the rarest item in God of War Ragnarok?

Essence of Hel is one of the rarest items in God of War Ragnarök as it can only be collected in six locations.
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Who is the hardest boss in God of War Ragnarok?

1 The Valkyrie Queen

It's not the Norse era of God of War if Kratos isn't endlessly dying to Valkyries, and the new Valkyrie Queen Gna reminds players of the countless hours they spent fighting Sigrun. Only this time, Gna is far more vicious and has quite a few new tricks up her sleeve that Sigrun did not.
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What are the three hidden trophies in God of War Ragnarok?

God of War Ragnarök hidden trophies
  • The Florist (Bronze) - Collect one flower from each of the nine realms.
  • A Grizzly Encounter (Bronze) - Battle the Bear.
  • Blood Debt (Bronze) - Battle the God of Thunder.
  • Backyard Brawl (Bronze) - Battle the Mysterious Valkyrie.
  • Root of the Problem (Bronze) - Battle Nidhogg.
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Does Atreus armor do anything?

Atreus Armour

It does not matter what armour set you choose for Atreus, as they do not make any changes to your stats. So, simply choose whichever piece of armour you think looks best. Now, whilst the armour doesn't matter, the armour accessories certainly do.
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Where is Zeus armor in Ragnarok?

The three Zeus Armor pieces can be unlocked in the following ways: War Belt of Zeus - Clear the Remnants of Asgard in Vanaheim above Freyr's Camp. Gauntlets of Zeus - Clear the Remnants of Asgard in the Alfheim Desert. Cuirass of Zeus - Defeat Valkyrie Queen Gna.
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What is Kratos max level in God of War Ragnarok?

In NG+ players will find that the toughest enemies will now have a higher level cap, but the game balances this out by buffing Kratos' max level too, with your gear and stats capable of going beyond level nine.
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What is the hardest achievement in God of War Ragnarok?

  • Trials By Fire.
  • Muspelheim.
  • Bleeding Thumbs.
  • Titan Mode.
  • Lubed Up.
  • Speed Of Jason Mcdonald.
  • Up To The Challenge.
  • Allfather Blind.
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Can anything be missed in God of War Ragnarok?

God of War: Ragnarok

The Atreus sections Chests can be missed, though anything special in them (ie, abiliities, weapons) can be acquired later via the shop. These sections don't count towards 100% completion though. Nothing important is missable.
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