Can you rejoin the Dawnguard after becoming a Vampire Lord?

You can cure vampirism by going to Falion of Morthal. You won't be able to join the dawnguard still though.
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Can I join the Dawnguard after becoming a Vampire Lord?

You will not be able to join Dawnguards even if you cured yourself and they will still attack you (but less now).
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What happens to the Dawnguard if you become a vampire?

If you choose to become a vampire while already allied with Dawnguard (i.e. when Serana attempts to smuggle you into Soul Cairn), you basically get kicked out of the Dawnguard, until you cure yourself.
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Can you undo becoming a Vampire Lord?

You can undo being a Vampire Lord the same way you can for being a vampire. Go to an Inn and ask the Innkeeper about rumors. Eventually you'll get a rumor about Falion, which will start the quest to revert to human. You'll need a filled Black Soul Gem to complete the process.
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Do you still get Serana as a follower if you join the Dawnguard?

Serana is a pure-blood Vampire and follower who accompanies you throughout the Dawnguard questline. Her father is the vampire Lord Harkon. No matter which side you choose she still helps you.
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Skyrim's Vampires have a new advantage...

Can you marry Serana if she is cured?

While it is possible to turn your spouse into a vampire in the Dawnguard expansion, once you yourself have become a vampire, it isn't possible to marry someone who is already a vampire, like Serana. Fortunately, this is where fan mods come in to pick up the slack and give players what they want.
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Is it better to side with Dawnguard or vampires?

In short, joining the Dawnguard is by far the best choice players can make while playing the Dawnguard DLC.
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Can you switch from vampire to Dawnguard?

You can cure vampirism by going to Falion of Morthal. You won't be able to join the dawnguard still though.
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Can you become a Vampire Lord again in Dawnguard?

Vampire lord can be turned as many times as you want, assuming you are asking that. Serana will always offer the option to be a vampire and you can always talk to the dawnguard to get the cure option, assuming you did the dawnguard side. I have done it three times already.
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How to make Serana cured?

All Steps To Cure Serana

Defeat vampire Lord Harkon and talk to Serana shortly after the battle. If you follow the recommendations, you will have several new dialogue options. Select "Have you thought about getting cured of vampirism?" After her answer, select "You could be your own person again."
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Is it better to side with Harkon or Dawnguard?

Harkon's side is geared up for Vampire Lords, if you aren't a Vampire the benefits are nonexistant. If you don't want to be a vampire then Dawnguard is probably a better side for you, even if you are a bad guy.
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Can you marry Serana?

Although it is not possible to marry vampires, including Serana, in vanilla Skyrim, it is still possible to do so with the help of mods. To make marriage with Serana possible, fans should use the Marriable Serana mod made by C0drm0nk33 and available on Nexus Mods.
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Can you be a werewolf in Dawnguard?

In Dawnguard, if the Dragonborn is cured of Lycanthropy or becomes a Vampire Lord, they can talk to Aela and she can make them a werewolf again, canceling out vampirism.
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Can you betray Dawnguard?

You can become a vampire (not a vampire lord) under the usual circumstances. Turning will prevent the Dawnguard from dealing with you until you cure yourself. They won't be hostile, and you can't fully switch sides.
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Is it better to be a vampire or werewolf in Skyrim?

Speaking of benefits, it would seem that vampires do have more access to them as one can simply tap into their main powers without the need to transform, unlike a werewolf. Vampires also have better spellcasting abilities, making them perfect for mages.
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Can you become a Vampire Lord if you refuse Harkon?

If I refuse Harkon's offer can I still become a Vampire Lord later on? Thanks. Yes, Serana will offer to turn you into a vampire numerous times throughout the DLC. She's a pureblood vampire just like Harkon so youll get the lord spell.
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Can I join Volkihar after Dawnguard?

First, it triggers only when Dawnguard starts. So when you want to become vampire and join Volkihar later, you can't do it. And it's kinda a stretch that vampires send you an email with a mission to rescue Serana.
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How do I stop being a vampire after Dawnguard?

Alternatively, praying at a shrine cures it. Otherwise, the only method for removing the disease is to speak to Falion, the thaumaturge of Morthal. He requires a filled Black Soul Gem to cure vampirism.
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Can Serana turn you into a vampire after Dawnguard?

So, yes, you should be able to have Serana turn you into a vampire lord if you side with the Dawnguard.
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Should I join vampires or Dawnguard?

Overall, the physical rewards (weapons, etc) are better if you choose Dawnguard. However, you cannot regularly use the powerful Vampire Lord form until after you've completed the main questline, or else the Dawnguard members will not accept you.
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What if I refuse to become a vampire in Dawnguard?

There are two sides to the Dawnguard DLC. If you take the vampire option (available through dialog), you just joined the Vampire side. If you refuse the vampire option, you remain with the Dawnguard side. Both sides end up at the same goal in the end, so the decision won't affect end game.
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Do vampire attacks stop after Dawnguard?

The random vampire attacks will cease once the Dawnguard DLC's main quest-line has been completed, no matter which side you took. Thing is, some are saying that should you choose to do a radiant quest from either side having completed the main quest, it'll restart the vampire attacks again.
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Will Serana cure her vampirism?

From UESP: "If you side with the Dawnguard, you can convince Serana to cure her vampirism after completing the main questline and leaving Volkihar Cathedral. Convincing her is dependent on the conversations you have with her during the questline.
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Can I still become a Vampire Lord if I side with the Dawnguard?

One comes midway through the MQ and the other is after it's done. Yes, you are given two chances to become a vampire lord after you reject Harkon and side with the dawnguard. One comes midway through the MQ and the other is after it's done.
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Which side should I pick Dawnguard?

Both sides are fun, if you're into archery, or enjoy lycanthropy, then go with the Dawnguard, you can't be both a wolf and vampire so if you like being a werewolf you can't be a vampire. If your character is a strong archer, the crossbow is worth your time. if you want to be a vampire lord then side with the vampires.
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