Can you romance Miranda and Jack at the same time?
After each mission, talk to Miranda, Jack andCan you sleep with Jack and still romance Miranda?
But yes, pin42 is correct that you can hook up with Jack early, and still get Miranda (or Tali) later on, but as I said before, you cannot get the achievement by sleeping with Jack.What happens if you Romance multiple people in Mass Effect 2?
These are the main six options available for a "proper" Romance, and seeing one to its conclusion in Mass Effect 2 will grant the Paramour Achievement. However you can only do this with one option: attempting to try two will force you to choose one and permenantly break up with the other.Who is better to romance Jack or Miranda?
Choice is obvious. Jack's is way more rewarding. Miranda's romance is about Shepard being impressed by Miranda's endowments and Miranda being impressed by Shepard's accomplishments, and they shag 'cause they're, oh, so great. Miranda's romance is only worth it for the ass and bewbs.Who to side with, Miranda or Jack?
Unloyal Miranda is easier to keep alive, so if you fail to break the fight again, then just side with Jack. Just FYI, you can try talking to either Miranda or Jack again after the cat-fight to regain her loyalty.This CAN'T End Well - What If You Romance BOTH JACK & MIRANDA in Mass Effect 2?
Can you romance Miranda after siding with Jack?
At max level, you need about 90% paragon score for most game options. No, she doesn't still like you after that. She feels better and will talk to you, but you cannot romance her.Can you romance both Jack and Miranda in Mass Effect 2?
From the Mass Effect Wikia: "Although it is possible to have a sexual encounter with Jack before this, it does not count as a romance." So, I'm hitting on MIranda. Can I hit on Jack, have sex with her, but still finish with Miranda as a romance? Yes.What happens if you cheat on Ashley in ME2?
Cheating on Ashley with Tali, Jack or Miranda in Mass Effect 2 gets -1 Point. Picking the Paragon options on Mars gets +1 Point, while the Renegade options get -1 Point. Visiting Ashley at Heurta while she's awake but bedridden at Huerta will get +2 Points.How much Renegade to stop Jack and Miranda?
From my understanding, if you have your class skill leveled all the way up and picked the option that gives you 100% bonus to paragon/renegade, the Miranda/Jack fight requires 80% paragon or 40% renegade, and the Tali/Legion fight requires 40% paragon or 80% renegade.Can you keep both Miranda and Jack's loyalty?
If you have no blue or red dialog option, you can't retain both loyalties. Reload a previous safe and wait with one of the loyalty missions up until derelict reaper if you have too in order to gain a better ratio (70/100 points leaves more room for decission then 21/30 does, although both ratios are identically).Does romancing Kelly affect Miranda?
No you cannot romance both miranda and Kelly. Kelly is more like a prize for staying true to your ME1 love interest. Kelly can be invited to dinner without messing up any other romances after you pick up Samara but there is no scene involved, it is an implied event.How many people can you sleep with in Mass Effect 2?
Mass Effect 2 is has a total of 12 possible companions, the most out of the series, and players will be able to pursue romantic relationships with six of them. These are Miranda, Tali, or Jack for male Shepard, and Jacob, Thane, or Garrus for female Shepard.Does romancing Kelly affect Ashley?
Having Kelly Chambers as a romance does not effect any other romance options. Also it's the only way to keep your fish from ME2.Can you break up with Miranda without her dying?
If you do, Miranda will die. The only way to avoid this is to lock in a different Romance before breaking up with her; this safely removes the break-up choice from her conversations.Who did Miranda sleep with?
Miranda knew how to prioritize herself without disregarding the well-being of those in her orbit. But in “And Just Like That …,” she not only repeatedly cheats on Steve by having sex with Che, but also betrays Che's trust by not informing them that the two of them sleeping together constitutes an affair.What happens if Miranda isn't loyal?
Miranda and Garrus will still be shot but will survive if not loyal so you don't even need them to be loyal here if you pick them. Jacob will die if not loyal.Can you lose Jack's loyalty?
Jack VS MirandaThis is a VERY important situation because it's possible to lose the Loyalty of one of them here, as well as lock them out of a Romance. The only way to avoid this is to pass a VERY demanding Persuasion Check, but if Romance isn't a concern then it's possible to patch things up afterwards.
Can you break up with Jack in me3?
Jack Romance ExplainedTo break up with her, pick "Let's call it quits", permanently ending your Romance with her and letting you pursue somebody else.
Did Liara cheat with Feron?
Later, Shepard can ask Liara whether she ever developed a romantic relationship with Feron, but Liara assures Shepard that she and Feron are "just friends" and that Shepard made it clear to Feron that she was, as humans say, "taken." Alternatively, if Shepard opts not to take the kiss, she teasingly asks if Shepard is ...Does Liara get mad if you romance someone else in ME2?
Liara is pretty pissed if you cheat on her in ME 2 as well, should you romance her in ME 1, and then go with someone else in ME 2 during the "LOTSB" Liara will call you out on it, you can get back together with her or end it.How to romance Ashley but keep Miranda alive?
At the apartments, tell Miranda you want to stay together and let her have the intel she asks for. After that, go to Ashley at Apollo's Café, and lock in your relationship with her. Do all of that, and Miranda should survive Horizon and you can break up with her there.What happens if you sleep with Jack in Mass Effect 2?
The Sexual FlingThis is a very important decision. If you pick "Yes, I want you", you'll have a sexual encounter with her. HOWEVER, Jack will then refuse to talk to Shepard aboard the Normandy for the rest of the game, having concluded that it's all you wanted her for.
What triggers Miranda and Jack's fight?
Also the argument happens right after either jack or miranda's loyalty mission. Which ever you do last, so i would recommend not doing Jack's loyalty mission or mirada's (whichever you haven't done) till you have enough paragone/ renegade.Can you romance Miranda in Mass Effect 3 if you didn t in 2?
To romance Miranda in Mass Effect 3, Shepard must have initiated a romance with her in Mass Effect 2. He can also choose to break things off at the start of Mass Effect 3 and romance another companion instead, but this comes with dire consequences.
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