Can you still fight dragons after defeating Alduin?

No, dragons will still spawn after killing Alduin, they just spawn less. This is without Dragonborn. If there are any dragon roosts you have not yet discovered, there should still be dragon there, that dragon in Blackreach should still be there if not killed, etc. Random dragons will be much rarer though.
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Can you still play Skyrim after defeating Alduin?

Once Alduin has been defeated, speaking to Tsun will cause him to explain that he can return the Dragonborn back to Nirn. Once they accept this offer, Tsun will grant the Dragonborn the Call of Valor shout, which can summon an ancient Nord hero to aid in battle.
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Do dragons stop spawning after the main quest?

Until you do the quest to kill the dragon outside of Whiterun, they won't spawn. After that, they will always continue to spawn, however once you finish the main questline, the %chance of dragons spawning lessens, but they never vanish forever.
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Can I kill Paarthurnax after Alduin?

It is possible to kill Paarthurnax directly after the quest "Alduin's Bane," since he is no longer an essential character. Once he is dead, traveling to Sky Haven Temple and talking to Esbern will get him to introduce the Dragonborn to the quest to kill Paarthurnax.
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Can you go back to Sovngarde after killing Alduin?

It is one of the few places in the game that cannot be revisited, so be sure not to leave anything behind.
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if you Come to Durnehviir After Killing Alduin, he will comment on it...

Do dragons stop attacking after defeating Alduin?

Dragon attacks become less frequent but still continue as some dragons remain loyal to Alduin. Story wise keeping Paarthurnax alive should reduce the number of dragons loyal to Alduin, but since that is optional the game largely ignores that choice. They never stop.
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Is there anything to find after defeating Alduin?

Once Alduin is dead, talk to Tsun and he will teach you a new Shout and send you on your merry way back to the living world. You should end up at the Throat of the World with many dragons surrounding you.
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Should I kill Paarthurnax or let him live?

Summary. Killing Paarthurnax aligns with the Blades, offering buffs and radiant Dragon Hunting missions. Sparing Paarthurnax maintains Greybeard support, aiding in unlocking Voice powers and Shout bonuses. Choosing peace by sparing Paarthurnax results in a symbolic and potentially better future in Skyrim.
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Can you kill Delphine and Esbern instead of Paarthurnax?

Because Delphine and Esbern are always essential characters and cannot die it is not possible to kill them to protect Paarthurnax. However, it is not necessary. While you can implicitly decline this quest and make it disappear from your active quests, you may still kill Paarthurnax at any later time.
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Can I refuse to kill Paarthurnax?

Since the "Paarthurnax" quest doesn't give players a choice in whether Paarthurnax should live or die, the only way to complete it is to kill Paarthurnax. Failing to do this, Esbern and Delphine will distance themselves from the Dragonborn and refuse to talk to them about anything of note until the wise dragon is dead.
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Can I still get dragon souls after killing Alduin?

Your dragon fighting days are over once you defeat Alduin. So if you don't have many dragon souls, then don't do main questline to completetion. EDIT: You can still have to fight scripted dragons with Dragonborn DLC. No, dragons will still spawn after killing Alduin, they just spawn less.
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What level is the Legendary Dragon in Skyrim?

The Legendary Dragon is a high powered dragon that is randomly spawned into the world when you reach level 70 or above. It has twice the health and power of the already vicious Ancient and Elder Dragons.
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Can you respawn the dragon before it dies?

The end crystals placed were consumed and all the end crystals on the towers lit themselves. The dragon can't be respawned until it's alreadu dead.
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Does defeating Alduin end the game?

That is the end of the main quest line, but not the end of the game. Skyrim is a HUGE place. Just talk to people around Windhelm and other populated areas and you are bound to find other quests to do. Exploring Skyrim itself might be another thing to do.
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What level should you be to defeat Alduin?

Depending on how high your level is, the battle can be very difficult. For example, if you were leveling up and not following main quests, Alduin's level can reach the maximum level of 100. And then his attacks are very painful. If you fight him at levels 30-50, then just use the same strategy as against other dragons.
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Where is Esbern after defeating Alduin?

There have been instances in which Esbern disappears when the Dragonborn fast travels. If this happens, a solution is to return to The Ratway Warrens. Once near Esbern's room, he should reappear and engage in combat with various Thalmor enemies.
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Who is better greybeards or blades?

The Greybeards give you the location of Dragon Shout walls, the Blades give you the location of a generic dragon to hunt down. The Greybeards are awesome. Blades should follow the Dragonborn and not the other way around. If you side with the Greybeards you lose Esbern's blessing.
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Is Paarthurnax a villain?

Paarthurnax was never “pure good” or “pure evil.” He was flawed. No matter who or what anyone is in TES universe; god, man, mer, daedra, aedra, it doesn't matter. Beings of any classification are imperfect and history has proven this in TES universe.
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Can you marry Delphine in Skyrim?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

She's not in the list of marriable females, so probably not unless there's a mod. You can try marrying anyone using the console.
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Who should I talk to after defeating Alduin?

When you have defeated Alduin, he will fly off. You must track down one of his minions to find Alduin again. Speak with Paarthurnax, Arngeir, or Esbern to proceed.
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Why does Delphine want to kill Paarthurnax?

Delphine's justification for demanding Paarthurnax's death is due to his past service to Alduin. During Skyrim's Dragon War, Paarthurnax served as one of Alduin's lieutenants.
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Is it better to leave Cicero alive?

To kill him not only removes a back-up plan in preserving the next Listener (If the Dragonborn were to ever die or lose his status as Listener) He also loses the strict supervision of her corpse and coffin. Killing Cicero grants you access to his unique outfit and benefits, but loses on a pretty unique follower.
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Is there any secret loot in Sovngarde?

Before engaging in battle in the next quest, there are two unique items found in the Hall of Valor, a Roasted Ox Head, and two Roasted Ox Legs.
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Is there no reward for killing Alduin?

You don't get dragon bones or scales. No magical item or quest reward. You don't even get a dragon soul, because you never technically killed Alduin at all.
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Can you loot Alduin?

There is a brief moment where the option to loot Alduin's body appears before he disintegrates, although he cannot actually be looted. It is possible, if Kahvozein's Fang is equipped in the right hand, to harvest Dragon Heartscales. When Alduin dies, a whirling vortex appears above Sovngarde.
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