Can you swim in Elden Ring?

The starting area can be reached from the Four Bellfries and the Dragon Church can be reached from Coastal Cave. "Every action has a reaction, don't be quick to judge. You may not know the hardships people don't speak of." So you can kill dragons and demigods but can't swim.
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Does Elden Ring have swimming?

The Council does not recognize you as a Lord. Because swimming adds to dev time and the inability to swim makes it easier to make death traps.
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Can the tarnished swim?

Swimming in full plate isn't really an option. And there are quite likely lore reasons why the deep waters are a no go. They could be cursed, or not even water, or filled with microscopic hostile life or it could be as simple as the Tarnished cannot survive in water due to their curse.
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Can you go to the island in Elden Ring?

This strange isolated island off the west coast of Limgrave cannot be traveled to by regular means, as the deep waters will kill you. Instead, you must travel through the nearby Dissenter's Cave along the coastline that connects to the island.
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What is the floating island in Elden Ring?

One of the remotest regions of The Lands Between in Elden Ring, Crumbling Farum Azula is an endgame region filled to the brim with high-level enemies and some of the hardest bosses in the game. But as a floating island far to the east of the main continent, you can't reach Farum Azula via any conventional means.
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Elden Ring can you swim to the island

What are swimming pools in Elden Ring?

Locations. Summoning Pools (also known as Effigies of Martyrs) are found throughout the Lands Between. They are part of the multiplayer system and are used to display the Summon Signs on other players.
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What is the invisible thing on the beach in Elden Ring?

What are the invisible enemies in Elden Ring? The creature that looks like it's absolutely massive based on the footprints is actually a Teardrop Scarab. The reason your attacks have been missing is because it's not big, and you have to hit right at the front of where the footsteps are as it comes past to defeat it.
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How do you get across the water in Elden Ring?

Near the final item you will see some logs sticking out of the water. Use them to cross over to the ring of pillars nearby, then use the logs in the middle to get across to the other side where there is one item to be grabbed, a Great Grave Glovewort.
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Where is the secret dragon boss in Elden Ring?

How to find Dragonlord Placidusax's location in Elden Ring. Dragonlord Placidusax is located in Crumbling Farum Azula, and to reach him requires these steps: Start at the "Beside the Great Bridge" Site of Grace. Head down the lift behind you.
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Can you travel in Elden Ring?

As you explore the Lands Between, you can uncover Sites of Grace that serve as bonfires to rest, recharge, and level up. By viewing them on the map, you can fast travel to any Site of Grace you have rested at, with a few exceptions.
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Is the tarnished immortal?

The tarnished in Elden Ring aren't exactly immortal. in the traditional sense. They're undead, able to return from death due to the IR tree's Grace. The tarnish were once exiled because they lost the IR tree's Grace.
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Why was Tarnished banished?

The Tarnished are individuals who lost the grace of the Erdtree and were consequently banished from the Lands Between by Queen Marika the Eternal. Following the breaking of the Elden Ring, the Tarnished were beckoned by lost grace, fragmentary divine light from the Erdtree, to return.
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Who revived the tarnished?

The Tarnished were members of Godfrey's army. They left the Lands Between via the Long March, they lived, fought, died in the badlands and were revived when receiving the call from Marika to come back and become Elden Lord.
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Are there zombies in Elden Ring?

Putrid Corpse is a Humanoid Enemy in Elden Ring. Putrid Corpses are the reanimated dead that roam the Lands Between en masse. Usually found in large groups around graves and catacombs.
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Is there alcohol in Elden Ring?

Various potions are seen throughout the game, but there are no drugs or alcohol use. Potions and flasks can be drunk to inflict positive effects on the player.
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Is there sin in Elden Ring?

"The burning of the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin. That is not the domain of mere men." Incantation originating from a deeply ominous prophecy. Sets both the caster and the surrounding area ablaze with raging flames.
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What is the hardest boss in Elden Ring?

Crumbling Farum Azula is arguably the most difficult region in Elden Ring, with Maliketh capping off a grueling set of bosses that includes the Godskin Duo and Dragonlord Placidusax.
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What is Maliketh weak to?

One of the best ways for you to cause a lot of damage to Maliketh is with physical attacks. In other words, strong weapons are the best way to go in this encounter. Bleeding also works pretty well against him. If you don't have a weapon with the capacity to cause Bleed, you should consider using Blood Grease.
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Who cut off Placidusax head?

While fighting Bayle The Dread, you should be able to see the detached head of a dragon lodging into the beast's neck. The Talisman of the Dread explains that Bayle and Placidusax once fought to become Elden Lord, and were both gravely wounded as a result.
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How do you get to the beach in Elden Ring?

This area is found along the northwestern area of Limgrave, with beach access located along the cliffs north of the Cave of Knoweldge tutorial dungeon (though a Troll wanders the path down to the beach).
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Where is the wet stone in Elden Ring?

Being a Whetblade, it is also used for equipping the Ashes of War at Sites of Grace. Whetstone Knife is found in the southeastern area of Gatefront Ruins. To be more precise, players will have to visit the Limgrave area, just east of the Gatefront Site of Grace, to locate the Whetstone knife.
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Is Cave of the Forlorn worth it?

Cave of the Forlorn is one of the smaller dungeons in the game, having few pathways and a low variety of enemies. There is not much notable loot inside the dungeon excited for a Legendary Armament. In order to acquire the trophy/achievement for collecting all Legendary Armaments, you will need to complete this dungeon.
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What is the floating area in Elden Ring?

The tempestuous region of Crumbling Farum Azula in Elden Ring is marked by its floating platforms and ancient buildings, where you must face ferocious beastmen and mighty ancient dragons.
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What are the alien looking things in Elden Ring?

Albinaurics are Humanoid Enemies in Elden Ring. Albinaurics are said to have been artificial lifeforms that were made by humans.
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What is the hidden thing in Elden Ring?

Among the hidden items is the Raptor's Black Feathers, an armor that enhances jump attacks. The cave also contains the Skeletal Mask and the full Bloodhound Knight Armor set, making it a must-explore area for players seeking powerful gear.
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