Can you turn Pillagers into villagers?

Using a Confusion potion and a Golden apple you can change a Pillager into a Villager.
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How do I get Pillagers to my village?

Around the world you will find pillager outposts, which should have some pillagers running around outside of them. Sometimes, one of them will have a banner above their head. Kill them, and you get the bad omen status effect. Now simply enter any village and it should trigger a raid on the village.
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Do pillagers lead to villages?

In Java Edition, pillager outposts never generate too close to, or within, villages. They can do so in Bedrock Edition as well as generate far away from villages.
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Can you get rid of pillagers?

Pillager deletion

Turn your difficulty into peaceful to get rid of all pillagers, but without gaining any drops or experience, and raids are not possible in Peaceful mode.
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How do you turn a villager into an Illager?

This might be subtle hit is one way of putting that message. A villager can be transformed into an illager killed by an illager or if struck by lightning. An illager however, cannot become a villager in any way.
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1,000,000 Villagers Simulate Civilization

Can you change a pillager into a villager?

Using a Confusion potion and a Golden apple you can change a Pillager into a Villager.
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Will pillagers steal your stuff?

Since Pillager patrols exist, allow Pillagers to steal items from chests within 500 blocks of their outposts if certain conditions are met: 1. The chest is within 200 blocks from the player's bed in any direction. 2.
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Why do pillagers hate villagers?

According to the Minecraft Mobestiary, the Illagers were banished from villages for committing "unspeakable activities." An example of this banishment could be seen in The Rise of the Arch-Illager, the prequel novel of Minecraft Dungeons. This is likely be the reason why the Illagers feel such hatred for Villagers.
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Can pillagers break into your house?

Pillagers are still able to open doors just like villagers, and unless you're planning on waiting them out, they don't just give up willy nilly. If you control where pillagers will be, it's a lot easier to deal with them when and how you want to.
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Can you live in a pillager outpost?

However, you can't really make it your home as it is right now, or even just a safe base of yours, as pillagers constantly spawn there. Some players may want that, for things like pillager farms for example, or just places they can go to constantly kill some pillagers for a XP boost and maybe some other loot.
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Why are Pillagers at my house in Minecraft?

They keep spawning because you haven't prevented them, and they keep coming near your house because that's what patrols do. Light up the entire area. Yes, pillagers spawn even in broad daylight, but they do respect block light. If you spawnproof far enough out, you'll never see these guys at home again.
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Do ominous banners attract pillagers?

If a player were to hang an ominous banner in their base then it would make it more likely for pillager patrols to spawn near you.
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What is the difference between illager and pillager?

Illagers spawn naturally in patrol and raids. They always spawn naturally in groups while in patrols and raids, or inside their structures. Pillagers spawn in pillager outposts. Vindicators and evokers spawn in woodland mansions.
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Why does my village keep getting raided?

Spawning. A player with the Bad Omen status effect triggers a raid upon entering a chunk with at least one villager and a claimed bed, or one of the 8 chunks surrounding it in a square. In Java Edition, a villager with a claimed bell or job site block can also trigger a raid, even if no claimed beds are present.
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Can pillagers raid your base?

Once you have walled off your village, you can use ladders to scale the wall and shoot the raiders with a bow. You can alternatively use walls or fences to border your village. Be aware that pillagers can still shoot and evokers can summon their fang attack or vexes to attack both the villagers and iron golems.
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How do you stop Pillagers from killing villagers?

Once all of the villagers run into their houses, find all of the villagers that you need or find important. Then, cover their doors with cobble, and start the raid. The pillagers cannot break cobble, so they won't be able to kill the villager(s) inside of the house.
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What are pillagers afraid of?

Pillagers are scared of goats.
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Do pillagers without crossbows scare villagers?

A Pillager's crossbow can break. If their crossbows are broken they are passive to players and still hostile to villager although they are unarmed.
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Can you befriend pillagers?

To tame the pillager, you need to break its crossbow. Since a crossbow has a durability of 326, you need the pillager to use its crossbow 326 times to break it! So add 5 shields to your hotbar (we added 6, just in case) and possibly some food.
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What curse do pillagers give you?

Bad Omen is a status effect and can be removed through all conventional methods, such as drinking milk or dying. The player can still receive the Bad Omen effect in peaceful difficulty via commands (all pillager captains despawn in peaceful), but does not trigger a raid if in a village.
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What do you get for killing pillagers in Minecraft?

Killing a pillager patrol captain should cause the pillagers in the patrol to begin obeying you. In other words, gaining the "Bad Omen" effect causes all pillagers to stop attacking you, begin following you, naturally attack hostile mobs, and also attack mobs which you attack (similar to a dog).
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Can you make a pillager leader?

In Bedrock Edition, a pillager raid captain can be spawned using the /summon pillager ~ ~ ~ minecraft:spawn_as_illager_captain command, and a vindicator raid captain can be spawned using /summon vindicator ~ ~ ~ minecraft:spawn_as_illager_captain command.
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Can you give a pillager a crossbow?

If you give a pillager captain arrows or a crossbow them and the other nearby pillagers won't attack you unless you hit one of the pillagers. If you give a normal pillager arrows or a crossbow the other nearby pillagers will attack them.
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